— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №122173
What if the Amur tiger doesn’t eat the Timur goat because it’s New Year?

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №122172
It’s shit anyway...

Judging by the development of discussions, to distinguish "the man, the time of asking" from "the man, to the grandmother clinging" here can be units. Per it makes sense to work on reducing one’s own inadequacy and infantility, rather than blaming men?

So let your men apply your advice to themselves and do not approach asking (and moreover knowing) about any hamacks. Can they not distinguish? So infantiles are inadequate, work on yourself a step march!

And another thing, if you approach something to ask - it is YOU need, you are in the role of the applicant, who can help, and can refuse.
I, for the first polite "No", but, for some reason, most do not get to the first time. Per it is they who then write long posts about hamsters?

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №122171
Dear men! I’ve been reading this gender shit for two days and I don’t understand it.
If a man needs to know the time, the date, the road, the city, then why don’t you turn to your fellow men by reason, that is. to each other?
Why do you ask women about it, usually younger than yourself? So do these questions initially contain some subtext?

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №122170
I really have the impression that I am sailing in a huge ship with a goose and shells.
A hole appears - I clogged it with my stomach and spotted the clutch so that nothing would be poured.
The hole is more and more.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №122169
The lawful answer:

Here I read all this joke about time and road, and in my head arises a quite natural question, and what prevents men from asking the necessary information from other men?

The same reason is to deal in the middle of the night with an unfamiliar man is somehow referential.
so that the men who say that, say, "baby chocked already give me, such a cute, and immediately nahuy," themselves are not very rushed to communicate with a stranger closet wider themselves in their shoulders.

[ + 25 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №122168
No, well, for a long time I laughed at the girls who, instead of telling me the time and the way, shudder and run away, until I remembered how at the age of 16 she went out on the street and specifically made an extremely dark expression of the face, so that they were not constantly looking at the focus and not attached. For then I was simply attracting inadequate uncles, making very questionable suggestions to the obvious schoolgirl, and very annoying young people.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №122167
"No, but the machine is there!"

This is why possessors of potentially dangerous objects are recorded. Not every car owner will kill a person, not every gun owner will kill or injure, not every doctor will trade in substances (although, in the latter case, I would say, the potential benefit of painkillers for patients outweighs the potential harm of their illegal sale). But accounting is still necessary, and there are measures to prevent unwanted use of weapons, equipment, medicines. Here and a member can do good, and you can do evil, only for some reason instead of the strictest rules of use of the member introduce only (agreed, drawn with blood) safety rules for girls (not to talk, not to visit, in the darkness at all not to go anywhere). And then some are offended that girls, taught by experience - well, if strange, strictly follow these rules. And after reading the comments to any feminist article, you’ll be terrified: does this all walk the streets around us and look like normal people? The girls are absolutely right. And they will be right until the absolute majority of us ceases to pose a potential danger to them.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №122166
"Tax, what if we raise prices and tariffs? Will wages be reduced? Where do they live and where do they get their money from?
Thoughts of Members

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №122165
In general, everything is clear to everyone. Men do not acknowledge the cases of rape and the fear of women, women do not acknowledge the existence of normal men and immediately shrink at innocent questions on the street.
In short, a full crowd with a head.
I am beautiful in white :)

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №122164
I go to the metro. I listen to music. Next to it sits a 5-year-old girl with her father and looks at a Czech cartoon about a crocodile on the phone. Well, I stuck in him too. Then I thought, “It’s not nice to look at that in someone else’s phone.” I turned away. The girl, without raising her head, shrugged me by the hand like “look.” of mercy)

[ + 23 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №122163
I can't believe that the girl just met so inadequate, even if she was at least three times a colorist.

I'm not a beauty, but by the inadequacy of others - a champion. These are the last pearls. I go with a huge pregnant mouth in the hug to stop my husband to meet from work, it is already dark. During these 15 minutes: 1) I was attacked by a vicious taxi without a lead, its owner stood a hundred meters away and spotted it with a matte without trying to approach and pull it away. 2) For something not less emotional, but very unclearly, a horribly drunk man struck me (he even tried to chase, but fell into a bowl). 3) A young man of the eastern appearance, rushing out of the parked cars, said: “Devy, you are so rude, let me read your poems!” " I refused politely then, but from surprise and distracted feelings I could give anything...

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №122162
Now the Jedi appear by the method of playing Sifo, who took the light sword, the Jedi.
This is the feeling that is created. I had to let Droid go.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №122161
Just came to us in the office with the purpose of updating the database of regulatory and technical documentation, and at the same time gave all the calendars and music discs with the logos of her office. So, when I turned on the music, I heard a quiet, peaceful melody performed on classical instruments – and it was painfully familiar, but I couldn’t remember where I heard it. But then I was obscured – it was the melody of the song “Leningrad” – “Our people love all kinds of shit.” Trolls 80 lb.

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №122160
Shampoo against hair loss.

I’m against it too, but what’s wrong?

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №122159
Straga: Stories from the words of a senior colleague: I have a village in the city, there is a village in the village. Whoever opened it in February and stole it!!! Nearby was a full box of vodka, it was unrealistic to go past it, but they have not yet taken it. 15 years have passed, the question is still tormenting: the napige in February needed hair, and why did not take vodka?? to
We need to clarify, urgently need hair!! to

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №122158
I hugged the young man, who asked me how long, because all the men were goats and insulted me.

I raped this drunk student because she was wearing a dress with a decolt, and all the babies are prostitutes.

I hit a man with a barbecue on his head with a castet and stole him because he has a expensive car, and generally all the wealthy people profit from such simple guys as me.

I have the right to be a shit because everyone else is even worse.

L is logic.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №122157
Winter Ural Forest, 10 km from the border of the city. Around no one, gentle snowed silence, can be touched with straight hands. Trees in snow hats. Solitary skiing between trees. And exactly in the skiing - careful bunches of shit every few kilometers. I don’t even know whether the skiers themselves tried it, or their four-legged friends. But shit, can’t you fuck at least next to the ski, not straight into the track?? to

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №122156
About the static.
We worked in an office with synthetic tents and a synthetic uniform of employees. His favorite entertainment was to get close to a colleague and throw the accumulated charge on the tip of his ear or nose. And when we turned off the lights, we rubbed each other’s sleeves and the beautiful spark and threshold.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №122155
The friendship of the goat Timur and the tiger Amur will be filmed in a cartoon film.

xxx: And when the tiger Amur will eat Timor's goat, it is urgent to make a horror film "The Predator. Evil Returns or the social drama-tragedy "Hunger Games. Toughened Laminated Safety "...

[ + 24 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №122154
Soviet cinema clearly embellished and embellished reality. Even with the pickup. In the film "Where is the novell?", the pickupper of the old spill on the cut "do not tell!" immediately fell and went to look for another victim, rather than telling the girls what creatures they are, what happiness they do not value, and then did not complain anonymously about what all the babies "hamki".

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna