— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №121292
A car number is the best gift for a car lover! If you used to have the keys, then now the keys and the car.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №121291
xxx:>> On Sunday, the NSA overturns its multi-year mass intercept
XXX: up to what number?
YYY: Until Monday

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №121290
In cities, cities and other settlements, establish Wi-Fi free of charge. And every class of people to allow in the forums to speak outright, so that the foolishness of everyone is visible.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №121289
18969, read your cry on the engineering chart and hardly restrained, so as not to stumble in the voice.

The terrible subject before the '90s was mandatory in all schools in the class at 6-7 and was unmistakably called drawing. Drawing was, along with physical education, a way to get at least one fifth in the certificate, even if you are not friends at all. You can’t run out with your feet – sit out and drink.

And to cry out of the fact that the bad dad makes you understand the connections - it is generally cool. Strings refer to the so-called "easiest constructions with the help of a circle and line" and are studied in the fifth class at the first lessons of geometry, when the child still knows nothing and can not.

I wonder what a city this is, where even a person, so incapable of independent learning (and the practical subject is not forcibly put into the head) and obviously proud of it has the first places in physics.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №121288
XXX: I am fused with the crowd of your grandmothers!
I am no different from them!
YYY: The crowd said it loudly.
My grandmothers can be counted on the fingers of one hand of the miller, who does not observe the safety technique when working on the machine.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №121287
XX: I confirm that uneducated and illiterate people are enough. One site with prostitutes linked to the anti-prohibition, and the prostitutes wrote me to add or edit their questionnaire. I asked for passports and gave them all. Photographs and questionnaires were sent.
YYY: That’s how they come into porn business.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №121286
The theme of the boilers is best revealed by Dante in The Divine Comedy.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №121285
YYU: I’ve noticed such a strange thing, many programs (including the OS) have two stages of development: first the improvement stage, when each new version becomes less bumpy and more comfortable. Then - "decorations", when, it would seem, the program has already reached perfection, but the creators begin to twist to it all kinds of whistleblowers (such as leaving new bugs) and for some reason completely rearrange the interface, so that all the comfort is flying away.
Here it turns out that I still sit with Windows XP, use the 2003 office, listen to music in winamp 2.9, record disks in Nero 6, download old uTorrent, etc. and etc. And on the other hard part I have Ubuntu 10.04, which is just as pleasant to me...

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №121284
My son betrayed today. I ask him from biology: who is Chlamydomonas? This is the Egyptian queen.
XXX: It was absolutely serious.

Is she not the Egyptian queen?

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №121283
by 18967.
There is such an anime, "Drrr!" is called. There in modern Tokyo there is a Russian sushi restaurant, where, among other things, a borsche set and a set of cream are served. There is also a blue-eyed blonde black man named Semen Brezhnev. This is a real Russian man.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №121282
Cherry: Get better quickly.
Tag: recovering
Cereals are synonyms.
No to No)

[ + 23 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №121281
According to statistics, the largest number of Russians are killed in Russia. I propose to recognize Russia as a state that is dangerous for Russian citizens to visit and to forcibly deport all... well, for example, to the Netherlands.

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №121280
The evening of answers from the old misanthrope.

I don't like what is expensive and bad, why go - eat at home.

Reusable condoms have existed in the past, and some have used reusable and modern ones.
About cleaning toilet paper was a joke 30 years ago.

It is not a rebus.

The wisdom about "there was no one that would change only once" as a foreign humor was printed in the journal "Crocodile".

They know and love to tie not only the old ones.

Without advertising for unnecessary items, I’t have anything to read.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №121279
The Woman! I got a mammoth – prepare! With these words, my husband laid a whole chicken on the table before me.

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №121278
Let’s go see Indian movies.
YYY: Yes, they are singing there all the time.
We are without sound.
YYY: They are dancing.
XXX: Close the eyes.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №121277
DarkStranger: I went to a friend for a cup of tea. His cat has recently had cats. The hands now, as if the oak of the nuts in the marriage period got.

[ + 16 - ] Comment quote №121276
I’m afraid of my neighbor, he’s misanthropic and racist. As long as he hasn’t met him in the store, he always takes half of the black.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №121275
Oral courses

In the seventh decade
My grandfather made a mine.

May God give you, Fathers,
Like my grandfather, I ended up.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №121274
(Conversation about pronounced pronouncement: "sophia" and so on.)

aaa: So "biton" is it concrete or bidon?

BBB: Usually it’s said that way...

ccc: What is beton pronounced?

bbb: "Cement" :-]

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №121273
I served in Germany before the withdrawal of troops from the warehouse. Since the case was in stagnant times, the exchange of currency was strict and allowed to exchange only 30 rubles. Upon leaving Russia, a declaration was issued, with which the Zaldaticus went to the bank and exchanged these rubles for marks. The declaration was stamped with the text in the barbaric language and the signature of the treasurer.

But there are methods... The stamp was reduced to some sort of composition from sets of chim. exploration, and the resulting yellow spot is chlorine. As a result, the declaration became virgin and the procedure was repeated in another bank. There was only one problem. Each declaration was used 10-15 times and by the end of the cycle it had a rather suspicious appearance.

Here I give such a paper to the buyer going to the city and ask to change the other money. The flag has long considered mint and a strange smell of pharmacy paper, but it agrees. It appears a little green in an hour and says it almost burned. When asked what specifically caused suspicion (the paper was, of course, of a fuzzy appearance, but even worse jumped), he that with the appearance of her just everything was normal, but when a decent German put a stamp on the declaration, he immediately disappeared...

While the elderly lady knocked her eyes after the third attempt to stamp the stubborn creature, he managed to grab the evidence and drop it.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna