— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №120772
In the USSR, the Boolean variable was sufficient for storing data on the partyity of a person.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №120771
Val is good Yandex.
"Let’s solve the problem.
Hi Valentine!
You recently tried to pay on the “Money Transfer” showcase, but for some reason you didn’t get to the end. Maybe you didn’t have enough Yandex.Money"?
No, I saw your commission guys 8) 8)

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №120770
The toilet was stuck at work. The communalists on the second day are dying in every possible way. The boss insults, promises to bring them to the office tomorrow a demo version of the problem in the cage. We wait.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №120769
In short, Jack Daniels is a fucking guy.
YYY: You didn’t try it with kefir.

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №120768
In a pair:
At the end of the day, you will get 2...
The more twins, the fewer students, the fewer students, the fewer twins.

[ + 15 - ] Comment quote №120767
Dear user. We have received your message and resolved your problem. Our head of development department said literally: “Yes, I’m in my mouth to take into account the opinion of every dumb mu..ka about usability, let me read the ancient versions of the software,

Thanks for sincerity.
stupid fools, stealing your software and hacking it now will still show your site through innet fax

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №120766
I had mega quests this morning. They were funny at all! adrenaline, drive... the organizers - such good guys, made specially dedicated places along the road. There is a bus, and in each room (except for the state meter). In it you sit and you are driven, there are people of all kinds... somebody sits later, somebody has been driving before! Many people don’t stand up before they get general, it’s fun!

What about the car? ?

And all this pleasure is only 17 rubles! Not a thousand! Just a ruble!! to

Gave to repair

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №120765
The heart of any fortress (although an automotive electrolyte) can be coupled up to 90+ percent, the benefit of Tkyp is much higher than water. And from it already make nitrogen by racing with a silicate.

Morthan "And it was already made of nitrogen by distillation with silicium."When I was trying to do this as a child, the rubber block of the cane in which the distillation was made burned from the inside. It was very specific feelings.

Jeditobe Tell me what you felt at that moment?

BubaVV Materialization of brick

It’s hard to describe in words... I think it can only be experienced. Maybe not to survive. © by

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №120764
Tell me, are there normal interpreters of other programming languages made under J2ME?
The problem is that the computer has not been there for a long time (4 years), and it seems, for a long time. I want to program something. There is a Nokia 2323c-2 (MIDP-2.1, CLDC-1.1, heap size 1024 KB). I tried Hecl, but it has three fatal shortcomings - no logarithm and exponents, no translation of a symbol into its code and back, it is impossible to save the written program. I would finish it, but I repeat, there is no computer. Can someone help?

Ustin, there is probably not and will not be. I think it’s easier to buy a computer.

Where can I get your computer in jail?

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №120763
The detainee about the bomb in the train Ekaterinburg-Rostov-on-Don, but such a route was not found in the schedule. Instead, police searched the Novosibirsk-Adler train.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №120762
You are tired of piracy.

First, it is not theft. Theft or theft is the secret non-violent seizure of someone else’s property. In order for copying information to become a theft, you need to either be able to remove the original of what you copied, or somehow transfer the license and rights. And in general, if you look at the activity of copyright holders, it is much more similar to traditional ways of illegal activity, theft and fraud than what a person does copying information on the Internet. Therefore, it is better to use appropriate terms.

Secondly, unreceived profit is an imaginary and illusory concept. Regardless of any moral and legal norms, the amount of money in the population is quite constant and does not depend on the number of copies of any information, and this very population, even with all the desire, will not be able to pay more than it has. And most books, movies, games and other things have no value and serve simply as a legitimate way to redistribute material values in society.

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №120761
The woman is, of course, very beautiful, but with a mountain bike not to compare...

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №120760
Aunt with a veil and in a corset
Tired of answering stupid questions? Do not wear things that cause them.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №120759
Yesterday Novosibirsk observed UFOs in the sky. There was trouble, but they were reassured: "It is not worth surviving. It is, merely, an intercontinental nuclear ballistic missile Topol.
I have everything.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №120758
Will I get a prize?
Wauu: No, Jewish Tushienko, wait for others to speak
Tagged: shower
Tagged: shower

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №120757
My wife works as a teacher. Well, as a teacher: sitting in the second decree in a row, at work for six years was not shown, except as a decree to form.
The call.
D: Hi, this is Marfa Vasilyevna, the director of such a school...
A: Hi... (painfully remembers who this is, t.k. The senior is studying in another school and the director there, which is typical, another).
D isHave you forgotten that you are working with us?
by J.(Happy to you) Certainly!

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №120756
Review of the Zoo shop on the Yandex: "Buyed 13 fish. It was 7"

xx: radioactive fish with a short half-life.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №120755
There are many internet access points in the Moscow metro, but there are no toilets (the only one was dismantled).
This is what passengers have to say in the comments...

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №120754
The morning. and Tuesday. I went to the store before work. In front of me in the line stood a man of 65 years, obviously from the body, well, and to the appearance of a lover of drinking, but still cared for. On the tape he had a pack of vegetables and 0.5 fire water. And he attracted my attention by crazyly crawling in my pockets. As his turn approached, he said with a sad look to the cashier, "I lack money, leave the bottle." As he smiles, he doesn’t want to bother his granddaughter. He pays money and leaves. This is good.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №120753
Pronounce the "pump" with the emphasis on the last slang. Feel the shadow of the vineyard, the taste of the young bozhole, the coziness of the wine cellar...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna