— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №119772
XH: My life experience shows that “something higher than purely bourgeois interests” is, when closely examined, “bourgeois interests” of those who are higher.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №119771
I love the Tagansko-Rosnopresnensk branch!
by Emily?
Polina: The train is coming, I am standing inside, pressed to the door (the peak time is always here, sit down is a great luck), on the lips of every passenger standing on the platform is read honestly.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №119770
xx: And I didn’t even have a cane in the yard, I ran to the neighboring yard until some grandmother found out) As a result, she told me to go to her yard (well, a little bit in other terms)
xx: I did not want to obey, I also have the authority of the court, then she sat on the cloth herself, so as not to let me and began to clutter, the cloth screamed, the grandmother wanted to go down but couldn't, stuck, we pulled her out with the whole company. This is a childhood trauma.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №119769
Review of the alcohol tester: "Working or not - not checked, the instructions are very small. While he was drunk he could not read, and when he awoke in the morning, it already shows that everything is okay.

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №119768
torinus> The nephew returned from the village where he was staying with his grandmother. He sits at the table, paints, tightly pressing his lips. I approach, look through my shoulder, and the picture is a huge mosquito on which little humans drink blood.

dpmmax> All the depth of cold revenge in one picture!)))))

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №119767
and inattentive:

Smoking at the entrance

(I started cooking myself recently)
Eefrit: I go down the entrance shortly (going to smoke), the whole entrance smells of some delicious cooked food. On the machine I think about myself (by habit) "Damn, well, someone has tasty cooked and eats, and I have roasted sandwiches", I will go to my house, and I smell even more delicious! It was so good in the heart)

And after you, cattle, it smells in the entrance!

So he seemed to not smoke in the entrance...He wrote and went into the entrance (going to smoke)

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №119766
Sam258: The cat watched with me the news of the successful air force operation in Syria and went to bomb his pot...
Shar32 is effective.
Sam258: Highly accurate and, judging by the smell, used prohibited ammunition...

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №119765
I read about self-defense for girls.
There is written how to properly press out the eyes.
I will read how to beat in the mouth and not miss)
I think I should buy a peanut butter.

You are shining with optimism.

I’m going to Omsk for the weekend.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №119764
Tryed at the Kursk station "a real New York hot dog". I came to the conclusion that they live in this New York City pretty silly.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №119763
We have a clear division of labor: some work a lot, and others get a lot. And no confusion.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №119762
My nephew went to a veterinary clinic with a cat. The animal is called Lexus. Doctors call for reception by name. Then the doctor comes out and says, “Who has Lexus here?” some uncle comes up surprised, “Well, I have. “Let’s go to castration!” said the doctor. But her niece saved her uncle – she managed to get in with her Lexus.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №119761
Recently he pleased:
The population of Krasnogorsk endorses the actions of the gunman, clarifying: start was right from the mayor.
I will not guarantee the accuracy of the quotation, but the meaning is this. It is important to understand what is the root of evil.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №119760
Russia could have lived much better and richer if it had not constantly tried to show the world how well and richly it lives.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №119759
Today, Yarik was pursuing my dad, grabbed the cable of my laptop with his leg and pulled it out. I cried out, “Yep!” and Yarik, joyfully jumping, explained to his dad: “Mom said, “Oh God! You turned me off!”
The translator is growing.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №119758
XHHH: We have printed advertisements.
XH: 2 thousand pieces
thx: instead of the "store of eco-products" large bright font:
The world’s first food секонд-hend

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №119757
Friends, in a couple with Hydromet, I remind you about the onset of climate winter in Siberia and many other places, and its approximation to the central region. Pay for heating, supply blankets, hats and cats. Remember: a real man should warm a cat in the winter.

Winter is so cold, so uncomfortable and white.
There will soon be a heat shortage.
Let’s get rid of this heat.
So, warm cats will be in fashion again.

We will worship all the wicked,
Warm, sleepy and real.
Put your hands in the fur stomach.
All things are variable
In a strange human world.
There are constant soft cats".

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №119756
Review: The most Hamas hairdresser of all who had to cut hair for all their fifty years. It gives some kind of cave cruelty, bordering with criminal complacency! I advise you to go into it for an experiment in the knowledge of such fossils...

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №119755
From the Academic Lecture of Zaliznyak on Beryastyan Letters:
The next series of texts is associated with the name of a Novgorod man named Yakim - the record holder in the number of grants he left to his offspring. In 2010, 15 grams were found written by Yakim’s hand. The previous lectures. He has a characteristic (very good) handwriting, impeccable household graphics. The most distinctive feature - instead of the digraph of ou he writes ou (and at the same time he has a mirror, the rarest feature). Not only that Yakim wrote 15 grams two years ago... (laughter in the hall) he wrote, of course, earlier, but only two years ago gave them to us - another 5 grams of his hand were found in excavations of past years, scattered around. Previously, they were considered examples of the manuscript of other writers. Thus, after the 2010 season, he was considered the author of 20 grams. Another 17 were found this year, and the total number of Yakima’s blocks reached a record mark of 37, adding what he has yet to “send.” Which he insisted on and threw his letters nearby. The center of irradiation of his activities was the expeditional toilet (see. previous lecture), not touched by the years of previous excavations. In total, 73 grammatics were found on the territory of the former toilet. It is a pity that we have already overtaken it on all four sides, and it has no fifth side.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №119754
There are people whose stupidity just disarms.
One accountant had to move his job to another table. I approach her, please turn off the computer, for what it is:
Why to turn off? Put your head on this and all.
In the sense...?
What is complicated there? All brains are in the head, just like on TV! Here is the head and rearrange, the monitor is yours, do not touch the rest, but what do you crack? Turn your head off, I still have to work!

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №119753
On the topic of cats ))
The first was marshmallow. Name as a name, cat as a cat. The other one is called the carabine. An 8-kilogram soldier grew up, angry, builds other cats, cries under the door - a guard. Okay, they named the guy Harry, in honor of the bartender. A beautiful cat has grown up. His younger sister was named Shila. As the ship was named, it floated there. Experience, however, taught us nothing, the next pick-up thought to be called Randall. Not in honor of the hero of a book or movie, in honor of the bass amplifiers! My tongue is my enemy, how can I silence it now? The second year "the vocalist".

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna