— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №118272
I cannot stand...

is not yours:

Only in Russia you can meet a Russian born 7000 km from the place where he permanently lives

For example, from Anchorage to Miami, just under 8,000. The American can too.

And also in America/Germany and in general almost any country in the world you can meet a Russian, permanently residing 7000 kilometers from the place where he was born.

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №118271
Interesting fact: If the entire population of the Earth (7 billion) gather together in one large crowd and squeeze as in the peak hour in the subway (7.7 persons / m2), then they will easily fit within the limits of the MKAD. Well, and everyone says no rubber.Then go there and go...

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №118270
This: "hopped the Terminator and tried for a long time to find it in the download folder. The file was named 5riklucheniya.Elektron1ka.2015"
I downloaded the movie "Alpha Dog" - the file was called, as it is easy to guess, :)

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №118269
I had a nightmare about work today after a wake-up.
that every time you want to go away, you need to create a tick in the Yandex.Pee xD tracker and a notification falls on the entire department. And I still constantly some people there wrote, like I am a lot of SSU, so we will not work HD

[ + 16 - ] Comment quote №118268
Bitbucket, a newly hired dealer, had to fix a bunch of old bugs on the weekend, one branch went 30 commits ahead of the master. Comment on pull request on Monday.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №118267
minus tablets under windows - no hard drive indicator. I don’t know if it works or depends.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №118266
What was the reason for the refusal?
222: Enlightenment of the employer’s brains.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №118265
As soon as PornHub was banned, Kiselov immediately sought to Europe.
YYY : A coincidence? I do not think.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №118264
Eoghan: Birds are eaten with their hands and babies are eaten with their hands.
system: eoghan was joked for 10 min by aclon moderator.
ob1kenobi: meaning food here is also prohibited ((

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №118263
• We were asked here what, in our opinion, should be the percentage of mate in a literary work. Olya says it is 3.14 percent. I think right. Multiplied by the diameter of the reading circle, it should give just the length of the periphery of the reading circle.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №118262
Today, 14:19 Sancho Pushkin
Being a man is easier.
When a girl is asked: "Cruel jeans, where did she buy?" she should name a decent store and a purchase period not exceeding six months.
When a man is asked, “Where did he buy the jeans?” he can safely answer, “Yes, I’m a boy, he’s eight years old.”

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №118261
I am sick and I am healing.
No, I can’t come.
I am treating with folk remedies.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №118260
XX: I like the story of the traveling pigeon. The wildest bird in North America, gathering in clusters covering the sun, has been completely eaten in half a century. Something has changed? Nothing, except that one source of hollow meat has become less.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №118259
German opponents of the reception of refugees offered to lubricate the walls and sides of the roads with the fat of one of the famous animals.
The wholesale prices in Germany for pork immediately jumped sharply.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №118258
The daughter of my friend, now a young mother, as a little girl, wanted EVERYONE! I even agreed to fish feed, which was sold in the zoo and curled in some container (from my point of view, ugliness).
But there was a grandfather who did not allow anyone anything. As a result, a young part of the family went to Israel from the grandfather’s dictatorship. The girl became a veterinarian.
Dreams come true sometimes.
Now her mother (my girlfriend, a young grandmother) is in light horror because her little grandson is sometimes nursed by a dog, sometimes a naked cat.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №118257
Survey on the hubre "Do you visit porn sites?". Comments on the "No" version:
Kozhevnikovv: List of liars?
Vilgelm: Maybe they just have a local collection of a couple of terabytes, why are they lying at once.
Realscorp: A-a, the old believers :)

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №118256
to this:
"We had a printed poster hanging in the office "do not be distracted by any mess — only work, only hardcore". The director came and asked, “What is this hardcore?”
Well, we say it so, to work in full force, no matter what...

He walked, thought, scratched the poster and threw it out: “I don’t want my people to work like this, you have to rest!”
And went away.
For a long time we could not understand what it was..."

This is a man, with a Big Letter, not a self-dumb man, which most...

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №118255
Novosibirsk scientists have proven the existence of the ancient continent of the Arctic on the news site:
X: Why in ancient times all the continents were fused into one, and now spread on average evenly across all the surface of the planet?
The dinosaurs shared territory with the penguins :) and left :)

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №118254
Is she Orthodox?
She is just glorious.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №118253
Even armed with the most advanced accounting standards and under the control of the most authoritative and certified auditors, a modest accountant manages to so creatively process the information received to him that the attempt to subsequently accurately reproduce the results obtained, as a rule, ends in complete failure.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna