— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №116232
I will say immediately, I am a man "under fifty", all of my conscious life towed boots in the geological exploration, I saw everything and endured a lot, it is difficult to surprise me or stumble. I have grown children and grandchildren on my way. From the age of 18, I consider myself a Siberian, from the moment I came here for a term, although I was born and raised in the suburbs of Leningrad. In general, a solid serious uncle who is not accustomed to sentiment.

and here...

My brother invited me to a small homeland. After his mother’s death, he moved from Peter to live in his parent’s home. Reasons for the meeting were the uima, the upcoming replenishment in the family, the coincided holidays, the move, a new car and most importantly, the next stars. A large family, a large feast, women hang out in the kitchen and near the table, men (sons and daughters) lead the barbecues and the grill. And now everything is covered and the cold in the bottle is waiting patiently, everyone is almost dissipated, as my brother quietly takes me under his elbow and silently takes me into the house.

“I need to show you something,” with these words, he took me to the loft and there, sitting on the corks near the old brown suitcase, got some swing.

“Destroy it.”

Here it is worth to say again, my younger man is straight and serious and he is not inclined to mystery. And his behavior was alarming, just before I pulled the red wooden elephant out of the cloth.

A simple toy on a stand with a sloppy pattern and a scroll carefully painted with a pencil. Suddenly my throat was locked up, my nose was shaken, my legs betrayingly dropped me down on that dusty suitcase.

Once a long time ago, 40 years ago, in this very house, our father brought us this figure from some distant country, he walked as a starter on a dry cargo. We rarely saw him, read his letters more often, or looked at his postcards. But every time he returned home, he gave us something unique, unprecedented, rare, which no one had. And this time it was a figure of a wooden elephant, bright red with a golden pattern, from which country he brought it so and remained a mystery.

I was 9 years old, the youngest 7. Specifically or not, but it turned out that my father came to my birthday and I considered the elephant my gift, hid it under the pillow for the night, thrown it on the closet when I went for a walk, in general, greedy and not sharing. On all the admonitions from the parents, he asked his father to bring another figure to his brother, and the father seemed to have agreed.

Once again, my father left in the night (as my mother told me - called urgently) and we could not even say goodbye, just woke up, and he was no longer. Habituated to long separations, we did not be upset for a long time and life went on with its turn. A month, two or three. First we began to notice the excitement of our mother, then it passed on to us. For the third month there were no letters, postcards and telegrams, but very, very rarely. Five months later, my mother was called. They said that the connection with the ship has long since disappeared and the ship and crew are considered missing, and the father too. This was not on the radio, it was not in the newspapers. Later, the brother, already having official connections and opportunities, tried to find out the details, but the information was classified and he was subtly hinted at the futility of the attempts. My father’s grave has never been there.

Now I don’t remember how my mom told us about it, I remember only that I cried in the evenings under the blanket and asked my dad to come back, that we don’t have to take another toy, that we’re going to play with this elephant... And we played, slept with him under the pillow in turn, and then he was still on our shelf for a long time...

Look at us who from the side – it would seem that two adult men, a colonel of justice and an old Siberian, rejoice, hugging over the lost tree. I’m not a master of words to describe my condition at the time, but that evening two boys, nine and seven, were crying on the dusty loft. I cried almost embarrassedly, not embarrassing anyone.

[ + 35 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №116231
Your attitude to others depends on why they surround you.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №116230
Can I try?

Guy, can you explain why you want to replace normal, functioning furniture and equipment with some Ikea equipment and modern equipment that stops working exactly when the warranty expires?
Did you actually invent that they need it, or did the consumer society suggest it unobsessively?
— — — —
Yes, the commodity is strong, you can dance on it, which you can't say about modern furniture. Yes, it works, only the boxes are opened and closed only from the run-up, stuck on the roof and sleeping the laundry stored there with pebbles, the doors hanged and in centuries of scratches, the refrigerator terribly tarachit, not allowing much to sleep at night and requires freezing up with chairs every 2 weeks, and in the chair if you sit too sharply, then in the back you knock on the floor. My favorite girlfriend is like that. And she has money and we have, but not to convince her, should we? Habit is second nature, let them live as they want.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №116229
How many videos are shown about idiots-vodyatlovs, about japarkuuskaqmudak and so on... So all these fools usually have cool expensive cars, BMWs and so on. Dear goddess, how is it, foolish, it happens that you give a lot of money to puppets, webcams and wicked ones that just make fun of other people?
And,, these are the former "simple workers" and "ordinary girls", who broke up to the bottom, but there was no culture, and there is no culture?
Understand, bandits, bribery, dishonest mints, dull nipples are not some kind of aliens or enemy agents, they are all of us. No one implants you a chip or takes away your soul, you should find a wealthy sponsor / shui or get a cool job.
Destruction in the head. Yes, that’s you "nothing", but there are others – watch out.
When most people realize. That they are taking bribes, they are falling down on everyone, they are beating down on the roads of living people, then society is changing.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №116228
(Discussion of the news "American married to a shaurme")

xxx: now it is clear where the phrase "what to do if I am a shurma" came from in Google's hints. The spouse has been caught!

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №116227
You can wash three times a day, but if you walk barefoot, you smell. 100 percent. It is a pity to upset you, but it is.
It is a pity to upset you, man, but if the smell of a regularly washed human body appears to you as a “smell” – the problem is 100% with you. It is so. I am not devoid of smell, do not hesitate; I just think that somebody has sweated, unless I am going to give myself to the comfort of bed with this sweater right now. He swallowed and sweated. The body smells unpleasant, not washed for a few days, but even this can be experienced if you just met on the street. And you, crazy, respirators what to buy... and at the same time think, maybe for someone and personally your natural smell - smell?

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №116226
Intersection signs and headlines are like comments and retractions in the code. Even if they are not, you can figure it out, but writing without them is still a fool.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №116225
If the presence of oxygen is necessary for the burning process and there is no oxygen in space, then how does the sun burn? Chess and mat are atheists.
YYU: The Sun has a gravity much stronger than Earth, and it attracts everything, including oxygen! So is.
zzz: Fuck, I’ve never met more convincing arguments in my life.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №116224
I may be inadequate:

For me, and for most adequate people, bare feet are primarily an unpleasant smell, fungus and dirt.
But my legs do not smell, they are washed frequently enough, there is no fungus (stopudovo anti-social inadequacy - without fungus to walk!The appearance of bare feet, if they are clean and healthy, does not cause any negative emotions. Someone needs to treat the cockroaches, don’t I? O_O

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №116223
Walked on the bed, a spark formed on the head. When I went to the bathroom, I noticed it. I ask my husband: Dear invisible, did you not explain to me how terrible I am now?
And I think this one will answer: Because you’re always terrible, dear.
Because you are always beautiful, dear.
Fuck, my husband broke up.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №116222
The E1:

Smirchugan: The kids in the yard constantly ask the son - and your dad will go out to walk? :D :D
I play football with them.)
krasOFF/ON: found something to be proud :-D :-D Mom would ask

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №116221
The tax systems of Russia and the United States are different and built long before your birth and will survive you. People don’t pay money to pension funds. Did you personally pay a lot?

In modern Russia, a new sect is gaining power "The Witnesses 13%". The main dogma: all taxes are paid only by employers and stores, and no tax rate, including VAT, affects the person.
And in general, how much someone paid there can be found in principle, if desired. Everyone has an INN, where to apply you can find out in the accounting office or send a request through them.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №116220
> This is a double-value assessment. I don’t want to have 3 in Russian in my diploma!

It only seems to me that it is time to shut down, to the hell dogs, a bunch of “sub-universities,” or to force them to issue diplomas to “the smartest girl,” “a wonderful grandson,” and “he knows everything.”

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №116219
Count Leo Tolstoy abandoned all luxury and smelled the land in the village as a peasant, dressed as a peasant, ate simple food. His contemporaries also considered him a poor man, laughed at him. Who only remembers them now? Who doesn’t know Tolstoy?

= is

The graffiti, who in his books exalted the bourgeoisie, who for many years tyrannized his wife, is a great example of a high spirit. That is how they remember him, of course.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №116218
I went to the clinic to take tests. In the evening, the husband asks: How did it go, what did you say? I say, and what could you say to me when I opened the door, put two bottles and left? Thanks, bring me more!

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №116217
xxx: Sending a corrected version of the program to customers.
xxx: Now you want to close Skype, email, turn off the computer, phone, turn off space and stop time.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №116216
The grandson approaches the grandfather who smokes in the store.
When will you quit smoking?
Don’t worry, you will be notified.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №116215
P.S. A joke: Two friends meet, have not seen each other for a long time. So yes, as is the case. One says, his wife has drunk, drunk and drunk, I think to kill. The second responds, and you love her for 10 days in a row in the morning and in the evening well, she will die.
Meet in a week. As a wife? He smiles, sings, doesn’t know what to die in three days.
Two friends meet and have not seen each other for a long time. So yes, as is the case. One says, the wife has borrowed, drinks and drinks, give money and give money. The other wondered why a woman had so much money. The first answer is "I don’t know, never gave".

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №116214
The news rejoices.
According to the media, future Jihadi John grew up in a wealthy British family, and received a programming diploma. It is believed that in 2012 Mohammed Emvazi went to Syria, where he subsequently joined the ranks of Islamic State militants, explaining this subsequently by the fact that “Stupid customers” took him by their idiotic runs.

I sit and look at our designer with suspicion.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №116213
I sell 16GB. Original and good condition. Stylish and charged. Documents and boxes for tel. For those who like to collect rubbish, there is a docking machine. a cup and box from under the refrigerator and vacuum cleaner.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna