— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №115552
grandfather in white coat, hat, family made today the day of all the office

Half-morning he walked under the windows and shaved grass, with a saw, hand-worn...

(The Chelyabinsk region if anything.)

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №115551
Don’t confuse guys who just want to fuck a new girl with those who want him to have a girlfriend with whom you can not only make love, but also talk, go to the movie, go for a walk, try to write poems and the most extreme case to marry and create a family with children.


They do not differ externally. And in the first minute of acquaintance the manifestation of intentions does not occur.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №115550
Recently, we explained exactly what risks we are taking. And the risk of hitting under a false claim of rape here is present, and how. Here were the voices in the girl's head - she set the statement and took it into a lie. You will prove that there was no rape. And the mentions that - mentions it is only in joy, they have an extra field in terms of revelation is added.
and c)

Fuck you guys, where do you get such fancy pictures in your head, right?

Well, okay, she will declare the rape, which was not, and you will declare that she stole 20 thousand dollars from you, which were stored under the bed in the box, grandmother’s inheritance. She will prove that she didn’t steal. And the mentions that - they only to joy, they have an extra field in terms of disclosure is added...

Or tell me that she wanted to snatch you with a tail at night while you were asleep, you woke up somewhat miraculously a second before and barely had time to turn away (in this option you can even snatch yourself with a tail on the bed next to the pillow). She will prove that there was no assassination. The mentions that...

Or here! The ideal option is to say that she raped you. There is a neighboring article in the UK. She will prove that there was no rape. The mentions that...

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №115549
What is characteristic: the real heterosexual is really not hot and not cold because of whether gay can marry or not. In order to confer this natural civil right, it is not necessary to oppress the rights of others. What do homophobes really want? Each of them has a wealthy gay relative who wants to inherit everything not all his life to his spoiled relative, but to a loving cohabitant? I doubt something, this is not such a statistically common case in life.

Honestly, the whispers of homophobes resemble the assertion in the spirit of "forbid to sell and eat tomatoes - I don't eat them. Yes, the cockroaches I eat will be sold in the same amount, whether or not there are tomatoes, but I demand that ALL buy and eat only cockroaches because I eat them!

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №115548
I collect dirty clothes from the children, carefully hidden by them in the closets. I ask a girl who recently washed her phone:
Do you have anything in your pockets?
and no. Only flowers and stones.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №115547
And on account of potatoes... Try a cat in the spring to give vitamins or at least bring from the street where a bunch of young grass is cleaner.
= = = = is = is = is = is = is = is = is
Oh, Mishka, and you don’t even know that people care about you ?
He eats the vitamins of his cats, though without pleasure. I like any raw vegetables. Potatoes, cabbage, carrots, sweet pepper, broccoli, radish. Champignons are very respectful. In short, the veterinarian made the diagnosis - cat gurman. Recommendations - let him eat, since he loves it, in small amounts will not harm.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №115546
Do you go to bed with him? © by
1st Useful for the body, read in the journal
2nd It will escape.
Three The stamp in the passport obliges
4 is I love him so much that I don’t care whether I end up or not.

That is so, a slide.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №115545
Each of us is given free of charge by nature a certain amount of dust, which can be used, but which cannot be sold or smoked.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №115544
Better to go to the bathroom and be late than to arrive on time and get crazy.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №115543
Here, on democratic values to put with the doorstep, would not die.

and ++++

That is the matter! They lived badly according to their laws, they moved where other laws were, and where they lived better - and immediately began to demand the introduction of their laws! Well, what, apart from clinical idiotism and the fierce drive of the former slave, not to become free, but to get their slaves - can this be explained?? to

Imagine people living, each in his own house, according to his own laws. One catches a mouse with a mouse, the other catches a mouse like this: water everything with gasoline and burn it. Half of his family is killed, he himself with burns, in panic runs from his home to a stranger, there he is accepted, he lives, burns heal, and here he sees the owners carry a mouse. He would be glad that here he is not waiting for that hell that he has arranged for himself at home, but not! Instead, he goes out with demonstrations, gets a tank of gasoline, begins treating the house owners, demanding that they catch mice the same way he is trying to burn their house. Where is the brain? Or a drop?

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №115542
The American middle house is problematic to call a home... With the same success you can knock the sticks into the ground, between them stepler to pin a cardboard, top cover with a gesture and rejoice how great it is to live in a large house.


So they have the appropriate climate that you can live in a cardboard box. And we do not care about the people, we do not care about the climate.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №115541
You have to ride a motorcycle around the city.
How to get to the borders?
Well, before the borders, you have to get off the highway and lift it up.
zzz: Oh, you have to get off the highway before entering Russia.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №115540
A child should have one mom and one dad. Or just one of them. Two mothers are a perversion, because the mother is the one who gives birth, and how can one child be born with two sticks?
The mother is not the one who gives birth, but the one who gives birth is the biological mother. It does not correlate with my mother. My wife calls my mom and my mom too. Because a mother is a creature that cares and loves. What is there between her legs of the child does not care at all.

A lot of attention is paid to the genitals of a child’s parents – it’s just for perverse people like you, for whom dad is a member, and mom is a vagina.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №115539
And then we talked about who is getting to know...
I walk around the shopping center, I do not touch anyone, suddenly in the next shop of women's clothes a completely unfamiliar guy approaches me and declares: "Why are you so long?" It turns out, this poor man saw me in front of the store, wanted to meet, waited at the door, couldn't stand and went to understand.))) It was only worse when a cute Tajik young man tried to meet me, engaging for the start an unforced conversation: "What is your name? My sister’s name was, and I buried her recently. Such funerals are expensive. How many funerals do you have?" In general, men are full of surprises))

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №115538

Do you really believe in statistics?

Sweden is firmly in the top 5 for rape, although it is far from South Africa. The United States just recently got out of the top-10.

So your argument with statistics works exactly the opposite – the more society supports “moral freedom,” the more rape. You can now start arguing that the statistics are wrong, baby.

Statistics should work, you just need to understand what you are reading. The rates of rape are higher because there are more officially registered cases of rape. That is, in more civilized countries, such a crime is not hidden because of false shame, the victim is not afraid to contact the police.

[ + 23 - ] [9 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №115537
Y.LATININA: In fact, by the way, this is a very similar story with gay marriage, which is now permitted in all U.S. states by the Supreme Court. I’m neither for nor against gay marriage – I don’t have a certain opinion on this. But it is quite obvious that, there, I think that most U.S. citizens are unlikely to be in favor of gay marriage. The minority is much more active.

By the way, about gay marriage – okay with her, with marriage. I am looking forward to gay divorce. I’m waiting for these beautiful people to share a car, an apartment, a cardboard and a little dog. And for me this is completely incomprehensible in this story, because worldwide marriage is becoming less and less compulsory, and marriage is dying as a social institution, and only gay people must want to get married.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №115536
No one should help extinguish the fire, there is an Emergency Emergency Service, do not interfere with them. In case of a major car accident, let the Emergency Service and medicine work.

and +++

I’m silent about how damaging the "help" is in the event of a fire. But I, as a doctor working in an ambulance, simply have no words on these eternal helpers in an accident! Remember, the "noble" idiots helpers! Touching a person in a car in an accident is only possible when the car is burning! Do not burn, do not touch it.

I called an ambulance, that’s all. Go to hell! You will leave him paralyzed for a lifetime, or the leg will have to be cut off, because you removed it incorrectly, and correctly - only the doctor, the doctor, and again the doctor can!

Without your help, he would have been in the hospital for half a year and drowned on his two, not a friction is terrible, but a shift. You are proud of yourself, you help them "you are heroes! And I then say to them in the eyes that a fracture, unfortunately, with a shift (in the car he was WITHOUT, it was you that moved him! Because they wanted to play in nobility!He is paralyzed for the rest of his life and will never get up again. All, his life is over. Because of you!

I apologize for the emotion. With good intentions, as you know.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №115535
You want something new every day. I have a persistence.
What do you always want, sex?
One billion dollars...

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №115534
I played a crocodile yesterday.
xxx: the guy who was supposed to show the next, goes out into the center, scratches the neck
He says, “It’s really ugly.
The Voice of the Crowd: Human Multi-foot
Tagged with: bleat -

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №115533
Memento_mori: On the street frozen, I went to the umbrella shop to see something. A bunch of different umbrellas were right next to the box. I looked at a nice one, asking how much it costs. The Seller:

This is not for sale, it is mine.

This is always so :D

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna