— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №115532
A mummy-doll specialist ordered?
I am the first and I am the second.)

1 1 Imagine it. Stalker Hemul of "Zones of Defeat" took the nickname in honor of the mummy troll, and the mummy troll is not a troll at all, but a white and furry creation from a children's book)
I never thought what I would say, but this generation grew up.

You won't believe, but the SNORK is also in this book ;) And it's not a mutant in the anti-gas, but a female mummy troll ;)

You will not believe it all, but the MUMY TROLLS are separate creatures, similar to the mummy trolls, but unlike them change the color depending on the mood (the mummy trolls are always of the same color, gently blue). The beloved mummy-troll Freken Snork is a representative of these creatures. She had an older brother, Sabrina Snorke.

[ + 18 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №115531
here here :

here here :

It would be great if we had a ritual of dating at the bar. Well, for example, a woman could come up with a bowl of mayonnaise, sit down and pretend that she can’t open it, and a man could come up and offer her help, and soon they would be absorbed by a charming conversation.
Do you like mayonnaise? Hm! I love it too!")
And so far we are not far from the old way, when one of the parties is forced to boldly approach the other and without any apparent reason to try to start a conversation.
And before, when this duty was entirely on men, and now, in the age of the emancipation of women, the initiative still belongs entirely and entirely to men.

That’s Dave Barry "Marriage and/or Sex", right? Or do you mean that you wrote it?

— — —
This is GNOME! In the quotation of the quotation, fall!

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №115530
Vacation: You come to work when you want.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №115529
Zzzz: Well, we have survived. On the resource gays with pidos scattered.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №115528
Loy Yver: I’ve encountered men twice in my life who couldn’t physically put a blanket in the carpet. One of them is a friend's husband, I don't know the details, but my former boyfriend could not do this until vomiting. He said that in the eyes darkens, the bump to the throat rolls, the stomach circles up. At the same time, the man is cooking well, and there are no problems with other business. So to suspect him in Lenny is somewhat stupid. And then I deducted that in men this is a fairly common phobia.
Tayojka: It would seem why after this comment I remembered the reluctance of some men to squeeze their MPH into a condom...

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №115527
Dima_K_ 26.06.15 at 13:14 “answer”
Hot water was turned off, and I decided to wash before going to bed - heated the water in the pot, took a shower - then I fall asleep and hear that it smells so bad from me...

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №115526
What shit said that we in Russia violate the rights of sexual minorities. Yes, they play for the football team in full composition.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №115525
I always open the Rambler. All news, all work. Check the mail here. The headlines of the articles reminded me of the inscriptions in the elevators.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №115524
This is a modern society - first fuck, and then take care and =)

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №115523
xxx> hello, what do you do, what do you do?
yyy> GNU/Linux
xxx> write in Russian
XXX> and what are you doing there?

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №115522
I decided to put my daughter (4 years old) in an impasse with the question:
Why is there a black color and there is no black light?
I received an immediate answer:
Simply because nobody likes him.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №115521
The project needed to find another developer, asked to write requirements for candidates. Well, I went on, but for prevention I decided to go out of the vacancies and check if I missed something. As a result, I opened the booklet from the job search sites and sat with them for half a day without burning, while behind my back was the head of the department, the director.
Today I called on the carpet and... raised :D

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №115520
XXX: What about the Internet?
Oh man, this is a whole story.
WOW: As it was before.
I had to catch the erotic stories because the pictures loaded for half an hour.
ууу: then there was a lightning in the dark kingdom - the images and to some extent the rest of the content of the sites began to load!
WOW: Heroic feats after some time became possible to watch porn video in very damaging quality. It took a titanic effort in terms of patience, but I overcame. Because it was worth it.
WOW: And this is now, the present time. HD video of unrealistic resolutions, gigabytes per second, terabytes of storage...
xxx: o_o"
You look at that speed and get to the living girl! :D
YYY: Did you fuck anything? I see the future only behind virtual reality devices combined with turbochargers!

[ + 27 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №115519
X:... and is currently engaged in attracting additional members from Africa...
Y: Is this an excerpt from a pornographic business report?
This is a translation :)
X:... and is now engaged in bringing additional members from Africa....
Y: Well then yes. members from Africa can provide fresh stream.
X: how to translate these members into Russian so that it is not shameful to expose them.
Y: Well African members usually do not put out ashamed

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №115518
Comments under news about the next problems in the development of the F-35 aircraft:
Ivan Petrov - I seem to love this plane.
Not yet beginning to fly, it caused the United States damage of 1 trillion. and continues to increase success.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №115517
The further in the sea, the less drunk.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №115516
I was in Greece for the first time in 1996 and in Athens in 1998. There was a local currency. Whoever says that the Greeks do not know how to work is lying. They are unable to create the appearance of work. And I understood this when a ferry from the island of Simi approached the port of Athens. The Greek sailor responsible for the short operations was sitting at a table on the deck and drinking coffee. He was alone. There were 20 meters to the shore. He drank coffee... 15 meters. He drank coffee. of 10 meters. and drunk. and 5 meters. Greek not rushed away from the coffee table, threw out the shirt end... Similarly, another Greek broke away from the coffee on the sidewalk. One threw out the quarter end, the other accepted. Captured and pulled. Thirty seconds. I went without cold to drink coffee. Each to his circle. How many times later in the cruises observed the process of sharding - on the shore several people, on board several people, cries of mat and times longer. To work without dust and dust is to be able.

Then they entered the Eurozone. It was forbidden to build ships. In the Eurozone, Germany is responsible for this. And shipyards for super tankers (Onassis built) went into expenses. It was forbidden to sell olive oil. They even paid for cutting olive groves. $300 for a tree. Tomatoes were imported to Greece. Apart from jokes. Instead of red tomatoes, the last three years have been green, as if from under Vologda. Increase wages to Euro standards. They ordered fuel prices. This led to the local industry. Deutsche Bank has opened cheap credit lines specifically for the purchase of German goods.

In 2008, Athens turned into a meltdown. Less than 1000 euros can not be paid to the courtiers, and more - the budget does not allow. But the laws of the eurozone require paying unemployment benefits twice as much as the average Greek receives before joining the eurozone. Industry was killed by order from Berlin - the unemployed were three times more. Where to get a buffer so that everyone can pay the benefit? In 2008, I was offered a drug three times in 15 minutes at the Athens Museum.

If Greece had no obligations to the European Union, it would be possible to devaluate the currency, raise the competitiveness of the industry and save it. The euro is one for the whole area. And the possibility that Russia had in 1998 does not have Greece.

And prices in the same hotel rose in 10 years from $285 to €1,200 a week. Since 2012, I have been traveling to Greece.

Now judge yourself. Give them debt or not.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №115515
To enter the EU on losing conditions in advance, to raise loans from the entire EU, to declare default and to leave the EU... Yes, they are geniuses!!! to

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №115514
I got a compliment here: "Did you lose weight? You have shrunk! You have a hole between your legs"

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №115513
The xxxx:
Yesterday, looking into the mailbox (iron, in the entrance), I found in it mail notifications intended for a recipient from an apartment with a number smaller than mine. I threw them into the right box and went on.
Today came a neighbor from an apartment with a number larger than my one and handed a mail notification addressed to me.
I think to which department of the Russian Post to report that the android, which is apparently being tested in our department, needs to repair the database - the indexes seem to have moved.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna