— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №114432
Mister: Are you okay? Have you accomplished tomorrow’s task? Have you met Lithuania?
ectd: ha ha, meet me
ectd: I haven’t talked so much about politics in my life))) they just live there with this policy
ectd: and he told me that we have nothing here in Russia, we need to develop the industry for another ten years, in order to feed ourselves a little, or only at the expense of European products and we live.
ectd: and then with pleasure ate a sandwich with Phil's bread, Dagestan cucumbers, sub-Moscow salad, Russian cheese and Mikoyan's sausage))
Ectd: And I started guessing something...

[ + 32 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №114431
I am interested in a friend (D) how the examination went after the operation on the eye:
D said it was okay. The injection was done, not in the eye, but in the ass.
Have I missed...? O.O

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №114430
Three fingers on the hands.
Carlson to the Flower of the Years
All because he scratches his back.
Starting the engine first.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №114429
SergeyA: 11.5 hours - a shortened day so shortened
SergeyA: lying, 12.5
SergeyA: Don’t let God get into the lengthy (

[ + 24 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №114428
To all who are going to survive a nuclear war: end the year without summer and then start discussing the chances of surviving a nuclear war. In 1815, the volcano Tambora erupted on an island in Indonesia. There is only one volcano on some distant islands, Karl! As a result, a huge amount of ash, small particles, was released into the atmosphere, which began to spread around the world. The result was a drop in Earth’s temperature by 0.5 degrees – and the following year was the coldest in the 19th century in Europe and North America. Half-degree - sounds like innocent, but in England and the States the peasants were left without harvest, the strongest famine in the entire 19th century began, and in India due to the change of weather began a cholera epidemic.
In the event of a nuclear war, much more dust will rise into the air, in different forecasts, a drop in temperature is expected to be up to 3 degrees on the planet, which in practice means that much of the territory of Russia will be unfit for life. And I’m not talking about the fact that industrial centers will be hit, where there is stored a tueva of chlorine, ammonia, oil and other poisonous hernia, which will be released in the event of an explosion.
The only regions where life will survive 10 years after the attack are Australia, South Africa and South America. It is not a fact.

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №114427
In Chelyabinsk, the ability to cut a gopnik from two strikes is called "on-the-technology".

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №114426
I went with a friend to a cafe to sit, the husband at home alone, I write to him after a drink-the other:
- Friday evening, you must have been guided while I am not there?)))
and canine!
Tell them that the washed curtains should be licked and hanged, at least for some benefit.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №114425
Regarding Hospitals
A child fell ill with one of our employees, she sat with him in the hospital.
And in our office, hospitals are not welcomed, they don't talk about anything, but they strike to the sick constantly and not in the case.

Sitting with the baby, they are treated and do not know that at work, this is horror! The investigation has begun to determine whether the hospital card has been purchased.
The staff went to the semi-clinic with this question, the deer was sent to the moon on foot.
Someone of the bad women, who in any office do not count, saw the same employee in the pharmacy and jumped to work with the news that she is not treating the child, and shuffles in the shops, and went to the pharmacy to take away the eyes, apparently a hospital bought.

even a sick man on his head and he said that the grandmothers here do not see their borders.
The pictures, the sea.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №114424
I sit, I work, I sing a song like we go on the field with a horse. From the room, the wife says, Oh, how well the song is sung on the radio. Maybe I didn’t go to the choir?

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №114423
Some reports are eloquent: the trouble is not that schoolchildren have started holidays, but that they have gadgets. The flow of their dim consciousness turned into a stream of concentrated nonsense.

[ + 20 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №114422
And then why are schoolchildren not called self-sufficient young people who can do without a partner?

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №114421
On the evening of the day, I stayed at work alone, frozen and put a condom to heat up.
The next morning a colleague, as always, became hot, he turned on the condy and worked under it for 10 minutes, completely satisfied, until I said that the condy is working in the heating mode, exposed to +27, and I am already hot)

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №114420
It is necessary or not to communicate with sellers, waitresses and neighbors on the plateau. People, you have fallen from the moon, what, about what at all? What you need is to understand non-verbal (and sometimes verbal) signals about whether a particular person wants to shake with you or not. Someone will pick up the question, and it will fall, and someone will answer unambiguously, if they answer at all - and you should already understand everything. Stop talking about spherical sellers in the vacuum - people are all different.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №114419
Chernobyl and Hiroshima are not identical.
In Japan there were bombs, in Chernobyl - the release of radioactive substance as a result of an accident and fire. Physics of phenomena is different. After the explosion, the area radiates for a second time due to the given radiation, plus a certain number of rapidly decomposing elements. In Chernobyl, the main infection is strontium-90 (half-loss 27 years).
After the bomb, you can begin to return in a year or two, bury the most hidden objects and build houses of imported material. And the backdrop in Pripyat has fallen at least 15 times, it takes more than a hundred years. Approximately so much area and closed.

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №114418
I shot, but not a buck. Books, but not ours. Our own, but not us. We, but not in "Boeing". In "Boeing" but by chance. It is not counted by chance.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №114417
It is strange. I have never seen more sad people than strong believers. Per the believers do not understand Jesus, since he taught to live more interestingly, and they are boring?
No, well, at all, the Crusaders-Templarians-Dominican Jesuits at one time did not accidentally burn up for that time.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №114416
<+pdc> You are not surprised by the fact that in our favorite in childhood series "Four tankmen and a dog" the name of one tankman Yarosh, and the other - Saakashvili.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №114415
I go to work in the morning with a girl in a tram. And since the long-awaited summer has come, a group of children are loaded at one of the stops who are eager to visit the local zoo. After a couple of minutes of traveling in this bullshit, who grabbed his head, the beloved gives out:
How can you talk so much without stopping? The head is already broken.
Did you see yourself from the side?
“Oh... you don’t usually listen to me at all... and you try to keep silent forever! = is

[ + 42 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №114414
He who says that Russian and Ukrainian peoples are brotherly is a fool. In fact, it is one people.

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №114413

The metro wagon.
People were few, but the seats were all occupied, I sat in a hug with my faithful selfie and dreamed.
On the station entered the pop, the usual pop, thirty years of appearance, no more: from head to foot a black redhead, a beard, a large heavy cross.
Following him entered a woman with a breast baby in her arms (pop did not see her)
I naturally jumped up, said, “Please sit down,” took a step forward and pulled through the pop to touch the woman’s elbow and point to her free seat. But suddenly, the pop wholesomely and powerfully took my hand to the side and with a special church bass loudly and exhortingly said to the whole car:

What are you? Don’t have to, I can stand up. Then sit back!

People around were shaken.
I, despite the attack of laughter, still reached the woman and sat her in her place.

After a few stops, Daddy and I met each other’s eyes and smiled.
He approached closer and with his special church bass quietly said to my ear:

Sorry, it didn’t work well. If I were in a civilian dress, I’t even think you’re addressing me. And thank you.
Me for what?
For helping you see pride in yourself. I’m proud, she’s all to blame.
Well, okay, but we’ve raised people’s mood.
And it is true.

The priest was about to go out and stretched out his hand to say goodbye to me, and I answered and said:

- Since you are so concerned about pride, I will probably not kiss your hand, I will limit myself to a handshake.

In response, a special church bass whispered ordinary human laughter.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna