— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №154695
Mother burned her favorite dress with a stitch and was very upset about it. I sincerely wanted to delight her and I started looking for the same dress. I thought it would not be difficult to find it, as it was bought in a large network store, but since this collection was created a few years ago, it was no longer sold in the store. A charming girl-consultant offered to travel through the stockpiles or look for someone's flight on the network. I went around 8 out of 9 stocks and found a new (with a mark) exactly like this dress.

I quickly bought it, wrapped it in a gift package and gave it to my mom. It would seem like buying a dress is such a nonsense, and she still considers me a hero.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №154694
Disappointment is when it seems like it’s time to get married.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №154693
My wife and the younger went to my mother for the weekend. I am home with the elderly. He plays with friends on the street, right under our windows, then they run in the crowd, then for toys, then to drink, then to change clothes. I am busy at this time - I prepare lunch, parallel my floors and clean up. A boy from their company, watching this picture, says to me:

- But my dad said that a man should come to the kitchen only to eat, and the cloth can not even touch.

While I was thinking about how to gently explain to him that his dad was not quite right, one girl was quick:

Everyone knows you have a strange father.

And with noise and laughter the children ran out to the street, and the boy came out thoughtful.

Thanks to you, good girl.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №154692
When entering the store, do not allow the thermometer to be attached to your forehead to measure the temperature.
They wipe away the memory.
Yesterday I went for bread and milk and went out with two bottles of beer.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №154691
My nephew came in for a visit. Well, how did it happen that we met him on the basketball pitch, who will get to the basketball shield in a jump and who will jump further in length. Our parameters: I am 183 cm, 35 years old. Nephew 21 years old, height 190 cm. I got to the shield, the nephew is not, well, and in length I jumped a whole foot further. Summary: I am lying on the bed for the third day with a sick back and I give myself injections, and tomorrow to the doctor. The boy returned home whole and uninjured. The youth has won.)

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №154690
I worked in the glorious city of Tel Aviv in the early 1990s. I was late a couple of times, and the boss solemnly handed me the keys from the office. I had to come half an hour earlier, take the office off the alarm, and leave half an hour later. Thank God, about a year later, another employee was late a couple of times, and the keys were handed over to her. No material cares or morals.

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №154689
Once from work sent to training in personnel management for middle-level managers.

We sit and discuss different things. The coach throws the topic: have you met employees in your practice who are constantly late?

One guy says, yes, there was a girl in my department, led several departments, performed duties qualitatively, but was constantly having trouble coming to work. The company has a strict regime control, and she is 5 minutes late, then 10 minutes late, every day.

The coach directly revived: yes, yes, that’s what I’m saying, a very good example! How did you solve this problem?

I married her and took her to work on time.

[ + 14 - ] Comment quote №154688
Having a half-billion-dollar yacht with its own air defense and missile defense systems is not cool. It is cool when your country sends you an aircraft carrier accompanied by support ships and a battalion of marines.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №154687
Just two cats carry a disabled dog across the road

Comments to Video:

Our youngest cat came from our neighbors. She lived in their courtyard, on trees with white trees, almost wild, considered herself a little white - a cat walked on the wires, to the horror of the spectators... Then the neighbors moved and took her with them. And she returned. The white and the native tree.
He begged to eat. We took her. The older man poured a little out of the bowl with cat food, and the bowl was right next to it and forgot. The cat has eaten the spilled, wants more - and can not open the bowl. She went to the bushes, brought a striped friend - enote. Enot opened the bowl, and they sat in two throats next to this prey and ate it.
Cooperation in the wild is at the height.

My friend in Toronto was sitting on the veranda, reading a book and crushing chips from a bowl next door. At some point, I realized that Krustit was not alone. He looks, and next to him, the enot sat humanly and also puts his foot in the bowl and tossed the chips.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №154686
I bought a taboo in an online store. Now Yandex constantly offers me to buy soap and rope.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №154685
Two friends came to visit me yesterday, one of them with a 4-year-old daughter. They agreed that I would give them green tea from Thailand, and they would bring rolls.

Nothing predicted trouble.

While the girls were coveted on the table and mastered the kitchen, I went into the hall to arrange entertainment for a 4-year-old girl. With the words - "Go, uncle Igor will show you cartoons now."

While I was running the PS4 to turn on YouTube and then find cartoons about Elza, I was trying to keep the conversation. I asked her about her hobbies and everything in that spirit.

Suddenly this miracle declares –

D: “And I can also sit on the sword! “”

I said, “Oh how cool! Will you show?” (I am still watching TV)

D: “Of course! Thou shalt!”

He runs to the kitchen.

What happened next caused my heart to shake.

I hear a child’s voice from the kitchen:

D: “Maam, maam! Uncle Igor asked me to take off my pants, can you help?”

There was silence in the kitchen. My eyes turned into the eyes of Steve Bush. The rear pass is compressed proportionally to the eyes.

I run to the kitchen. People with the same eyes are looking at me.

Everything ended well and we all laughed together. But hell, I really hope that now that childhood voice won’t chase me in nightmares.

and upd. The logic of the girl. She was in jeans and could not sit on a sword. So they had to be removed first. There were jeans underneath.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №154684
A friend told the story of the funeral of the pet.

Finally, my hamster has arrived. For the last month, as an abolitionist, I wore him in these clinics, if it were not a girl, I would immediately release him, although I would enjoy freedom before death. So he ended up at the veterinarian. In short... I stand in the forest strip, I knit (nothing else was found) the grave of a hamster roy. And the forging machine does not do it quickly... The duster flies and the three break to me... I guessed what would be next but I was so puzzled, I was angry with this dead hamster was more than menta feared. Suitable one, two on the sides: throw a knife, present documents. But quite quietly, did not beat the mouth, did not get into the ground. As a result, the funeral of the hamster was attended by: me, a girl and three mints. It was probably the most elegant funeral for a hamster... there was only a small flag on the box and shots in the sky.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №154683
I’m only waiting for the utygi to recognize the cause of global warming and it will be possible to go to work in mint clothes?

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №154682
We had not been on the steam boat yet, and there was panic.
How is it on the shore? Are there still healthy people and when they will begin to turn into vampires and zombies?" - these questions increasingly worried the team after watching the next issue of the news.
There was also a “feast on our street”: an unplanned visit to North America. In the port of the same city, where a bright outbreak of the world pandemic and other delights of the high year. The crew, listening to the media about the means of individual protection and social distance, decided to prepare.

Imagine a situation: a black immigration officer is guarding a passport check in the port. Suddenly, a crowd of pale-faced healthy men in masks and in the hands of everyone... a spat. One of them immediately begins to tick the African-American in the face with this spade, and the others friendly take their chance instrument to prevail. What is the officer’s mind? It’s right: the Ku Klux Clan, in revenge for the BLM movement, wants to kill and bury a poor Negro right here, on the spot. It doesn’t matter if the floor is concrete.
Probably, this was what the immigration control officer thought when, while keeping social distance, the Botsman tried to hand over his passport on the blade.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №154681
of Belarus. Here began the presidential meetings of the police with the presidential candidates.

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №154680
My wife and the younger went to my mother for the weekend. I am home with the elderly. He plays with friends on the street, right under our windows, then they run in the crowd, then for toys, then to drink, then to change clothes. I am busy at this time - I prepare lunch, parallel my floors and clean up. A boy from their company watching this picture says to me

- But my dad said that a man should come to the kitchen only to eat, and the cloth can not even touch.

While I was thinking how gently to explain that his dad was not quite right, one girl was quick:

- Oh, everyone knows that your dad has something strange... And with noise and laughter the children ran out to the street, and the boy came out thoughtful.

Thanks to you, good girl.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №154679
I got a review of Harry Harrison’s books on the Internet today and it’s...

Ever since I was a child, I had a dream of having a lot of books, especially fiction. And here the restructuring, there were books, but they were not in the pocket at the time. At the Kursk station I rented (yes, there was such a service, you guarantee the cost of the book 10 rubles and read) the book "Horse Barbarians" Harrison from the cycle "The World of Death". I sat on the ring trolleybus and read it in two rounds.

Fuck, how offensive it was. Such impressions from books will probably never be again.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №154678
In the hope that it would make someone's life easier, Katay was always presented in Vietnam, but the locals, anyway, the pronunciation was difficult. In the middle of the season we were given a beige. I go into the hotel, the girls from the reception saw the beige, call me to get closer and these are:

Finally, we’ll see how your name is written and we’ll call you right!

Long look at the inscription "Ekaterina", consult with each other and issue:

You live in our country, we will give you a beautiful Vietnamese name! We’ll call you Hua!

And here I sit with the tourists at the reception, and somewhere in the background: "Hua! “Hua!” A tourist asks me:

Are they screaming HUA?

It was somewhat inconvenient to say that Hua was me!

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №154677
The historian is a curved mirror between society and the archive.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №154676
And they could!

I work in production. The headquarters set the task of preparing 2 workers to work on machines that produce products. Nothing complicated as it seemed.

On one side, a mixture of 3 ingredients is mixed. On the other hand, you take the finished product. The formula of the "hell" mixture to the funny is simple: 24/6/300. It is a complete mixture. And the first 2 numbers are the number of waters, and 300 - grams of the dye.

There is a nuance. When producing a certain amount of raw materials, it is necessary to add 1/2, 1/3 or 1/4 of raw materials from the complete mixture.

So, ladies and gentlemen, the show, bleat, is beginning!

We write on a piece of paper and ask the yuan padawans what is there. The answer was correct.

And now we make 1/2 mixture...It’s all. by Alyssa Alyssa. I hear the whistling of the six in my head, and the result is 0. How much is 24:2?
There is no answer. How many are 300: 2? The answer is 200!

Bingo is Blowing! I have fireworks, three. and share. But it is not possible! I broke the lighthouse in half. My eyes were like God!

And now we try the same, only on the example of raw materials and paint. The motors in the brains fell in both. We never reached 1/3 and 1/4 of it. One is 24 and the other is 26.

The commander cried and cried with patztal and fired them both.

In my 20 years in the army, I have seen a lot. I earned alcoholism and other injuries, but I did not think I could be surprised by anything.

These were able.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna