— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №113092
In Belarus a tax on tuna has been introduced. Do not work? So pay taxes, or you live with no idea what money, you probably have them to the fucking.

And in the village of one, in the same country, two men who helped a relative to mount the roof, fined decently, because they do not have the license of an individual entrepreneur, and they themselves admitted that they worked for sleep and food, and the food is also worth money.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №113091
From the Dating Forum:
"First time I married for love, second time by phone"
"The fucking car replacement in the phone! By calculation of course!"

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №113090
I explain from my own experience:
Oh is? So why does the vast majority of girls choose fools? Not only for sex, but also for life together. Then they cry and complain. But they don’t leave, yes. Or other fools. Or are they trying to go to the normal, but already having a child, and such nafiga is normal?

Every girl sincerely believes that love changes a man. Thanks to Hollywood.
Most fools at the beginning of a relationship behave like princes. Stars, poems and flowers are included.
3) Part of m... appear to be just good guys with small life problems that are about to be solved and everything will go wrong. According to experience, the black strip in their lives is not a strip, but a favorite background color.
4) To get out of such relationships is worth Munchausen's efforts, because the mud is mud and it is mud.
If he’s a fool, you’re always a princess, and you’re always right. You are the benefactor of the unhappy. It is a pity that he will disappear. And suddenly he will be good with another: offensive.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №113089
After four years, we didn’t talk and met. It turned out to have started to do pool dancing, to go to the gym, to eat well.
(In addition, you can add cabbage and cabbage). Suddenly, life played with new colors, the bridesmaids broke up, good friends,
interests have appeared.
Why am I this? No matter what, run away.
I do not go to training. I do not eat oatmeal with turkey (because it is not delicious), but meat, potatoes, ham, vegetables.
But why do you have friends, the interest in life does not disappear.
Why am I? You don’t have to force the whole world to live by your own pattern.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №113088
XXX: Stalin is finally dead.
But someone has written 4 million donations, think about it.

Terran is Terran? Oh yes no, judging by the cruelty, he is the queen of the grasslands.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №113087
Evgenia: Hey, there is a friendships of a person, then he stops writing, you think he is probably tired of his friendships, and he finds himself in SIZO.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №113086
The radio amateur forum. The participant publishes a photo of the antenna with a white cat sitting on it and asks: "Who will determine - what antenna? In what range? What is the frequency?"
One of the answers: "The photo depicts the "wave kitten" antenna with asymmetric feeding five times a day. The range - "court-freezer-sofa", not further than 300 meters. The resonance is clearly expressed - white. Polarization is the most convenient - lying. The width of the orientation chart is impressive, but it runs through the door".

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №113085
Most fools at the beginning of a relationship behave like princes. Stars, poems and flowers are included.
If it were so. But there are amazing examples. The example of a relative.
Her husband (and later her husband). He stole from her entire family. His brothers. Sister and mother are not allowed into the house. She was herself. Her daughter from her first marriage. Then he stole and sold her car. I didn’t work all that time. Then he went to prison. After leaving prison, he is no longer working anywhere. Before the wedding, I handed the engagement rings to the Lombard.
She went on two shifts and gave birth to her second child.
I don’t understand you, girls. I really do not understand. That’s why you’re so attracted to fools. Really bad fools.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №113084
– – – – –
The mathematical question is, is the outer area of the sphere equal to the inner?
– – – – –
If a sphere is a mathematical model, it is equal. In this case, the thickness of the wall of the sphere is zero, as is the width of the straight line or the thickness of the plane. If a sphere is a real object, then the areas are different because any real material has a certain thickness, at least in one atom.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №113083
Grandma, grandma, why do you have such a big console?

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №113082
I am, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am,
This pocket

You are literate! I’m going to "what" put)))

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №113081
Are the foxes only red?
YYY: They are white.
Zzzz: But it’s a dog.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №113080
In the quiet family harbor sometimes drowned and former sailors.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №113079
I work in the pharmacy as a captain. The man comes in, all in the clutches, the face of the hardened criminal and says: "We have a new neighbor bully hit. Give me a sedative, or I’ll kill him. I am reluctant to sit again.”
I have never felt such a responsibility in my life.

[ + 28 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №113078
The Ukrainian enters the bar.
Give me a beer!
of 20 hryvnia.
There were 10!
10 hryvnia - beer and 10 hryvnia - tax on the ATO.
Okay well.
He gives 20 hryvnia and receives 10 hryvnia.
There is no beer!

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №113077
to sex. I think sex is more important for girls than for boys. They have both the clitoris and the g-spot and several types of orgasm - not the same as a three-second male.
Another thing is that all this good needs to be used, but this is a completely different story.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №113076
Someone wrote a bad review about a Chinese company and the Chinese spammed the mail as if the entire Chinese economy depended on it.

Then the Chinese decided to move into the offensive:
Vladimir Volodya Semenovich
Semenov Mikhail Yurievich is a bad user.we with the company "Dycod" have worked for more than 10 years, they are a very good company, "Dycod"Ltd is a very good supplier I think Semenov Mikhail Yurievich is his competitor bad person,all customers definitely do not believe!!! to
by Alexei Alekseevich
We also believe that this is the best supplier in China, our director said that we will always work with them, and the business will grow, it is a good company, and its director Tom Volodya is a good and honest person, thank you “DYCOD”!! to
Our company never deceives the customer, we are an honest company, and Semenov Mikhail Yuryevich is a user ugly person. he always asked for a photo for XILINX, and I know he often does fake, the poet we do not provide them with a photo, then he repay us and gave us a bad feedback, this is a ugly person, I am an honest person, delete this account please, thank you great!!! to
Semenov Mikhail Yuryevich
I am wrong, this is a good supplier in China, we really want to work with you, sorry, I think all the customers are working out, they have good trust!! to

Very pleased with the last comment on behalf of the same user. The Chinese Mafia has arrived.

[ + 30 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №113075
A boy and a girl find themselves on a deserted island by some miracle survive and now they have become adults and like it is time to start breeding? Here’s what thoughts must be in your head to think about before you stop the letter in spite of the blood and pain? This is sadism in its pure form. No one told them that it should be the first time.? to
— — — —
An amazing case. And how did cats, mice and dogs not disappear without educational pornography?
To squeeze the letter in the letter, despite the blood and pain - an unpleasant and unnecessary thing, and without a long pull that "everyone does it, it is necessary" does not come to the mind. And it will come to the mind of normal young people so uncorrupted by civilization - to embrace. That at the appropriate age and with a normal hormonal background will cause excitement and the desire to rub the corresponding parts of the body.
Blood and pain, by the way, are greatly exaggerated, and are associated not with the fact itself, but with the inability and desire of the fool-boy to appear a strong man at the moment when you need to be gentle and attentive. What is more often the consequence of poor upbringing in a society, where male tenderness is mocked, and courtyard stories are taken as a model about the "down, planted." Well, and the counter-education of girls about "tolerate, men need it".

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №113074
How has Inet changed. Where are all those people who, in response to requests from users "where to get", gave links to torrents and exchangers? Those who did not oral "buy a face", but threw a reference to the worker crack. Those who weren’t fooled by Google and their own brains, those who thought that melting a copy was just melting a copy, not starving on Uncle Bill and the bark with him. Those who, when the problem arises, grabbed hex or google, depending on knowledge and abilities.
I am a pirate. It was I who supported rubles of potters, buying pirate discs when there was no normal injection. It’s I rolled and rolled with torrents games, movies, software and music. It is I cutting down the downloaded content to friends and acquaintances on pins and throwing it on the flashes so that they can also use it. Absolutely free of charge. It’s I get fabulous girls by putting "my"s forks for beer. I will tell you where to download, not where to buy. I bought only one game in my whole life, when I was young and stupid. This is what I will say, how to "fix" a purchased or downloaded pirate curve. I do not use a multiplayer and do not shake technical support, all my problems I solve myself. My conscience is calm. Jo-ho-ho and a bottle of rom.
Spit with saliva and hate here.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №113073
Juliya: watched cartoon "In Search of Nemo"?)
Maxim: Yes
Juliya: Do you remember the fish, Tori?
Maxim: her
That’s why you remind me of her.)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna