— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №111089
Let the queen look at me, but I will eat a lemon of tea! I will add sugar! That taste will be thrown away.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №111088
Hm, interestingly, those who watch over the virgin who got into the troll of the nest and advises her to relax and join the collective, are they ready for it?

For example, young odmin and hungry trolls 50+ years old and 80+ Lvl :) menu of the day:
Stas Mikhailov as a mirror of Russian classics
- damage from container radiation, the life-giving power of the cactus and prayer (light soap);
“Vasa, are you married? And why? And what kind of girl did you go for?"
- granddaughter and puppies (grand final, dessert - brains of the victim).

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №111087
The Moralists :

The Woman:
I love my husband. But I am not going anywhere with him. I burn out of shame. Because he is monstrously uneducated and considers the rule of decency unnecessary! He throws cigarettes right-left, wraps and fantasies, can quietly suck on a tree or around the corner, does not clean the shoes, does not smooth the shirts. At the same time, he is very kind and smart enough. Yes, and he doesn’t have any costumes, and he doesn’t wear a tie in principle. I think if he was a little more overwhelmed, he would have long been the head of the department, and not run to the gray hair as a computer boy.

You are a damn woman, as I see.

She is a good wife, loves him, not re-educates him. He was educated, he had no such honour in his life.
You need to raise children, and put your life on the re-education of your husband, a good life prospect.
Marge Simpson is a respected woman, nobody tells her that she is a foolish wife or mother)))))

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №111086
I will continue:

Defense of virginity:
==== is
The phrase "Sex will be, I do not promise pleasure" - she was shocked... Subjugation in the phrase "Hule Paaaakcard" 2210... - I don't know how I survived :)))
— — —
The lady was shocked, not because she was such a virgin, but because of your "genial" jokes and unculture. They were always surprised by such dumb guys who thought they were such humorists once insulted the girl. It would be better, Peterson.
==== is

Ordinary thick trolling. Just like you do :)
Everything is simple: the lady is conducted - the trolling continues and so on endlessly...
If we were to get rid of the demons once, we would have worked better.

Who will continue?
— — —
And from what distraction should she communicate with them on an equal footing, while descending to their level? They have the age difference of 10, they are yesterday’s students behaving like third-class students, she’s an employee who takes work seriously. If these clowns had begun to behave like this, I would have rattled, it would hardly have seemed. Then such workers still complain about what they call boys. They are unrealistic. I judge for myself - to have fun very even you can with friends - friends and outside of work, preferably, but not with this junkie.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №111085
To extend the rights, you need to pass the medical commission, to pass the medical commission you need a soldier, to make a soldier - you need to pass the medical commission.
In order to go through the medical commission, you need to go through the medical commission.
The state is not in you.

[ + 20 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №111084
I drove the car on the washing machine, in which the eyelids asked to dust the luggage, completely out of the head, that I forgot to take a gun and sex toys from it. I have never washed my car so clean :)

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №111083
"You can’t pick up the sound under the curtain!"
A woman on a vegetable diet. This is the "ta-ta-ta" The wife guilty smiles, running past the small (3 years) stops, thinks and says:
Someone broke up... Maybe I too...

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №111082
I am on child care leave periodically calling colleagues I am interested in how things are. Usually all humorously answer:"And what we have interesting, everything is bad, tra-to". But one day I got this answer from one optimistic colleague:"Things are like a ship - we swim, but we float")))

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №111081
You are still a small child. Only three twenty-five knocked.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №111080
Siluanov also expressed confidence that there will be no serious change of course in the near future.
___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Shoe again?! to

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №111079
To this –

Gagarin is also innocent, because the Americans were the first to launch chimpanzees into space.

There was somehow a very similar dialogue, to which he said (in the terms set forth here) - "Chimpanzees - not shameless, if even a Negro was launched - it would be an argument. It is called racist.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №111078
Our office is probably looking for a new courier. Because the old man recently told me that he was not a sales manager at all...

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №111077
"The interim period of passing EGE in Russia starts with the exam in mathematics"
It is simply impossible to better illustrate the situation with education than they did in the headline of this news on the official website of Channel 1.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №111076
XXX: Conjunctivitis

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Factory - Workers
Land for Peasants
The Horse - Quit

[ + 27 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №111075

So this employee wrapped the servo with a blanket so that it didn’t make such a noise. Serwak first reached full power, and then burned.
– is
What is the employee’s fault?
It is their own fault, or I can assume that the managers are fools. Who is planning the infrastructure?
The servers should be located, away from employees, ideally in the server room.
GOSTs on noise must be observed, I perfectly understand how it could get a constant noise.
The only thing that she showed excessive initiative of course, instead of complaining to the management =) And in general, the excuse of the admin.

[ + 26 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №111074
Try to translate, say, into English, while keeping the meaning, the following Russian phrase "Yes not probably..."

The meaning is 100% preserved in the phrase: More no than yes - rather no than yes.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №111073
I describe to a colleague the plot of the film "Robot named Chappi".

Well, one scientist creates a robot with artificial intelligence, which is then kidnapped by bandits and tried to force to act in their own interests.

- Is this "Electronic Adventure" what?

[ + 21 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №111072
Continued by:
I go to the theater on the subway and I am not going to freeze in sweaters, nor to present myself as a clown, cutting down the subway in a suit "I expected to ride a personal limousine, and traffic jams". Console yourself, in theaters they are watching the show, not some of the spectators in the dark room - no one needs your efforts.
— — — —
You won’t believe... Very often during the show you hear a fun laugh and a loud whisper "Look out there! And so on!" By strange coincidence, these are boys in jeans and girls in minis.
No, I’m not saying that everyone who goes to the theater in jeans is an uneducated beast. But, do you know "Some 99% percent ruin the reputation of everyone else"(c)

Historically, the theater was one of the places where noble nobility went to see and show themselves, and, in fact, acting on the stage only interested lovers to look after young actresses. Going to the theatre for the sake of production became,, only at the end of the 19th century, when a significant number of diversionists broke up. So yes, your uneducated beast are heirs and continuers of the nobility traditions.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №111071
"Do not be afraid, in Russia for posts on the Internet are not planted."

Comrade Major, you would be somewhat more bursting, right?
Or was the student forced to work again?

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №111070
and AAA:
How not to kill a cat!!!? to
The results of this morning (Sunday started!!!) ;
The described blanket.
broken TV( collapsed, plasma broken, not subject to repair),
Dried meat (freezed at night in an iron bowl. Covered with a cover...
Such surprises every day.

The BBB:
Cat... I have a battery vacuum cleaner here, which I couldn’t breathe, killed. Not at all cats.
How not to kill them?
The only thing that is pleasant is that they have not written on the blanket for 10 years.
I’m talking about kids, if anything :)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna