— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №158761
I was kidnapped by the Gypsies at the age of seven. Going from school, a woman approached, asked to show the road to the store, the way through the courtyards went, well, I went without a glance of conscience. After a few meters the car stopped and the woman said it was her friends and sooner it would be, I sat in the car and realized that something was wrong only when we drove as many streets past the store. I asked to let go, very persistently, and open the door, but the man who sat next to me grabbed me and shrugged my mouth. In general, I was thrown into a basement, and in the morning the woman took me through the courtyard to the station and told me to sit near the peron and ask for money from everyone in a row, and that whoever does not "work", he does not eat, she sat next to me. I was in such a stress that I sat for a couple of hours so, and as I recovered that was even ripped through the crowd, and then from the station where the eyes look, and I was lucky, I stumbled on a colleague nearby, he took me to my father and I told them everything with tears. My father and the men then searched for this swallow at the station all night but found no one. In general... Teach children not to trust anyone on the street, for me it could have ended badly. Many times the dream dreamed where I flee from it, but over time it ceased... Now I feel I can see it again...

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №158760
Xxx: Two weeks ago I turned 49. And today I had a firstborn with a height of 56 cm and a weight of 4500!!! The best gift in life!

Yyy: I congratulate you. According to the statistics on the life expectancy of men, your son is 85% likely to celebrate his 18 years without a father.

Zzz: You have the gift of congratulating people.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №158759
She did not serve in the army, she was not a feminist.

[ + 27 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №158758
C is very unusual. The call:
Are you repairing reinforcers? I have an old Soviet, named Kumir,
Yes we repair.
You don’t change the details, do you?
Such a flashback from my youth, when I was squeezed for the first two or three years and didn’t know what to answer. Then came up and today after a long break (these idiots disappeared for some reason) used again:
Are you a thief?
... and so on.? to
People usually judge by themselves. That is, if in your temporary disposal comes a thing from which you can get something out / replace, the essence of stealing, you will not slow to do it?
He replied something in the sense of “How dare you say that!” He replied, “Well, do you dare than I am better?” And with your reinforcer, we cannot help, sorry, goodbye.”

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №158757
Two people talk:

I am a ticker, a practical psychologist, a teta-hiller and a saxess coach.

I am also a thief and a thief.

[ + 27 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №158756
It is better to spend time in bed with a nurse's idiot than on the table of a clever surgeon.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №158755
A crowd gathered to celebrate the New Year. A few hours before 12 am I get sick, I lose consciousness. I woke up in the hospital, and next to it was only a girl from that company and... no one else. Friends, the girl, as it turned out later, nobody wanted to interrupt the fun and drive with my body. In addition to this very girl, who then brought me things, and cooked meals all week, and came to the dispatch. It seemed sad, and as if he got rid of human garbage in his life. And I found love. Because I didn’t want to let this girl go after that, so we still live.

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №158754
A true Peter's intellectual will never say that you are an ordinary bastard.

He will say, “You are not submerged, O human being!“”

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №158753
A researcher came to me at the university, and said, “Then and then, we need to make an expert conclusion – a man found a bag of hemp seeds, he sits in SIZO, waiting to be planted.” Well, I’m still young, a fool, I say, “What are the problems? Write a letter to the dean.” I was summoned in two weeks to a court hearing. Why the HS. As if an expert should at least look at these seeds...Taste, smoke...I will immediately say that the end is unknown to me, I would like to know whether I planted or saved this grandfather with the seeds...

I came to the court, they delivered a paper with my data, but instead of an expert there for some reason I was indicated as a witness... Why - hz.

They called me into the room. He stood in front of the judge and looked around. The grandfather sits in the "aquarium", sad - probably the same hemp baron. Next to the bench is apparently a parent, sad.

The prosecutor, cheerful, began to ask questions. And I am sad, because I was a cool expert, and I became a witness and I don’t understand it. I saw nothing.

The prosecutor, who recently finished the kindergarten with a red diploma, began to ask questions. The accused claims to have fed domestic pigeons with hemp seeds. Say, after consuming hemp seeds, will birds show signs of drug intoxication?“”

I scratched my head and said, “No. In the seeds of any type of hemp there is a minimum content of cannabinoids, and the pigeon is more likely to die from eating than the cow catches."

The judge, the prosecutor, the investigator, the grandfather’s grandfather, the guards were suddenly surprised, the judge even raised his eyebrows and looked at the prosecutor. My grandfather turned over the glass.

The prosecutor asked, “How often is the practice of feeding birds with hemp seeds used?“”

Well, I replied, the judge again raised the eyebrows, apparently also immediately after kindergarten in the judge, although it looks serious, even in a hat. I say, “Constantly, cannabis seeds are fed to pigeons, chickens, and papagaies... Some women eat them. You can buy it at any animal store.”

The prosecutor was sinking. Asks the last question, "And if there are impurities of the leaves and pollen of hemp in the seeds, may the pigeons still have narcotic intoxication?" It is apparent that it is unfortunate for the accuser to bring hemp for a pigeon, he wants him to have a bird.

I say, “Of course there will be drunkenness!” Everyone was in the room, who was happy, who was worried. It will, of course, if there are a lot of impurities, and it is a variety of narcotic hemp, not weed and not seed. And if the pigeons will smoke this mixture. Or boil it in acetone, then there will be a trip with birds. And generally speaking, chemical examination of samples is easier to carry out.”

The judge let me go. What was there next I do not know, and my grandfather is sorry, I thought he was really feeding the pigeon... Maybe one of the last pigeons in our city he is... But how the trial ended, I don’t know... And I would like to.

[ + 25 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №158752
If only old people, women and children go out of the subway, look for another entrance.

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №158751
During the Chechen War, Lebed said: "Let me recruit a company of elite children and the war will end in a day.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №158750
One day, when my temperature rose to 40.2, I was very scared that I would die. Half-dead, overcoming ill health, I went to put on beautiful trousers, paint and delete the history of the browser.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №158749
XXX: Fuck, I just got the agenda on the border. I stayed here for four days.

YYY: Four days in line are on the agenda. They say there are no patriots.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №158748
Sukaaa... you are angry at first that we don’t offer you a package, then you are angry that we offer you a package.

Are you angry that we are still talking?

Beasts are...

YYY: Galia, be calm

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №158747
Unmet in love ladies are often upset by the fact that unmet in love men "after" are unmet in food. and cook them.

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №158746
Family invaluability

The table set of knife and fork was given to his father by his older sister Zina. It was more than fifty years ago. The gift was not for a celebration. They just came to visit us. Probably not with empty hands. At that time, the dining knives were not very in motion, and the fork was then used only by the father. Mom covered on the table - myself and me ordinary, and daddy - of course only this one.

Zina's aunt was diagnosed with cancer that same winter, and she disappeared very quickly.

Of course, this fork was not for the father the only memory of his sister, but when one day the fork fell on the floor and the skull split - he was terribly upset. He pulled out of the box with the tool hard, chocolate-like pieces of carpentry glue, cooked it, gathered all the debris on that glue, wrapped something, and did not touch for two days until it grabbed.

As you can see in the photo, the whole villa.

A father of three years surpassed his older sister.

The villi, along with some other rarities, was hidden by my mother.

I brought it to me once, when I was already married and lived in my own house. I have been using it for more than 30 years. At the guests, it happened that the same appliances were placed on the table, but I always went to the kitchen with my own. There are no other houses in my house. This is strange to me.

One day I will not be there, and one of my sons will take the fork.


I add :

I remember that arrival of aunt Zina, and we were walking through the courtyards, the father saw them from a distance, and said to me, "Wow, - aunt Zina and uncle Vania came (and Vanya Belash is his army friend. He came to his father after the dembel and married Zina.)

And I still remember exactly how then my father was upset at the broken fork. How I cooked that glue. Showing and explaining everything. How then, collecting the pieces on the glue, sent me to the room, so that I did not interrupt the process with a discomfort. As he wrapped the glue with many mounds of white thread, as he then placed this fork higher on the kitchen closet, and told me strictly and supplicantly that in no case should touch. And then, when my mom came back from school, the first thing she said was that the fork was broken. He glued it, and it was in the kitchen closet, and he didn’t climb there.

My father died, I was seven. He was a rare man and father. and husband. And this fork is valuable to me not by the material of the cranks and teeth, but by what is associated with it. It’s daddy’s sadness, and then the joy of sticking up. And how he then removed the glue with a squeeze... And as if on the table before him there was always this fork.

And now with me.

Decades of years.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №158745
The sergeant sends the soldiers before the battle:
Now the battle begins! Army against army, soldiers against soldiers.
by Rabinovich:
-Comrade sergeant, and show me my soldier, maybe I can get a good deal with him?

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №158744
Once I went to pick up my wife from the New Year's corporate. In the evening, wet snow with rain, and also on the ground flour of snow, water and dirt.

I see a guy with a girl. Young yet completely. The Loved. He presses it to him so that it does not freeze.

And time is something that should be like the last route, but it may not be.

I still have an hour before the official end of the event.

I stopped and said, “Sit down!“”

They refuse.

They say there is no money, the route will wait.

I tell you to sit down for that.

He has persuaded.

They went all the way, thinking about what...

And I just remembered how when I was still dating my wife, I often came back on foot in the rain and snow because I missed the last route. And nobody ever took me away.

[ + 25 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №158743
In principle, Zhirinovsky was best arranged. 1946 to 2022.

[ + 31 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №158742
Putin gives Snowden Russian citizenship

YYY: and on the front

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna