— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №111149
xxx: Tomorrow I am not going to an interview with a tester, experience zero.What would you advise to read?
yyy: After the interview tomorrow, then read Ray Bradbury’s advice, he writes great.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №111148
Q: Why are you so sad? and spring
I have a happy spring for you!
The heat, the heat,
Away the road.
I used a bumper with meat.
and thresholds!

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №111147
The older man locked himself in the younger’s room and stated that he had “anulated” her quotation. What to do?
[you]: Say that 100% of the population of the junior room is against this, which means this is an invasion, not annihilation. So let it disappear. Do not watch TV with children.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №111146
Team Fortress 2

Moby Dick: A team of idiots
Moby Dick: as always on this server
Moby Dick is playing for you.
It’s you that’s writing.

[ + 20 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №111145
You cannot point with your finger, you can point with your hand. Have you ever seen a typical Lenin monument?
It is...
Do you want to carry a monument to Lenin with you?

[ + 31 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №111144
I’m not ashamed of not being able to eat lemon or wear a suit or something else there. It is a shame when a person is proud of these incompetences and ignorance, demonstrates and principally does not want to change anything, although it does not make any effort.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №111143
Shall we go!! to
Your joke about meeting your parents, that’s the same old-fashioned look.
You missed another aspect: The opinion of the culprit itself.
She is a potential bride.
Here is our grandmother, who for 80 years, told.She was friends with a guy (and at that time only friends, did not sleep together).
He invited her for the first time, and his family gathered at the table.
And then the mother of our young man began her speeches.In the house she is the main, money all to give her, and she will decide who to buy, and who will break.
Then the bride said proudly:"They haven’t caught anymore to spit!"
And went to the exit, and the bridegroom at the mother's permission to ask gathered, to run or not allowed.
There is no love, and it is for the best.

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №111142
Anna Antonova: Today Google questioned me about the age marking of our site for different countries. Yes, I said, there are scenes of violence. Yes, there are sexual scenes. Yes, there are (well, there may be) references to banned drugs... Okay, Google said, then my mark 12+... o_O

[ + 23 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №111141
Buying clothes for your husband.
- Dear, you have out the jeans and the jacket polished, you need to buy new ones.
and UGU. Only I will measure nothing and I will not go anywhere! Never ever!
After a Sunday walk, I go to the store. I was driving and he looked.
Where did you bring me?! I don’t need anything! – I don’t need anything!! to
After long complaints, convictions and vows that we are "fast", it succeeds to drag my husband to the store. I had to work out an Aztec eye meter to immediately pick up the appropriate clothes and look at my husband. More than two or three times he will measure nothing, will begin to say that nothing is appropriate and "let another time". Then I rush into the staff, tell the seller’s size, color and style, and drag a 120-kg man there.
It’s really fast, but in those 25 minutes I’m trying more than in training.
And you say drizzle...weak!

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №111140
In the sight of a woman who allegedly admits her mistake, there is no more real repentance than the cat who sits in her shoes.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №111139
Do you do anything good in your life?
I eat and sleep well.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №111138
Due to the decency of pointing a finger or palm and fashion on the classic, I remembered one joke:
For example, a young striker usually shows the captain the location of the vessel on the map at the moment with the tip of a sharply folded pencil, but after a few years, becoming a starter, the place will already be pointing with a finger. It will take some time and the captain knows with certainty that in fact the place of his ship is somewhere under that palm lying on the map.
After a while, in the anecdote appeared thrown on the card.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №111137
Just a nostalgia:
Property rights of children:
1st If I like it, it is mine.
2nd If it is in my hand, it is mine.
Three If I can take it from you, it is mine.
4 is If I had it recently, it is mine.
5 is If it is mine, it should never be yours.
6 is If I build something, all the parts are mine.
7 is If it looks like mine, it is mine.
8 is If I think it is mine, it is mine.
9 is If it’s yours, but I’m sperm, it’s mine.
10 is If I... Oh! Sorry, I read Microsoft’s Business Plan to you instead of Children’s Property Rights!
— — —
I have read this article in FIDO, if you understand what I am talking about.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №111136
to this:
On Sunday I went to Mega, his wife stayed at home, issuing a shopping list instead.
As it should be, already there caught me a call with a request to buy this, and then out that.

I end up being the whole brutal Ives Rocher: bald, bearded, hundred pounds, in mint jeans and leather – and hurrying to the local fairies to give me the Estee Lauder No. 23 mask.

I think I’ve put something into the world.
Ives Rocher will not sell Estee Lauder's mask

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №111135
The daughter finds sweets wherever they are hidden, in any room. I say, I hear them.
UUU: Directly presented in 10 years. TNT: "When did you feel like you became an extrasensitive? When I was a child, my parents often hid candy from me.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №111134
And all the disquets I threw out literally by night, in February, during the revision of the old unnecessary barrel.
Chevrolet Dollars

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №111133
One in a costume, the other in jeans. Who of them looks like a specialist, and who is a under-learned student and who would prefer to choose the chief?
It depends on personal preferences. For me, for example, a costume as an erzac of solidity does not work absolutely. Of course, the person in the bandage on the interview will look inadequate. All normal clothes look the same.
And of course there are other people who believe that the specialist of a person makes a suit :) Those, of course, will choose a boy in a suit.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №111132
I heard from a fellow pet shopper: Work is not a wolf. The work is piton.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №111131
You should also be released from the call. Lack of brain.

Lack of brains even plus for the recruiter

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №111130
r0nin: guy here under the guitar zombie girl played
I dropped the tenth.
h2so4: Misha, put the signs of intersection sometimes.
H2so4: Sometimes this is important.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna