— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 21 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №110169
What do you know about Freud?
My husband added me.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №110168
I divorced him and found him better. To invest in the sick?
*** by
Was it not because she escaped because she was regularly reminded that she was "calecular" and how much was invested in her?

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №110167
More than a million storms. Let us say NO to the genocide of the storms in Donbas!

Stop the stormy war.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №110166
Yes... I wanted 16 princes on white lexus... And the time went...
It’s 37 and it doesn’t matter what class you’re on.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №110165
The news:
Passengers from the Moscow metro will be issued on tickets.

The commentary:
is right!
That is, the suspicion that the number of people entering the subway every day is very different from the number of people coming out of it. It’s good if more people come in.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №110164
But I will not even think of giving you" - that's for such shit and you need to be executed in the way described earlier. Because this nihuya is not "friendship" is very sophisticated bullying.
— — — —
It is! Trying to unleash a person who is uninterested in sex with you and you is fucking and nikhua is not friendship. “Hey, I tried to divorce sex, and I was divorced, what a tragedy, what an injustice in life.You hit with your miserable nuts.Nobody is obliged to have sex with you because you so wanted: neither for an ice cream in the coffee shop, nor for an open bowl, nor for a dull conversation at three nights. You are not asking your friend to suck, for helping to pull the car out of the cage? If a woman for you is not a man, but a place to set up a member - warn about it immediately, if you are looking for a couple, sound out your intentions, grind, and if the relationship does not please you or you do not see reciprocity - stop them without excessive spots.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №110163
Two quotes in a row. The first:

What do you know about Freud?
My husband added me.

and the second:

I am 37, married 12 years, daughters 7. Not even the fuck and the thought, my wife too. We sleep in different rooms, hands do not touch each other for 2 years, while living soul to soul. The first 10 years are fun!

It must be one family.

[ + 18 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №110162
Yes, guys... That’s what I didn’t expect, so that there will be a bunch of comments on this site about the death of Nemtsov, and none about Leonard Nimoy... Now, for sure, who will ask.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №110161
But at the same time, impotents are not in demand from girls.
They are used. There is a category of women, either initially asexual, or in the process of life realizing that they do not need it. So, they are not so few. And to get an honest impotent who will be a friend and partner, but will not try daily to perform the duty among such ladies is considered lucky.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №110160
Do you know why I got up at 6 in the morning? All I want at six in the morning is to kill.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №110159
Dear boy, listen to the grandmother-cap, if you only need a bed, and communication is stressful, and even more if you suspect that you are a disorderly woman 'doit' - not to drive her through the cafés. Either you take care of it - and when you refuse to write a new song to sing it to another girl, or you make friends - but then friends with flowers and candy don't chew. Do you feed a lot of friends of your sex exclusively at your own expense in the cafe (not due to the situation of DR or temporary financial difficulties, but constantly)? Do they strike you unilaterally? Doylka (any, by the way, gender) from the real _friendly_ relationship will quickly self-eliminate. And if you are an obsessive fan - then you are not able to complain, you are wasting your own life - and enough new-fashioned terms to translate responsibility to others.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №110158
The husband from the time of social youth has a friend Vaniek the Great (truly large - height of two meters, weight of 130 kilograms, Aleksa Popovich). So, this Vaneok very much likes to tell the story, how he in his time thanks to the dimensions was well organized in the army.

Vanya served somewhere in the Siberian steppes. There was generally not bad, but rarely disgusting climate with cold winters. In the warehouses of the part where Vanya served, and several adjacent tubes, there was no body of the right size - none of those suitable for growth were stuck on Vana. As a result, in two years of service, Vanya never went to the guard in the winter, for which he is still grateful to the sewing industry.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №110157
So your ability to simulate in bed is, you know, not unique.
Peace and harmony in sex.
– – – – –
It can not end, but it is a pleasure to get. somehow so.
There is no need for sex here, I have this after receipt.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №110156
The questionable compliments.
I was 20 years old. She worked in a grocery store and lived nearby. The store closed at 12 o'clock at night, and the director took testimonies every night. Well, the director, 45, his wife is 20 years younger, every night tired of what to do with the condition of an alternative and he tried to connect me to this matter.
I and his wife argue against, yet a young girl, at night in the dark courtyards every night is somehow not safe, to which we get an unsuspecting answer:
Who will come to you?
My husband and I are in shock. We looked at each other, on him, in an attempt to understand the compliment, and the director dropped the coffee and continued:
You will have a knife in one hand and a gun in the other.! to
P.S I did not go to the box show.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №110155
We had in the unit Sergeant-Contractant Andrew. Grow from strength 160 cm, and weigh kilos by 60.
With all the newcomers I tried to bet — said, put on a bottle that I am an astronaut. And he won, because in his military in the military accounting specialty in black and white was written "COSMONAVT".
The answer is simple. For a short time he served at Baikonur, a type in a company of some kind (all cargo was loaded and unloaded). And the chief of their staff, who loved to drink, made a corresponding record for a bottle for all those who wanted in the military.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №110154
I am 37, married 12 years, daughters 7. Not even the fuck and the thought, my wife too. We sleep in different rooms, hands do not touch each other for 2 years, while living soul to soul. The first 10 years are fun!
A doctor would seem...

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №110153
Katya gave me the first injection in her life
Before I pulled the needle, she drawn my needle into four parts and wrapped a circle where the needle could be pulled.
XHH: Drawing the Pen
Theme: Ball

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №110152
Your dog smells every pillar!
Yes, the news will know.
Q: What could be new there? changes in the smell of urine of local cabbage depending on the time of day and the quality of the harvest?
Everyone has their own interests! You are on Facebook all the time. It’s the same thing, but I’m not kidding.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №110151
The worst thing is random p_dars. You never know what to expect from.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №110150
Dear zoo defenders, opponents of shubs, a good puppy should be made of natural puff. Do you really believe that birds give their cows voluntarily?

How to keep a coat in the summer?
Put in the bath and pour water. The mole cannot dive.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna