— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №110129
XXX What was the night! The cat was sleeping on me. I woke up with the NSA. There is a noise of peach, something is falling all over the first floor. And I think: I will not go. Suddenly there was a snake or worse this crocodile forgotten like him. In short, whoever goes to the bathroom first to sleep is a hero. The cat came as if nothing had happened and continued to sleep. They never understood what happened. probably eaten.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №110128
Dear men.
When you invite a girl for sex, the girl should try to avoid it.
When a girl invites a guy for sex, in most cases the guy still has to try to get him to be.
You don’t take this difference into account, and then you wonder and get angry, as she blinked and invited for tea with coffee, and then broke up, fool.
And the point here is not that all the babies are spiders or frigid, but in elementary physical differences. You are only excited by the thought that you will soon have sex. In order for a woman to reach such a state with a man in whom she is not very in love, not paying attention to external stimuli and social attitudes, she must be hypersexual and very open-minded, and this is a great rarity. Well, men, frankly, are mostly not sex symbols, in order to cause the desire to stumble upon them with one of their appearances and looks. Therefore, a simple morality: even if the girl invited you, do not expect her to jump on you and pull you into bed, but gently seduce. And you’ll be happy... well, that’s sex.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №110127
What do you want on March 8th?
The flowers, of course.
Do you understand at all that getting flowers on March 8th is harder than anything?

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №110126
>>It is in films such as "Moscow does not believe in tears" we are trying to show 40 year old virgins, who are at the same time single mothers. (V of Cats)

Cats, you are an idiot. At the time of her forty years, she is fucking with her married Tobakov, and not out of the plan to divorce him and get married, but because of free morals and dumbness in sex.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №110125
I read the article about the fact that there are such rescuers who climb to everyone in a row, for example to people who smoke and tell them about the harm of smoking, etc. I remember a couple of years ago at a stop, some aunt approached a smoking guy and began broadcasting a lecture on the harm of smoking. Well, I’m waiting for him to send out these “Captain Truths,” and the guy made a surprised face and threw the “Tyron” into the urn and thanked her for the information. A striking aunt walked away, and the guy whispered, got a second cigarette and calmly smoked.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №110124
According to the Celtic horoscope, I was a snake.
The Husband
My husband hiccalled over me before he knew about himself :)

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №110123
to this:

One day in the winter school, I walked out of the house and went to the platform.
On the way, he went into the food store, bought a pot of Pepper without caffeine (a golden bottle) and, after purchasing, went on drinking.

He barely broke his brain trying to put on a poem size while reading.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №110122
The last surviving doctor, a surgeon, turned out to be my mom’s classmate
What a fashion to immediately remember how small I was, and what a pepper I had, the irresistible desire to get and knock on my forehead.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №110121
Madam or Mademoiselle!
DO NOT advise wearing multi-layer clothes and a jacket to anyone who wants a coat in the floor! I will wear a fairly thin dress, thin socks under the coat, and I will calmly get to work, and I will get there once, and I am already working. And one girl with us for half an hour removes the thick pants, then the rafting, then the wool pants, then wears the thin, so that the puppy does not stop, changes a bunch of coat on the dress. Then she gets tired, she has to scratch and makeup, swallow coffee...In general, coming to 9, before 10 she doesn’t start working. Shabby is better! More productive and efficient at work.
Your 'co-worker' will also dig for an hour and a half, coming in a shirt (only now will the shirt on the'shoulder' be hanged), and even if she is brought without a shirt in a dress under the very door of the 'Rolls Royce' or what such a queen by state is ordered there.
Just don’t overwork – and there will always be a reason.

[ + -3 - ] Comment quote №110120
This is:
Women don’t need sex as such. They view it as a favor and as a means of obtaining material nodes without effort.
— — —
Wait, I will break...
If a woman doesn’t want you, it’s just your fault. An experienced man can excite even a very tired woman. And after such you and there are fables that women do not want sex. Everyone wants sex. People like you don’t want.

[ + 14 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №110119
Great Russia, and the cameras around the Kremlin are not working.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №110118
>>> Show me, plus, at least one photo of an alpinist in a shirt! On the top of the eight-thousand at -50 with a strong wind!

Ask for another photo of the astronaut in the shirt!

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №110117
Do you get sick?
— — — —
Do you already decide, please, the batteries in the vibrator to change, lock in or nail in? Speak clearly, do not be fooled by your hints!
But here is the figure for you, or you will say this directly, come, like, friends with organisms, fuck you will come, and then celebrate on all the crossroads, say, she is a prostitute!! The words through the mouth call for sex. Develop awareness and empathy. There will be natural selection, the most intelligent and guessful will reproduce.
And so the usual, meaningless words of women some perceive as a hint to sex, and soon in general - you will open your mouth, and you will try to get there X - with such advice. It is better to be more transparent with guys, not necessarily in the forehead! And guys, do not brake - if he invites you home, even if "to conduct electricity", say boldly: "I am not an electrician, but I can see!" Don’t forget about the tea (both types).

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №110116
while looking for playlists for smart TV, I stumbled on one forum. At the end of the post, the boy wrote possible problems of non-work:

Your router does not support IPTV. The list of verified routers is available on WIKI help
Problems with IPTV Stream
Problems with your provider.
Problems with your inite/route/comp
You have a blocked channel (something swings / spreads, etc.)
You have wrong hands.
You have a Linux eretic!

The last point dropped me hysterically under the table! I barely had time to shut down the netbook with the fresco - because I didn't want to fuck! = = )

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №110115
The Northern Tourist:
But the buttons are lacking a lot. On the 16671 shirt, no one can find upper clothes with -25, except the shirt. And he will never find it, unless he ever on the way of life a professional server tourist will not meet, who will understandably explain to him that single-layer clothes for such temperatures are especially meaningful to wear, and several layers, starting with a thermal underwear and ending with a not-so-volume dense jacket will protect the same, weigh less, space will occupy it twice less, and the temperature range will be wider than the shoe, because to remove or add an extra layer as a nephig to do. And so far this man and like him are unaware of many achievements of technical and other advances in clothing and hang the closet with another mould feeder for the next 300 days of the year.

Imagine a man wearing several layers of thermal underwear and going to work in a jacket. I drove for a few hours and didn’t freeze. Here he is at work. And there the batteries burn, you can't open the windows - the aunt blows. The jacket he removed, the sweater, maybe, removed, and the pants to remove somehow not convenient. He sits on a chair, sweats and dreams of such a thing to throw it - and out, take it off - and into the office.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №110114
I asked you a question an hour ago.
Which one?
There is history here.
Tell me a story...

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №110113
by Geektimes
Amarao: I don’t understand how an ordinary consumer can “relate to GMOs.” It’s like pressing a frightened accountant into the corner and asking, “What do you think of the observer pattern when it comes to object code writing?”

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №110112
According to modern conceptions, there are 100 billion galaxies in the visible part of the universe. Each galaxy has an average of 100 billion stars. Humanity is extremely mistaken that with this economy God has a business before us.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №110111
FeYa: When you all finally learn what gray 254 shades! by 254! And 50 is not a palette, but a distortion of something. (by Bash)
Evil Max: Yeah... is that... there are 4 more Sequels waiting for us?! to
Evil Max: 50 shades per sequel.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №110110
Please explain:
Explain someone please. Why on dating sites many girls indicate in the questionnaire "I am looking for a guy", for the purpose of "Friendship and communication, correspondence"? Do you lack communication with guys? Or are they embarrassed to put in the "target" something more? I will not understand...

For many, sex is not a goal in itself, but it is very interesting to communicate with a person of a different mindset, another circle, especially if you are sitting in a grandmother's team, squeezing pants, cosmetics and the personal life of stars. At the same time, the development of relationships is possible, even often desirable, but not necessarily: belonging to the gender does not guarantee automatic passion. You probably have just friends you didn’t want to seduce? So why misinformation those who need a partner for the night?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna