— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №108989
The pop-up window of another online toy:

"Do you already have 18?"
Tagged with "no"

"Are you ready to become a pirate and become famous for the world?"
Tagged with "no"

"Wait, your answers are checked... Registration is checked..."
"Thank you very much! Congratulations, you can start the game immediately!"

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №108988
here here :

"The Battalion (just like that, with the Yatem) The first. The female. It is immortal."

The idiots! When is? When will you learn how to distinguish the yat (ѣ) from the er (ъ, it is a hard sign)?? to
Feel the difference: the word "chelovѣкъ", the first letter is yat, read as "e", the last is a solid sign, it is ER... Well or to be more accurate - erъ.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №108987
Discussions of female characters of Soviet cartoons in Japan

I remember trembling on a small flower.
2: I can understand a lot, but shake on a little flower... :)
Please try the flower ;)
There was a master at all. Quite a questionable trickle. Of course, it’s a matter of taste. – ROFF

And a screenshot of a monster...

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №108986
My Aunt Irene:
In fact, feeding rats with GM soybeans has already revealed serious liver mutations and a sharp decrease in fertility, an increase in mortality, and the third generation is simply infertile. A pleasant appetite.
My aunt remembered. You took the rats from the line with an increased inclination to cancer, fed them exclusively with legumes (which the ratkeepers in place would have bitten for), and they eventually developed cancer. Such a miracle!
Send a greeting to Uncle Gil-Erik, we also remember him.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №108985
About the topic "not so heard"
My nephew from the generation of iPhones/tablets for a long time thought that the song "Hope" is related to military hackers: well, the word is there "clothes and computers under the ground and the reward for courage"!!! Whose truth he never understood.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №108984
It is long
= is
Pylons... Pylons of the Suck... these urds called six for dancing Pylons.
The six is the sixth, and Pylon is the sixth pyramid or crystal in Starcraft. But the fool is called six pilons.
You are just imbeciles...
= is
One word can mean a different meaning called this "homonym" example "three apples — three stronger!" a classic example of CIST. Pilons are used in aircraft construction, which is never a pyramid. The forgotten Wikipedia.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №108983
I was looking at the apartment, now I know the secret of the Euroremont

You said that there was a repair in the apartment. and where?
The wallpaper is made in the European Union, which means Euro repair.

[ + 6 - ] Comment quote №108982
Not everyone believes in God, but God believes in everyone.

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №108981
The Month

Dedicated to Fathers...

Now it is impossible to remember where it all started, and it doesn’t matter.
And so it is clear: I am the oldest and wisest man in the world. Twenty years is a joke. Even served in the army.
Naturally, someday there broke up, did not listen to the advice of his pre-submersible old man, answered him something clever and bold, the father was offended, turned and left the room.
So we stopped talking. Absolutely.
They lived in the same apartment and walked by like passengers in the subway.
My mother whispered to me, “Ask forgiveness, reconcile with Dad. You have deceived him. You both suffer from it.”
I loved my dad and missed him very much, but I was stupid, and therefore categorized: “He needs it? Let him be alone. I will live without him, especially because I will soon leave, it will be easier for everyone..."
Three weeks of oppressive silence passed and finally my mother took me to the station.
Hello new life!

I went to Peter, to enter the institute.
Peter met me with beautiful weather and rarely friendly citizens.
When I just got off the train, got to the subway and exchanged white coins in the machine, an elderly woman suddenly approached me and said:

Young man, I see you are a visitor. Here take the map of Leningrad, there is a subway scheme. I don’t need it, but it will help you.
“Thank you, of course, but... let me pay for it.
No, it is a gift. All the good.

And the astonishing woman quickly “stumbled” onto her Leningrad affairs.
Her map was really useful to me. I easily found my way to my institute, and then to the community at the other end of the world.
A week of fun and turbulent student life: meetings, consultations, literature lists, new friends.
And then one day, after another session, I went out to the institute yard to breathe the air.
Suddenly I see: on the most distant, noisy bench, my dad sits modestly with the newspaper and slightly rattles from the club of cigarette smoke approaching him.
I approached and shockedly asked:
Dad, what are you doing here?

He turned away from reading with a slight annoyance from what he was disclosed:

What am I doing? I read the newspaper.
But why are you here?
I came to support you. The arrival is a serious thing.
Wait, and where do you live?
Yes, there were no hotels here, the first four nights at the station, and then I guessed, I went to the local profile office, colleagues helped, the departmental hotel was organized, so now everything is okay. Do you go to all consultations?
Why did you sleep at the station? What can you help me here?
Is it too little “what”? Do you need a city map?

And then I burst like a soap bubble, apologized to my father and said I missed him very much for the last month.
My father smiled slightly, pushed my toothpaste into my load pocket and fastened it with a button.
My wise old man was then forty-eight years old, and he lived a little less than three years.

Since then, almost an eternity has passed, a quarter of a century, but I still regret that I stole myself a whole month of communication with my father.

Sometimes when I’m in the car alone, I’m driving my dad in the passenger seat. I go and tell him the news about myself.
Dad is focusing on the road, but in the depths of my heart I feel he’s pleased.

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №108980
There are such princesses, after the conquest of which you think, "And why did I hug the unfortunate dragon?“”

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №108979
Do you know what an analog line is? And here I now know.

I come to the institution, on the table of paper: "The electronic line does not work".
There are two girls:
What question are you on?
such a thing.
The girl writes on paper R24 and gives me. I ask :
And what now?
She asks the neighbor:
What is "R" now?
The 18th

[ + 29 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №108978
From the news: At the end of January 2015, it became known that FSIN employees seized from Oleg Navalny a fantastic story, written by him for his wife and older son Stepan. The story described how Stepan with the help of an unmanned aircraft and the hero of the saga "Star Wars" Chubakki helps his father get out of SIZO. In the FSIN, this text was considered a step-by-step instruction for the transmission of prohibited objects to the SIZO, papers were seized and included in the personal case of Oleg Navalny. He tried to get upset and explain that there was no Chubakki in the "Bottle" who would distract the guard while his son rescues him with the help of a drone. However, the FSA remained indifferent to the complaints.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №108977
At the stop, the guy says on the phone:
Hello, what are you wearing? So go fast, we have to be in the metro in 10 minutes!

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №108976
I have already written about the straw here. Here she made another move. We have this disposition with her (this is important). I am behind the comp, the one stands on the floor under the table, she is somewhere near the comp behind the table: heats up and fills the fan with wool. Sometimes it cries.
My unseen came, told me that she was carrying to me on the wings of love, and then back home. I was like a real knight in search of flavors. Of course, by notifying her text "be careful, don’t touch the Goat!". When I returned, the lady was sitting at my compass, confused to the extreme.
What about Compo? Where is your sting? I could have found a normal one, since it was so sleepy!
I was slightly squeezed and clarified that there is a ho?
It turns out, my beautiful lady came, walked around the apartment and naturally found no one. Then she turned on the computer and immediately heard a strange sound. It turned off. Goal is smoking. Included the same stuff. Kosha decided that since I was not there, the concern for the integrity of my favorite place would lie on her puffy shoulders. In short, my girlfriend was almost crazy, tricking to start chewing at the same time as the compot. I introduced them to each other. The straw became a strawberry, and I am the hero who saved an innocent animal from destruction! and :)

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №108975
In such a cold the approximation of a man can be recognized by the bell "bells".


This is why when Santa is approaching, a bell is heard!

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №108974
The thieves took out of the house of the unemployed moscovite 5 million rubles.

Yandex, go you to x@y with the unemployed, and their millions!!! to

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №108973
LOL is?

Just from their fields the pollen flew and where it fell, the GMO carton quickly replaced the usual on the fields. There are many such stories.

Where did you see that potato seeds were gathered in collages? And in which colloquial farms are potato seeds planted instead of tubers?

An anecdote: the city comes to the village and saw a cow for the first time. He asks the village man, is she two years old? Yes, how did you find out? It has two horns, because it has two horns.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №108972
Oh, man, if you are not so lucky with grandmothers in a two-room cave and they go for a walk... it's not about them! The full life is more expensive than the Amur for a reasonable woman, and all kinds of carnivorous Karenines are under the train! So, either you choose only the type of hulu, passionate hot babies who don’t live an hour without sex (in this case you’re just one of the many), or the babies are normal, but are forced to go hand in hand, because you get bad. In both cases, you are a stranger to the letter "m". The hut is good, but with it the male-samean must be.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №108971
to this:
– is
Beth4ever: Oh, I remembered that I was separately outraged in "50 shades". The Hero’s Job. A millionaire gives a girl gifts: a book she likes to read, a cell phone that called him, a computer to write to him, a machine to drive to him... and a cloth in the size of a special room.
I always wanted to say that you are a rich perverse!!! Give her a live flamingos! They came after her car, strapped by a spiral orchestra! Throw her into a bathroom filled with black maffins! Take her to Murmansk this weekend, fucking!! to
There would be something to go crazy about.
— — —
You read how and who the book was written and how everything will be understood.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №108970
xxx> What is the name of the child, if not a secret?
zzz> by Luca So I now say with a clear conscience Luke, I'm your father.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna