— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №118992
For the first time in my life, I saw a picture of how the technology is tried to charge with the force of fire.

Here is a generation that has grown up not knowing that the electricity in their home can be obtained from burning fuel on the power plant.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №118991
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah The nursery 😉
WOW – and how?
Okay, I have won...

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №118990
jumped the game. Started by.
I put on a couple of bars and bars.
I found a miserable handful of ammunition, a cartridge and a bowl of canned goods.
In an attempt to smash the second cellar, he was eaten by a zombie-baby.
On the one hand, it is realistic, and on the other hand it is boring.

entered the game again. I was able to walk a little longer.
He was shot by a player.

The realism is probably as much as possible for the game:
There are no maps, you can't keep, you can't find guns.
Always have to drink and eat (and water and food still have to be found).
You only have a flashlight in your pocket. Not even a knife.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №118989
I went to church with my mother and did the religious needs.
went the service. One lady, all as it should be, a shirt to the feet, a cloth wrapped, a thin face, eyes to the floor, stands not breathing, well, just a model and example for everyone, and here, such a trouble, she suddenly sang the phone loudly in her bag. The horror! Everyone jumped, the priest, or someone there reading, fell silent and looked around. And the lady, in the meantime, calmly pulled out the phone... and began a conversation... Oh, the Virgin who bothered at the candles, seeing this, his hands swung up and moved toward her. You will not take it with bare hands. Without interrupting the conversation, she began, very competently looping, covering herself with other people, to leave her somewhere on the side, into a dark side. How they ended, I don’t know, I had to get out of there to finally laugh. There are funny believers.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №118988
Are you struggling with the cat?
The wife: Yes.
Husband: In Saviet Rasha Cats Don Purr for Y. Yu Purr for Cats.

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №118987
I moved to a new apartment, so my toilet room is so small that if I have a stand in the morning, I can no longer fit in it!

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №118986
The worldly lion is an elite dog with a higher education.

Joseph of Egypt

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №118985
A colleague touched the work of the "Speed", a public that abuses the challenges...
And we had it, the memory issued a lot of such calls - My dog ate grapes, is it nothing?
I can't fall asleep - very often it happened if the same address was repeated often - barbiturates were given together with a powerful diuretic, especially malignant - laxative was added. After such preventive measures, the desire to call an ambulance did not decrease greatly.
A bit of fun - a call to a women's bath, fell in a steam, broke her head - bound and evacuated, surrounded by a crowd of naked and absolutely indifferent to the presence of a male brigade of women. It is necessary to think about it - so many women at the "Emergency" work, no - it is necessary to send men, no other way, the controller stumbled!
Or here is another legend, a legend from the substation in the bedroom area: the employees of the wine shop walked and drank, had sex. One broken employee served a couple of fellow servants orally, drank more and... she got worse, half fainting and nausea, called - rightly, "Accidental", a young officer, red, asked her in detail about the events of the night, rejected the obvious diagnosis of an overdose of sperm and gave a not so obvious diagnosis - "sperm poisoning"!
It is all bicycles, and the service of the "ambulances" - heavy, helped many, carried on the ice, off-road and deep snow (I was still a little rural aid), fought on the Rafics and UAZs only as many colleagues lost in accidents - chew!
According to the old memory - you will see the "ambulance" rushing - give the road, it is someone's mother or father in it, rushing to the hospital...

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №118984
Muhammad sits on a shuttle in Berlin and spit on the ground through a hole in his teeth. Suddenly a fairy appears and says:
I am a socialist liberal fairy! I came here to fulfill three wishes.
Look what a hole in my mouth! I want to be cured and put all my teeth in!
Muhammad didn't have time to say these words, as immediately came out the law on free treatment and dental prothesis for social foreigners, and his mouth shone with a snow-white Hollywood smile.
I miss my four wives and fifteen children, as well as my parents, brothers and sisters, the parents and sisters of my wives. I want us all to live in a luxurious villa and that there is always plenty of money!
Muhammad did not have time to negotiate how he found himself in a beautiful villa! On the table - the text of the law on family reunification for social foreigners, as well as bank prints with information about received benefits. The house is fully furnished and equipped with electrical appliances according to the
Assistance in the purchase of furniture and household appliances for social foreigners.
The happy Muhammad simply doesn’t know what else to ask him, because one wish remains. And he asked:
I want to be a real German. Not just by citizenship. I want to be a blue-eyed blonde and be called Fritz Schulz.
He didn’t have time to finish the phrase, as everything disappeared, and he found himself sitting again on his cords and spit on the ground through a hole in his teeth.
What happened? He asked the fairy.
How embarrassing, Mr. Schulz, to swear by the state! You have to take care of yourself! Go and find work!

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №118983
Soviet wallpapers are like a mattress. Behind the blank flowers must hide three layers from different epochs. But worse, if the last layer is the Soviet newspaper. Because the Soviet newspaper is glued to the glue, which seems to have not yet been invented.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №118982
XXX: What did your students get wet again?
YYY: I quote: "Modernism as a cultural situation arose in... the 5th century of our era"

Modernism as a cultural situation arose in the 5th century AD, which was one of the causes of the decline of ancient culture and the collapse of the Western Roman Empire. German vandals-modernists with cries for unity and realism broke into Rome and crushed the monuments of architecture, writing them with the motherly verses of Mayakovsky. And non-modern Romans were executed, robbed and raped. In this order. They are you what? What about postmodernists?

[ + 15 - ] Comment quote №118981
A very naive boy painted cabbage with his genealogy tree.

[ + 15 - ] Comment quote №118980
I go home, walk along the way of two characteristic young men in sports costumes and hear the following:
1) You throw, there are 10 boys there!
1) Yes, chiric, chiric of the boys, let go!
2) AAA is yes.

O has explained...

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №118979
What kind of wow do you have?
Prisoners can be interrogated.
Nippon to yourself.
A military translator.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №118978
The Lesson:
If we consider that our former colleague is now the Deputy Director of the Academic Theatre of Opera and Ballet, then we need to look for jobs in a circus or zoo - from the conversation of Intel engineers.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №118977
18446 is very interesting. You’re not a hamka, but a sharp but sincere "man! Always humbled with unrestricted to the language that we have "honest and straightforward", "open and alien hypocrisy".

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №118976
[16:20:02] >>>:
Funny Google Docs users calls:
Unknown earthquake
Unknown bacon

[16:20:50] >>> Oh, Orangutang has connected. Also unknown
[16:21:14] >>>: No, orangutanga has been identified. This is Alexei.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №118975
RSS from Dr.Web'a:
The new service can be used by all authorized users. If you have not yet specified your mobile phone in the profile, rather add the information, because then you can get the link to download Dr.Web for Android by SMS!
And I remembered the half-joke definition of the concept of credit: "The hand of help, shaking from impatience."

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №118974
On the news about the beginning of the TV career Kerzhakov on "Match TV" the only comment:"How did he get there?"

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №118973
by v_vodokachkin

My friend told me something really wonderful.

To the same debtor, living in the ordinary entrance of an ordinary house, came with their pragmatic goals delegations from two collector agencies simultaneously.

At the door of the intended victim, they clashed nose to nose and were unable to come to an agreement on the further procedure and the distribution of roles during that. Word for word, there was an unsettling fight on the staircase.

Everything would be nothing, but, in the trouble of the struggles with unpaid debts, in the neighborhood apartment culturally rested for a cup of tea a numerous male company (well, what about, after all?). The noise in the entrance insulted the hearing of the resting people, probably listening at this time to the melodies of Brahms or Vivaldi, they left the shelter of rest and in non-verbal form expressed to the violators of calm all the measure of their indignation. But this measure was not considered sufficiently convincing, and the collectors, unexpectedly hit the epicenter of popular outrage, were twisted and dragged, despite the attempts of resistance, to the point of reference. Where the mentioned area took them in his arms, rubbing his hands in anticipation :)

Such things. Do not go, citizens, to work as collectors - it is full of it!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna