— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №107709
I am just crazy about the saleswoman of our "Salute". Three little nephews run at once at her house, plus the kids often jump into the store, and she loves to express themselves vitivato. So now in her, and at the same time in our lexicon, such forms of life have appeared as the flying hole, the seed hole, the Pripyat unicorn, the vulvocentric turbosoroc (who of the children will understand the meaning of the word "vulva"?), as well as various gastrocephals, nephritic sticks and infusory socks successfully replace the traditional butchers, blades, dumb puzzles / hives and dwarves. Everything is censored and original. Thanks to Olga Timofeevna.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №107708
<Nash-Mash> 686: The master offered me a hyprocom. I sent him and laid the bricks.
<NASH-MYASH> Proem has bet, not the master.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №107707
Avrora_Goddess: And I thought at 40 it was a celebration
How old are you, dear?

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №107706
I sit on the couch and eat iris. The cat approaches, sits closer and begins to watch straight on the iris. I open a new coffee, I offer the cat, he turns his nose, but continues to silently hypnotize the iris.

Here it comes to me that he’s not waiting for an iris, but when he’s a fancy thrown to play :-)

A harsh childhood, the journey not only in the "shoe" was...

[ + 20 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №107705
Zzzz is great. Thanks to the sanctions, cows will be fed with rocket engines!

At first, I tried for a while to remember that cows were introduced against us for sanctions.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №107704
No is no. He in the 6th grade dreamed that when he was forty, he would take care of a woman 10 years younger than himself :) Ordinary thing, by the way.
The usual thing is when you’re over forty.
And in the sixth grade, children are horrified to imagine how their parents, slightly over thirty, are still able to have sex. And forty years - people don't live so long)))

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №107703
xxx: New "smart" device, how many of them?)) Theymo
YYY: Everyone makes smart, but there is no smart lady (
zzz: They’re smart, just they’re smart enough not to connect with you =P

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №107702
Asked by the newspaper who could be responsible for the government computer attack, Leithner said it was "difficult to answer." However, according to him, since we are talking about "digital footprints", they "could have been left by the Russians to make it look like it was done by the Americans."
Could it be a courtyard? Maybe a crown.

[ + 14 - ] Comment quote №107701
xxx: we even have imported cows docking machines, that is to say more technological things
yyy: but missile engines and nuclear reactors are exported
Zzzz is great. Thanks to the sanctions, cows will be fed with rocket engines!

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №107700
I was a little girl in school, drinking started only in the universe community. And so my mom still remembers a 10-year-old story that barely cost her a heart attack. A vigilant mother waited for me by the window from the graduation school until the morning, and therefore almost fainted when a police officer (at the time still) was stopped near the entrance and two mints under white blades pulled me out of it. I was just a little girl and I was afraid to go back through the city all night and polently asked the mints to take me home.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №107699
I had a situation. It was necessary to solve one trouble and I published its essence on several forums. The day passed and I decided on my own, and published her decision, closing the topic on one forum. What was my surprise when someone suggested MY same decision on another forum two days later)))

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №107698
At one time my girlfriend enrolled in the institute by specialty "engineer-enricher"
My mother, who was skeptical about our relationship, thought...

[ + 26 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №107697
The trip with his husband to a toy store for a gift for his nephew ended in the fact that he bought himself a huge factory spider!

[ + 23 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №107696
"Teleprogramma", January 3, 1 channel, 10.10 "STARIK HOTTABYCH", FENTESI, USSR, 1956

And the director, Pedi, thought he was filming the story.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №107695

[Thanks to you]
"Don’t touch it – it’s for the New Year!" – the post gave up.
"You eat, or it will ruin" – the post has taken.

[ + 22 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №107694
The little boy Vasya was very carefully prepared for the fact that during the summer holidays he would go to his grandmother to the village. I put a phone, a tablet, headphones in a bag, took a flash with games. At the request of his mother to bring with him at least a few books, he refused.
In the bus, he pulled out the headphones, connected them to the phone and turned on the music. The miles to the village flew quickly, and he is already at a stop and his grandmother meets him.
Hi my granddaughter! Go to the house, try, probably tired from the road.
After eating a delicious fried potato, Vasya got the tablet and turned on his favorite game Subway Surfers. He played it until an alarm warning appeared on the battery charge indicator that the battery was only 10% charged. "I should be charging" thought Vasya.
Having delivered his travel bag, he began to dig into it in search of a charger. His movements became more convulsive, he began to get nervous.
Eventually he realized that the irreparable happened.
He did not charge.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №107693
[Another example of some Users’ Answers foolishness]

X: Should I change my name if the relative to whom I was named has died?

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №107692
On the porn site:

God, no such poor manga, I'm drunk I can't go to the shuttle
Yyy: You are there more careful with your steam - don't get drunk.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №107691
UtahJazz: >Chief of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on Mari El shot himself at work
UtahJazz: the main news on Yandex
Patrios: stupid, suicide is a sin, he will again fall into Maria El.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №107690
Lora: I am 13 years old, I need a shave to shave my thighs and the bikini area. I’m embarrassed to tell my mom to buy me a shave.
Reports: Tell her "I have a forest and I want a lawn".

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna