— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №108709
Rin: There is a saying that if you first put a socks on your right foot, you are an ordinary person, if on the left - an extraordinary and rare. I checked what I was and found out that I was wearing differently, depending on the socks on which leg in the hand hit the first...

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №108708
Boris: Put it down, my apartment was almost three million!
Mazenrad: And how much is it worth now?
Boris: 2 900 000 r.
Mazenrad: E-E... Were you paid for it before?
Boris: Blind, by a third of a million, almost to three))

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №108707
Are you holding money in rubles?
I have money in food.
yyy: got a salary, bought food for a month and all, no salary

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №108706
She was already married to a prince. Then the prince got drunk, went to the village and there drowned to death on a motorcycle.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №108705
I will be embarrassed, but I will answer:
The sons want because of the stereotype: "inheritance", " to pass on the surname", "marriage" (about the father of the girls)
And girls are more affectionate, better manipulate.
not be embarrassed. There is a saying that if you have a son, you become a father. And if you are a daughter, you become a papule.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №108704
Living in a fairy tale world
and ==
I took a look at the interrogations of prisoners of war Ukrainians and DNR/NLR-ci... such an impression, judging by the methods that the interrogators in the 90s pressed the bubble of merchants on the market.
and ==
Welcome to our shit world. There is war, my father. And the interrogation doesn’t look like “Dear Prisoner, will you not be so kind to tell us addresses, passwords, appearances?” There is no doubt that a special hardener on the titer does not fall.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №108703
If you repeat other people’s mistakes, remember that this is plagiarism.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №108702
Not my own, but read.
The power of words. I recently watched this English video. There is a blind old man sitting next to him with a sign: “Give to the blind.” People go by, very rarely someone throws coins. A young girl passes by, passes, pauses, then returns, takes a plaque and quickly writes something with a flamester on the back, the blind man only has time to touch her shoes. People passed by and the coins just began to fall into the cup of the blind. The girl returns from work in the evening, stopped before the blind poor man. He recognized her by her shoes and asked what you wrote? I have never received so much money before. A plaque is shown. It was written, “What a beautiful day today... but I can’t see it.”

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №108701
Rospotrebnadzor came into horror by the fact that in the packages of salt supplied by Ukraine is "sodium chloride" and immediately banned the import of this substance.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №108700
— — —
In the family of screws, as a husband, do not press, still twist out.

Somewhere in the world, another Russian language teacher threw a loop on her neck.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №108699
You are the wrong admin. Do not feed this true admin with bread, give a good iron to cut off. The documentation on cysts on the Internet is full. IOS find also a small problem.
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
As a rule, in large public offices, each cheek should be accompanied by a paper that will explain why you sneezed. Signature and stamp. And to take the initiative to bypass the chiefs is generally similar to people-eating and coprophagy. In terms of the boss himself.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №108698
Basik, congratulations on the 50,000 approved quote and 1000 pages, we all love you! I wish you more humour and fewer trolls, commentators and scammers.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №108697
xxx: I just met with the director of the film formula. It tells - about the shades of gray таааакой wildest agitation in advertising. They are called by all the intimate salons, public houses and barely baths and want to put advertising.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №108696
Fighters for "literacy" deliver especially.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №108695
Max Mr. Nutty: on the weekend went with him to the playground, you approach the playground with the child and the rest of the children like zombies, smelled a person, crawl to the new...

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №108694
Tested on people: surprisingly, but the fact - almost all future fathers want sons, and then for some reason they love daughters more.
I will be embarrassed, but I will answer:
The sons want because of the stereotype: "inheritance", " to pass on the surname", "marriage" (about the father of the girls)
And girls are more affectionate, manipulate better and cause big subconscious erotic experiences. Freud, shit what are you doing?

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №108693
to this:
That’s why she was offered to abandon a religion that brings thoughts of suicide. Is suicide better?
What’s better than Sodium?

What to laugh at here? Well, for example, over the fact that suicide is one of the heaviest sins in Christianity, heavier than murder and sodomy.
From a legal point of view, this is also a beautiful clinker: "What did you promote? Suicide or sodomy? You will not turn away, heretical bastard, burn on the fire! I look forward to stoning sinners in Russia – this will be our next stop on the road to a bright future.

[ + 42 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №108692
The story of the film "Distance":

Russia in the late 90s. The young Crimean peasant Vasily went to Siberia to work in a coal mine. He soon becomes the sole owner of a large power plant and the largest coal field in Russia. One day, Vasily returns from a long-distance journey with a strange company - he is accompanied by a German artist and a handcuff. Vasily locks his companion with the pet in the warehouse and dies safely. After his death, the mysterious artist shakes up a gang of three dwarfs. The purpose of the criminal group is to extract some kind of artefact called “distance.”

Are they smoking there?!! to

[ + 27 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №108691
Regarding the names:
In order to protect the child’s psyche from the parents-originals, parliamentarians propose to create a unified list of names, which will be used by employees of the GOS. By the way, this practice is not new: such lists of permitted names for newborns exist in many countries of the world. For example, in New Zealand it was introduced after young parents began demanding that children be registered with names such as Justice, Messiah, Christ, Bus Station No16, Cruelty, etc.
Bus stop No. 16 for a beer.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №108690
here here :
It is interesting what people with halogen headlights think when people with halogen headlights meet them.
Every one of them thinks "Well, fix yourself the lightning of the shit".

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna