— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №107749
by Alexei Alekseev:
Employees at the office of one of the most influential newspapers in the country, Vedomosti, suspect that their days of Independence may have been counted.
and below:
"The “Vedomosti”, which are currently collectively owned by the Wall Street Journal and the Financial Times,..."
This is how independence is...

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №107748
Guess, you don’t even know your size and all your clothes is purchased by your wife :)


I don’t know my size, and I always measure what I buy.
I advise knowing people to do the same, the opinion about your size from different manufacturers does not coincide.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №107747
My Cat’s Thoughts: “I know I can’t walk on the table. But I will go anyway!"

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №107746
xxx: For humanity to enter the new space era as soon as possible and for the development of other planets, I propose to push through the public.
YYY: What do you suggest to a colleague?
xxx: Tell women that on Mars the gravity is about 0.38 Earth, and therefore the chest will be less hanging away.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №107745
I think it would be ideal:
There is no alcohol in the establishment - no children under the age of 14-16.
There is no alcohol - it can be with children.
Those who want to rest normally, there is a place to go without the risk of stumbling. Children are less drunk.
Alcohol is everywhere. :)

It is :)
Your son is the only one who has taken vodka on the march! Thank you for your work!"

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №107744
I sit down and eat ice cream. I see a strawberry in the bank. I prayed for ice cream. Varenie was an adjika.
- Honey - ((

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №107743
Memento_mori: How many such photos I watch - a trend: the grandmothers are engaged in slides, the men pose on the camera :-)

I'm just the only girl who knows how to fry a chopsticks, and in any condition ;-)

Memento_mori: the shashiki here is secondary. I say, I lay pictures: the grandmothers are all at work, the men pose. If I lay out our campaigns: the girls are cooking, the guys will jump through the fire. The girls are putting tents, the guys are hanging on the tarzan. They smile and smile, in short :-)

Okay, the apocalypse will happen, the grandmothers will survive :D

Memento_mori: the apocalypse will happen, there will be a friendly male: "Grandmother-a-a-a-a-a-a-a!!and "

[ + 31 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №107742
Today I went to Cavgolovo, a child on skiing. The wind was like that! I thought he would take it like Ellie.
Ellie piloted the house. And in free flight is Mary and her poppins.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №107741
here here :
The husband told - a guy from his work met with a girl botanic, she was all on "you" to him. And behold, he gave her a sexi, the evening, they were alone in the room, he brought wine, candy, she was still on the "you"- "sitting", "sitting", all things. Here it came to the most important thing, so, he says, when I heard "introduce", the most important thing never happened.)"
I remembered the famous "Here I have a friend/known and he... ". Maybe it was not my friend at all. and ;)

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №107740
xxx: pf-f-f... yes, I was a world champion in measles, only the most expensive shampoos helped, and even very conditionally.
YYY: And now what? I didn’t notice your pearls.
XXX: Yes, at the same time 10 years of her absence, healed once and hopefully forever.
What is so radical?
You won’t believe it! I stopped using shampoos from measles, and she herself disappeared after a month, since then no hint, tifu-tifu-tifu.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №107739
I support :

I also want to eat a snack at the cafe. But not to hear whispers at the same time and not to be afraid to step on the carapuz running around the cafe..But I did not see such advertisements and signs "With children the entrance is prohibited" also did not see...And the people would have gone! Very small children in public places. Just the greed of the owners of restaurants and cafes prevents them from voluntarily losing part of the customers. And previously in the trip to the holiday home / sanatorium was always stated - children under 5 years of age are not allowed. It was right! And the happiness of babies is carried with them everywhere, and they are still surprised at the outrage of the people around them.

It’s terribly annoying, recently celebrating a birthday at a restaurant. Nearby from us 2 companies with children up to a year sitting. The babies whispered joyfully, whispered, and it was impossible to talk. I had to go, not even singing. Other visitors also left. I don’t understand the benefits of the owners, one baby can easily drive half the visitors out of the restaurant.

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №107738
I watched the "Seventh Print" of Bergman. I sat for a long time and thought where I had seen all this, finally remembered - this is the most terrifying cartoon of all times and peoples, "Ezekiel in the fog." Existencial journeys through a dull, unreal world, and Death constantly behind your shoulders.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №107737
Funny of course

xxx: Many years ago I read somewhere about a farmer who decided to grow a pig for bacon (well, a layer of meat, a layer of fat, again meat, etc.). Apparently for this a special breed is needed, but the male didn't start paring - took an ordinary pig and arranged her diet - a week of feeding for slaughter, a week on a poor diet. As a result, the pig grew up very thin and very wicked.

YYY is class! Don’t tell your wife, she will take it personally.

Not a poor diet, but a change in diet. That is, for a couple of months, crush a combined food with potatoes, then a month of grain clean. Bacon can be replaced. Especially the chest and neck. In other places, there is usually no bacon.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №107736
Grandpa, pointing to my desk (wallpaper - forest, lake, flowery):
- And you know, it looks like a landscape of... (pause) This is where the elves were... Interglacial!
Or maybe the Middle-earth?
Father: Aah... one figure, well, like the Lord of the Rings.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №107735
When you are 20 years old, you don’t even know how to scream, but you’re already trying to learn.

– – – – –
This is shit, intrigued, the silver sunset. Now write a post about your skills, the history of their development, what you have achieved in this area of human relationships.
(Maybe you need to change your hand every 10 seconds or so.)
Write, I am very waiting.
34 years. and lonely.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №107734
RZD cancelled Volgograd electric plants due to debt of 720 million in 4 years
RZD pays footballers Diarra and Busuf 250 million rubles per year each

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №107733
XX: Yyy and I also decided not to argue with Matt. And then we picked up a very heavy box and she, to express her emotions on the subject of that weight, said: “Falling women! The male and female genitals mixed up - I strained, released the corner, and since then we have been mating again.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №107732
Here is here:
If your parents are old fools and don’t understand anything anymore, you’re an adult – get in the wheel and take responsibility for everyone.

Mark Twain: “Support it! When I was fourteen, my father was so stupid that I could hardly bear him. But when I was twenty-one years old, I was amazed at how clever this old man was.”

So if your parents are old fools and don’t understand anything anymore, just grow up.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №107731
A real domestic cat is not someone who spends his whole life in an apartment and is afraid of the street.
A real domestic cat - after rushing from a street walk home, the first thing to do is carry to his pot, catch >_<

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №107730
I’ve been a good girl all year and I want a copy of the Death Star as a gift!
Sherlocked: You fought with a child in the store because of the last set of glowing stickers, stole a road sign, stumbled over people standing in line at the mail, after receiving the package, did not sleep at night, regularly alcoholized, and the depravity in your life by epicity is comparable only to sodomy among poets of the silver age. Oh yeah, what a girl? You are thirty!
I was, I was. The good. The girl. You don’t want the same thing to happen to you with a child in the store, right?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna