— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №132299
I am the author of the source

He was born in 65 in a small working village. We had a phone at home and needed to tell the telephone worker which number to call - I was five years old, as I remember now. You had nothing at the end of the 90s. Are you from the planet Earth?

The place of action - Striezhova, founded in 66, lived a family in a shelter for the watchmen. Phone one on the 9th floor at the guard for an emergency - call an ambulance, for example. Placing phones in the rooms was allowed, somewhere at 00h, when the rooms could already be privatized. Most of the friends lived in similar conditions and had no phones.
p.s There are now corners on the planet where there is no connection, it does not depend on the year.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №132298
xxx: and now the irregular section "idiot recipes"
Throw pasta in boiling water.
- understand that the pasta is not enough, and you want to eat. Throw the same rice.
When everything is ready, think about sausages. Throw the same sauce.
Find out that there is no water in the pot. Add from under the crane and bring back to boiling.
How good that there is hunger, fatigue and mayonnaise in the world that will allow me to overcome this shit.

I need your grandma.

Do you think she will eat it?

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №132297
Where does peace go?

You forgot to put it before the treatment.

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №132296
We return with friends from fishing late in the evening, the road was chosen little busy but it is shorter than 15 kilometers. Around the middle of the road, the rear wheel was pierced. We had a reserve, but there was no key. We are standing, trying to stop someone asking for a key for a few minutes. But the road is not so lively, one car passes every 15-20 minutes. We vote, but all pass without stopping. You can understand them, there are 5 men, at night, in such a deaf. But we are upset, and the problem is nonsensical. And then, after three hours of waiting, a penny slows, a man looks out the window and says:

- guys, judging by the downgraded wheel, you need a pump, a reserve, a locker or a key, I have nothing of this with me unfortunately!

Why stopped then? ? to ? to

- so that you don't think I'm another Gandon who has gone by and hasn't even stopped.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №132295
It is easier to curse the master than to crush a slave.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №132294
"Imagine she has five screws in her left ear, five in her right ear, a screw in her ear, a nail in her left nose, rings in her upper lip and right eyebrows. Daddy on the whole forearm - the vein can only be found on the spot.
Sitting this wondrously strange in front of me in the procedure cabinet, and with eyes full of horror trembling, looking at the syringe in my hands.
What is? I ask.
I am afraid of injections. Is it not hurt?
by BL@! She and her tongue are still perforated - some kind of microwave shines on the tip.
I look at her and think, “What do I, a regular anesthesiologist with twenty years of experience, know about pain?”

My friend shared

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №132293
What if admin works badly?
Try to dismiss and accept back.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №132292
Some fans of adult movies boast that they can recognize one or another actress by the shape of the chest, tattoos, etc. The day before came to realize that my skill is above any other - it was possible to recognize the male actor by the member absolutely automatically...

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №132291
You don’t read Facebook, right?

Nail: I do not have an account there.

Natalya is up! Let us be friends there!

Natalya: Are you there for a long time?

Nail: Well, I’m 28 years old, until you find out on your internet!

Natalya: I am still in the shower.

Nail: Well... don’t need to be prepared for our friendship on Facebook...or necessarily? O_O

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №132290
Showing my wife Trello... on her head. 😉 Poor phone breaks off from notifications. Install the program on the computer! to Draw! to shrink! to hang. :D As a response, I put her there borst and massages. ^ ^ ^

Update: She was ahead of me here! 😉 I make burrito for dinner. and :)

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №132289
>> So why does a woman in the "accidental" flight not run for abortion to do?

What do you get that doesn’t run? Look at the abortion statistics. Well, the comparison of standard treatment for syphilis with abortions is also wrong: different degrees of intervention, consequences, risks and complications.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №132288
You can develop his thought - it is necessary to cut everything and the men, and all conceptions through the test tube. After all, in women, sexual arousal on the same organ is not bound, and the whole skin is not cut, in men, on the contrary, in pants, the main arousal is concentrated.

Studies of female organisms, including circumcised, showed that a woman without a clitoris and small lips is not able to experience pleasure in principle. That is never. Nothing at all. There is concentrated most (in 50% of women - even all) of the nerve endings, allowing to experience excitement.
Only the cutting of the clitoral cap is safe (an analogue of the male extremity), but this is limited to extremely rarely. The most often completely cut off the clitoris and lips - and this is actually castration. And sometimes they go further and just knock it all down. The man then goes into the bedroom with a knife. Putting the road...
There is nothing to say about the lack of hygiene in the process and infections afterwards.

It is scary actually. Even worse, there are still blurries who consider this to be the norm, and even require that all others submit to this norm. In a normal country, this fool would be jailed for inciting, inciting and organizing mass crimes. But our intestines are thin. Sounds day and that’s all.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №132287
I asked at the forum what is missing a child if she eats sand. Options were proposed: stars, brains, sand, freedom.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №132286
In chauvinism, the weaker always pulls everything, because the stronger can force him to pull instead.
In feminism, if the duty is not prescribed as someone’s specific, it is pulled by the one who can pull – regardless of gender, political, racial or any other affiliation.
And when they are forced to drag a man under the motto of "motherhood - not a pity" - it is not feminism, but babysitting.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №132285
And men can tell a lot, fantasy, or rather love, it does not depend on gender.
It is fashionable now to be a victim, to be the most/most oppressed – hence the femate, MoDya, wait for your privileges and other things. Rape by sight, rape by refusal... The oppression by privileges has just recently been removed.
And in real life where all this, and nowhere. Everything in Twitter and Tumlers remained.

And many girls forcibly crushed your eggs in the transport?
Or did you try to press in the school dressing room?

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №132284
I can’t keep up with women and the burden. The village, on the left of Baba Masha, on the right of Baba Pasha, both died for 90 most of their lives alone, the farm is entirely on them. However, my mother "and in the cellar on a burning horse" to 50 disabled in the heart, about joints and so on, I remain silent, while I, being a son, tried to raise anything heavy to her not to give, while she did not ask me. And this is what I am for? And to the fact that everything is very individual, to the fact that being an adult already a man, it is natural for me to look at how a woman weighs weights - I will help myself, I will offer help at least, I will refuse - I will not insist, I will ask - I will not refuse help, because we are created somewhat different, for me 20 kg - it is not a weight, but for 40-50 kg of a woman - it is half of her weight, and often do we "men" raise half of their weight? Take care of women, men, they humanity to give birth to or wish our country to fill :)

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №132283
Arthem drank Inesa with vodka.
He went to the cinema, gave a collar.
There was no rape,
I paid 100 bucks per hour.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №132282
>>> and here is a nice female voice from the speakers:
“Dear passengers,” said ship captain Natalia Gagarin.

In 2011 he flew from Aktiubinsk to Alma-Ata by the company "Air Astana"
Before the dynamic disappeared.
"Venerable Pschry, the commander of the ship Baldirbek Kuzugambetov" or something like that
The first reaction was the desire to shout "Let me go, I will walk".
P.S They flighted.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №132281
Nail: A friend just told me that my speech has changed, it has become Peter’s.

Darya is serious? Is it like Peter’s speech?

I don’t know that, Suarez.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №132280
XXX: My daughter, we’ll cut off your head.
WOW : Why?
For the illiteracy. We wanted to break off the mat, but found that your SMS "go out sooner or quite late without p..." ends with the words "unfiveteen already". And for illiteracy.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna