— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №98948
You can’t argue with me, girl!
Bl, you know the expression "blows like a carrier?", so I worked as a carrier for three years =_=

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №98947
Horses do not scratch their back with their legs, horses scratch their legs with their back.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №98946
The lifehacker:
A small lifehack. Once I was exposed to a banner of a well-known online underwear store in a contested advertisement, I clicked, looked at the photo of a cute and not very dressed girl, closed the page. Since then, in contextual advertising, the banners of this store have started to hit more frequently. Sukkcha was smart, Chukcha understood what to do. So now I periodically go, admire, and in contested advertising more and more girls in underwear and swimsuits. And also the range, and accordingly the photos are updated periodically! and Profit!)

For me, the computer is mostly a toy, I work as a driver. But for a very long time I have been surprised by the stories of people for whom computers are a tool of the labor process, about some kind of contextual advertising. I decided to disable AdBlock+ and really everything is blurred from the banners, up in the eyes of the whistle, and most importantly why do you look at it?

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №98945
x: 30 years ago, on June 6, 1984, Alexei Pagitnov launched the first version of the Tetris game. He explained that the game was not developed for entertainment, but for repairing new computers in the computer center of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, where he then worked.
Y: And so far no one has passed! They could play games!

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №98944
To understand a woman, it is enough to pay her attention, listen and solve the puzzle of crosswords in 6 dead languages on the sides of the Rubik Cube.
YYY: And what’s that complicated about?

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №98943
I love my hometown:
The woman, who was blacklisted on the social network, burned a bunch of seed out of revenge

[ + 41 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №98942
My rabbits, I’ll add a little to your little shit:

I do not smoke, I do not smoke and I will not. I treat smokers calmly until they begin to suck the air I breathe. In clear examples:
1) when I go anywhere, and in front of me itch another comrade with a cigarette, and not actively suck it out, but just carry in his hand and smoke-smoke-smoke (observed many times)
2) when another smoker stands at a stop and smokes, not bothering where the smoke goes. They stand in the thickness of the crowd, on the windy side, and they DO NOT HUGE smokers around or not, whether smoke falls on small children or not.

Verdict: If you are a normal, adequate person, then:
1) you will NEVER allow smoke to fall on children, and you will smoke OUT of the area of their presence (on the side, on the balcony, OUT of the home)
If you are in the presence of other people, you will stand so that smoke does not hit them. Or you will smoke where there are no non-smokers, in smokers, for example.
All that shit is useless. Either you are a man or you are a pig and a point.

With respect, foreign

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №98941
The Habr. Search for extraterrestrial life.

The ugly carbon chauvinists!
yyy: Looking for planets with Earth-like conditions is more convenient because they can be colonized :)
zzz: That is to say, “dirty carbon chauvinists – colonizers”?

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №98940
from Answers

Q: I gave this... I gave it... what do you think of the forty unsuspecting good bird?

A: Forty good birds, and why did you give this and that?

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №98939
From a spontaneous survey on the street:
What is the name of the galaxy in which our solar system is located?
Sorry, I’m not local, I can’t say.
The reptiles are here!

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №98938
Alone from Barnaul. Now there is a threat of flooding, and rain is promised for tomorrow. Today there are continuous grey clouds hanging all day long, mostly everyone is calm, but some are a little worried.
It already darkened. Quiet at home. I sit with a note. Mother from the corridor with a calm voice: “The rain has already begun.” I look out the window and listen to the drops of rain. Started...
"Riddick" is no different :)

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №98937
Just the most magnificent stem over modern spots:
There was a message from one online electronics store, the subject of the writing - various ways to cool yourself and your computer in the heat. There is everything as usual - air conditioners, coolers, fans and at the end... a smartphone, with a snooker "In the heat can be used instead of a windshield".

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №98936
The Friday. The heat. I go from work. All in a very open summer, in a short shirt. In my hands carry 2 packs, purchased near work with fruits / vegetables, so you can go home right away. The mood is no better.
A man’s voice from behind:
- Girl, it is simply impossible to follow you, saliva drops.
–... Oh... oh...!! to
Your strawberries smell so good!
– (... ups

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №98935
by Akden:
>Our Central Bank
Sorry, but it’s not ours :(

by Vladimir94:
The Crimea is ours :)

and paranoid:
Same as the central bank.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №98934
I’m going to the office happy)))))))))))))))) vacation is coming soon!!!!! to
How long are you leaving?
Hours: 2 weeks
NN: Oh, you give up, until you don’t want to work later.)
NN: Thief
NN: You are resting.
NN: Sorry, it came out by chance
NN: Honestly

[ + 31 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №98933
by 08.06.2014 We look forward to the arrival of a non-smoking train from Vladivostok.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №98932
Request for repair of the box:
The box broke, hanged at the terminal, after rebooting on the screen running numbers and letters
They are not stopped."
Commentary of the service organization:
Neo, The Matrix Has You...

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №98931
1st If I want to eat hamsters in a restaurant and I’m beaten with pimples under the pretext that my behavior will violate the freedom of others, it’s absurd, don’t you think?
2nd If I eat hot dogs in a public place and hamburger lovers think I’m imposing hot dogs on them, it’s absurd, isn’t it?
Three And if these hamburger lovers will tell me that they are sick of one kind of hot dog, then it is a complete mess!

I am not smoking and indifferent to smokers.
= = = = is = is = is = is = is = is = is
Not so man. You were bitten by a hot dog with a small amount of poison, and the rest began to blow in the ass of everyone who was around, regardless of their desire.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №98930
Fate is better not to experience. You break, you will not get a new one.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №98929
The Flag
Instead of epilepsy. A taxi driver asks me, “You know the rules. In the direction of Vienna, a sign hangs in front of the bridge. The same is red, and there are two more arrows in it - red and black. What does he mean?”
I wiped the sweat from my forehead. He understood why there were eternal accidents and replied, “The advantage of opposite movement.” He looked into his incomprehensible eyes and added: “You must give in to the opposite. Closely there...”

There are such words-signs that once glued - and everything with a man is forever clear. This is my story today.
In the USSR there were few personal cars, and those who wanted to drive them - a lot. And if the adult uncles and aunts, like something unfortunate, dreamed of any "wheels", even the most rugged, to ride to the country, then what about teenage high school students. In general, the country did not rush to give us the rights and in the auto school we were taught very honestly for three years. By the way, I have all my life learned differently and from different teachers and can appreciate the quality of the organization of that process: a solid four with a plus on the five-point system. Why not five, I will explain.

After the trainers, I got in the distribution to the Colosseum, about which the acquainted students said: "World man! Colossus understood his driving happiness as a driver-instructor specifically: the state gave him a car, poured gasoline into it, and he rides on it for his business. He understood teaching in two ways. The main is that everyone who enrolled washes his wonderful car, and then one out of five students (Oh, lucky!) He receives the right to carry Koloska and the canister for a severely deficient beer, while the rest on the rear seat of the 241th Izha depict a cane.
The second kind was to appoint you a meeting in the winter outside the city on the highway on Saturday at 16 o’clock... and not to come.

Having been tormented for a month with Colossk's fortresses, I told him in the face everything I thought about his approach to training and went to correspond to another instructor. The seats remained only one and he was called Alexei Dmitrievich, and all goodwill discouraged me from this step with the formulation: "Yes, you are what! He is a former flag. You don’t know how the flags in the army interfere with living!”

The Flag was a man of business and strict. He clearly and immediately said that the money is paid to him for not killing us on the road, not for washing his car. With the help of a sheet of paper, a handset and a lighter (which depicted the car for us) easily explained any road situation. And really taught to think while driving, taught to observe the rules, because they are written in blood.

Those who first stayed at Colossk escaped after me. Fast and almost everything. Those who did not escape then gave up on the right once from the fifth.

So since somebody’s tried to stick a label to someone or something, I’ve got my hands itching. For the humiliating “flag” by no means corresponded to a man who was honest and devoted to his cause. To the true Soviet praporst, who for years taught boys in the army to drive heavy trucks, and after retirement, who made the most effort to teach us. By the way, none of our youth group fell into an accident, at least not by their own fault. Years passed, and to those who taught us in the auto school and theory, and practice, only words of gratitude remained. Everyone except the collar.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna