— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №87327
X: Hi, Serega is sleeping with her grandmother, she wants to adopt her two children, and I saw this straw yesterday with a young guy!
Y: Be calm, this is her eldest son.
Q: How old is this adult?
and 37! The younger is growing up.
Q: Is Nafiga Serege such an old grandmother with two children?
And with three!! to
y: He saved a couple of months ago on condoms, soon the wedding until the stomach is not so visible

[ + 6 - ] Comment quote №87326
nickras: my grandmother recalled with kindness the replaced, old drained elevator in the house, and the new one just wept her =).
shewolf_org: I totally agree with your grandmother. Our old elevators have been running without problems for 35 years, and new elevators are being repaired every month.
nickras: =) The old one was constantly in repair, and the new one was rolled, it is now driving, it seems not to break.
gadzzzilla: to get rid of

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №87325
I had a friend who changed his name to Edward, and he did the right thing because he is really Edward, and no one is yours.

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №87324
Recently, Russians have been very excited about homosexuality. Probably not easy!
Yyy: The main thing is that they are not concerned about the introduction of social norms on water and light, budget cuts and rising gasoline prices.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №87323
Trackers on Horror:
Neo63: is it really fuvolo or is it worth seeing?
Rapido22: I think a great movie has been waiting since the premiere to click!
Link: A very good movie. I ventilate the room... not looking at at night, not wearing headphones.
Home24: accidentally broke up the curtains, but did not watch the movie.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №87322
From a conversation with a niece who is watching a cartoon about the cat:
I ask her, “If a cat is made up of only the front parts, how does it go to the toilet?”
The answer was not a bag: "Now, whoever will pass on that and walk";
The child is invaluable 😉

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №87321
I realized that life is ironic when at 21 years old I’m even asked for a passport in the movies because I look like I’m 15. And at 15 was the opposite in the clinic, when she gave the direction for analysis and policy, I was asked where the child was. And then for a long time apologized, said, well, you are so sleepless, quite on a 15-year-old mom pull.
Am I Benjamin Button?

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №87320
The Owner
I approached the window and cried because my cat has been roaming around the world for a month without me, curving the space, and I am a fool looking for him in the basement.

Her sister missed a 12-year-old cat, the whole family went searching in the streets, in the basements. not found...
A year later I suddenly saw her in the library, which was located in the same yard where my sister lives, in the apartment of a residential house. In addition, this library, as the mother of a primary school student, I went all this time properly at least once a week. It turns out, all this year our cat lived in this entrance, never going out of it, and the librarians and residents of the entrance, all these good people, fed her and called for some reason our Musa Marsi. Thank you very much, and let their cats never disappear.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №87319
xxx: Minimum: Processor: Intel (or compatible) 2000 MHz or higher; Memory: 4 GB or more; Hard Drive: 20 GB or more.Recommended: Processor: Intel Core i7 3000 MHz or higher; Memory: 4 GB or more; Hard Drive: 100 GB or more.
The GTA 5?
xxx: sql 2012)

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №87318

I agree with you about European cinema. The last movie that shocked me was the Spanish "Impossible". Over flooded Thailand does not fly a superhero in cowards on top of a trick, the hero has a normal job, wife, three children, but there is no father suffering from Alzheimer's disease, who is responsible for the comic component of the film. Even an Italian neighbor is looking for a missing wife, not a gay partner.

Mechanical - Sun
The title in every sense.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №87317
I understood one life wisdom. You should buy clothes under the colour of your cat's wool.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №87316
From McDougall.

iSlava: A few days ago I bought an iPad New(3) with a firmware 5.1.1 put the jail and the sixth and seventh! The main plan was working!

Vasya Popkin: a day ago bought, and already iSlava

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №87315
Fire at the Business Center:
How big was the fire? Was the whole building on fire? Or a couple of scratches?
[Xcentric]: I did not see it myself, it happened an hour after I left, but, judging by the conversations, the flame did not go further than the server, it just smoked everything.
[Syrax]: "Somebody's deadlines are burning." - I was jokingly wiping off my office table from the saji."
[Syrax]: Scuco, and so there was a fire, and you still joked.
[Xcentric]: I had a bad joke afterwards.
[Xcentric]: in the process of moving the furniture I took a large table in one haru to drag and someone decided to toss: "That you are right this... Hero... Hero... a, Heracles!", and I take yes and lick "Herostrat!" =)))
[Xcentric]: Luckily, the people were not so educated, and they could even beat.
[Syrax]: )))))))))))))))))))))))

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №87314
I watched today ads on avito for the purchase of a car and suddenly realized that the beaten and painted cars owners burn or melt in the sea, so that they do not fall into second hands!

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №87313
Today asleep under the rainbow (and under it only sleep and there are fungi) heard that cats are moving in space, and Christopher Columbus was a cinemacephal (dog-hunting). I approached the window and cried because my cat has been roaming around the world for a month without me, curving the space, and I am a fool looking for him in the basements.

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №87312
The monastery. The deacon loves to eat. The cook made cake with potatoes. In the evening, the dialogue between the deacon and the idol: d. And the cakes! I prayed for cake today. Father, each prays to his gods.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №87311
It is necessary to add:

> Brake – the helicopter’s lunch. The helicopters heated the lunch by putting it on a hot engine. Since this had to stop and land (slow down) the word brake came into use. Well, since helicopters sometimes fell... Moreover, sometimes they failed under the ground, after some time this word came to the miners, and then broke up in other non-helicopter environments...

Many do not know, but helicopters have existed on earth since the creation of the world. The church hides, but it is already known that God created Adam, Eve and with them the helicopter. The truth is why the helicopter was expelled from heaven together with its ancestors is unknown. Per this helicopter played the role of a snake and fed Eve with apples. If he was then wearing a flight suit with a mask, then he could well be confused with a flying. Since the helicopter did not have a pair, he had to reproduce by partenogenesis, and he reproduced so successfully that already in the Middle Ages the traces of his descendants can be traced by studying folk folklore. All these dragons, the Hornets, the Movement birds were actually helicopters on their helicopters. At the time, their partenogenesis was already considered a shameful remnant of the past, and in addition to sheep and cows for food, they abducted girls. By the middle of the twentieth century, the population of helicopters increased so much that they had to move to a legal position and join the ranks of humanity. So the brake from the helicopter slang and got into our lives.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №87310
I went to the personal office in Megaphone, a lot of money goes away, I will order, I think, detail. Password, clear pen, I do not remember. Send a SMS (free of charge) Password came in. It is 184 rubles. While I ordered, I entered the e-mail address, look-and-in the account already 176 rubles. For the first time in real time, I saw my money leak somewhere.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №87309
You write like people.
With a console in
The game cannot be stolen,
This is a exclusive prerogative.
PC-snippers who are regenerating games
They don’t buy and only know what they do.
to go. Consoles are all like that.
honest and innocent, and with one
Speaking of Piracy
They cheat and cheat their own.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №87308
But the golden iPhone will be very well combined with the golden teeth of its owner.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna