— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №87127
... there is a colleague in our office one... a man a little provincial and very practical)
So, we decided to get rid of ourselves and on unfairly earned cash to buy a coffee machine in the office. They put this miracle of technology in an honorable place, performed, under the pleasure of the crowd, a test launch.
And then our rationalizer said, in full seriousness: "normal technique... Only I don’t like coffee this your bitter... Here if there is a peanut to sleep, a chic soup will work out!"
... 3 days we break the head if it was serious, but the coffee machine is not left unattended in any case)))

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №87126
Only in Russia you can die from hypothermia in September. at home.

[ + 29 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №87125
I go to school with my child, to meet a friend.
I greeted - hello Clava as a business and so on.
A little 11 years after I said goodbye, as a child raised he said:- goodbye t.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №87124
to this:
The question! Does this dish at least theoretically ever end? and :)
In Vietnam, a dish was served, the name of which in free translation sounds like a hot pot. A small burner is placed on the table, a pot is placed on it. Something is constantly cooked in the pot.It is cooked, placed on plates. As soon as the pot is empty at least half next, the cook materializes and pouches another portion of products into the pot. The products are different all the time. Starting with seafood and ending with fine-cut pork and a bunch of vegetables. The dispute is not all very delicious, but we all four struggled with this dish for three hours. I did not win ?

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №87123
This is:

The solution to the chemical weapons problem in Syria will require about $150 million.
For the sake of peace on earth, it can be printed.
— — —
Chuvak, $150 million is three fighters.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №87122
No guys, you don’t know what a wicked office is.

We had a man working, he had an air conditioner in his office.He prayed for two months to repair - they said there was no money. He cracked, went into it himself, what it broke there.
The officer fined him for damaging his property. The air conditioner was repaired for fines.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №87121
The child received the first "5" in the diary. of physical culture. for the drawing.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №87120
From the forum dedicated to motoring.

The xxx:
I drove along the border along Dynamo towards the ocean. At the crossroads with Foxin table dress of our brave. I noticed them for a long time. I drove on the left lane, speed 50-60. And here, bljad, this frost through all the lanes is thrown under my wheels. I just didn’t "take a cup". I managed to slow down while staying a little crazy.

I haven’t hit the balls twice in the beginning of the season. I liked the same millionaires! When he saw me the second time, he said, "And that's you, you went on the h***j!"

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №87119
There are women, the beetles. The man who was next to them reflectingly wants to take them on his arms and help them take off.

And there are women - hydraulic jars, this is such an elevator mechanism. The man who was next to them just wanted them to stop screaming.

It is difficult for women of the second type to understand why men so treat women of the first type.

c) Rozoff

[ + 43 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №87118
What if you see an animal listed in the Red Book eating a plant listed in the Red Book?

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №87117
Why do you have perfumes? You are an encyclopedist - suck with the network cable.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №87116
XXX I quit smoking.
HH: Do you not believe it? to dispute?
We are arguing!
XHH: for what?
If you lose, you will quit smoking.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №87115
Hello to you! My friends are interested in your comment...What does it mean?

Tell them that the steep ones are so beautiful that it’s scary to meet.

It’s good to get along, and there’s nothing to be afraid of seeing them!

[ + 50 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №87114
About the WoW chat:
All by
— — — —
Phuy is a speech and is written together, and "phuy" is the level of water in the reservoir.

Do it right ;)))

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №87113
A discussion of the fingerprint scanner on the iPhone, which is said to not unlock with the finger cut off:
You can stumble a person, attach a finger to the scanner, and then cut it off.
Why cut off then? It would be hard to buy such phones anymore.
The news could worry those who like to cut their fingers off. I just dispeled their fears.

[ + 42 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №87112
This is :

How the internet has grown younger. These idiots are amused by some kind of dartucker (no, I know who he is, but I have nothing to do with him, like with Khrushchev and Stepaška). Half countries can't get their relationship with socks in order. Some part (1/5 approximately) openly calls themselves fools. Mix coffee with Coca-Cola. Pets in the ass. They turn on and off the TV because they are unable to understand what they are talking about in the news, and their fucking associations should somehow cause strangers to crack. Get rid of vegetables. The PostScript. The veins should be cut along a sharp object. by Brittany.


You would have clarified that it is not an electrical shaver. They won’t understand, they won’t kill.

[ + 40 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №87111
xxx: I think the family of gamers is cool
YYY: The wife does not know how to cook borsch, although the husband still does not know what it is

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №87110
On the other hand, the stars saw a Georgian cognac in the store today.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №87109
It is bad when a person who dictates you an email address or a website has a speech defect. Questioning the fourth time is uncomfortable, and you sit with this letter...

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №87108
The strongest of this world is the one into whom the stones thrown by men do not reach.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna