— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №151846
Walter White also suffered from cancer and died of a bullet.

Yyy: The series came out of Hye Mountain years ago

I just started watching it yesterday, without hitting a single spoiler in the hue mountain of years.

But today I decided to read comments to a post that has nothing to do with BB

My luck is pumped to 1000.

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №151845
This is the story of a woman whom some people thought was a blonde. She walked into a large hypermarket and saw a stunning pot for 8 thousand rubles. Expensive, but she liked this castrulence so much that she bought it.

Coming home, all the stickers laid off and let’s bake and steam in it all kinds of tastes.

The next day, she went to the store again to buy something, and there sold out. And this pot instead of eight costs just three thousand. Any insult could be resolved.

But our girl instead took and bought another pot for three thousand. I came home, took the cash check from yesterday’s purchase and returned with it and with the new pot just purchased to the store. Say, yesterday, here you took for eight thousand, it did not fit me, I want to return, everything new, not even opened.

I returned eight thousand. She was not a blonde.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №151844
Age for a woman is when the money borrowed from a man has to give - money.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №151843
How are you borrowed, putting a sign of equality between economy and poverty.

Savings are not a matter of income (from which the desire for it does not depend at all), but of self-esteem. A person with low self-esteem, when buying something, is guided by one criterion: "will not those around me accept me as a miser?“High – not thinking about it at all. He can afford such a luxury as savings.

Yes it is luxury. Increase your self-esteem and do not get overwhelmed. All are good!

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №151842
Picking forests in Siberia. was caught. At the court, the prosecutor spoke about a mother nature and that it is not good to harvest the forest. In fact, they were jailed. I planted forests in Siberia.

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №151841
My sister asked me to sit with my son on Saturday. Patsanu, 5 years old, saw me from strength twice in his young life. In the morning, they told him what to feed. The child quietly didn’t even cry, from the morning he was sitting and gathering his designer, and he didn’t say a sound. He offered to look, but he refused. It’s time to feed him, he doesn’t eat, he refuses. The hour has passed, also refuses, the designer collects a small engineer.

I call my sister and explain the situation. She told me to give my son a phone. He said something, he agreed. He approached me and said he wanted to eat. I have a mountain on my shoulder. The boy ate everything and asked for supplements. I asked for it again in an hour. I had to cook again. After an hour, his appetite felt again. “What a boy,” I think. And so a few more times.

In the evening, the sister came to pick up, and the boy lying on the floor is full and even the designer does not want to collect. I said, “Tanya, what did you say to him like this? He exploded to eat everything. = “

She shrugged and said, “I told him we lost it to you in the cards. Now he will live with you. But if he eats well and asks for a supplement, I’ll think he’s rude and give him back.” The boy probably wanted to go home.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №151840
I filmed for a while a garage near the substance base, in the common people - a trunk. And despite the signs indicating a ban on entering the territory of the cooperative, the people were very happy to cut their way by 30 meters and get as close as possible.

My garage was on the front. The fifth is from the hole in the fence through which the human path went. And on the weekend there were always smaller ones who put their cages there. Spring, autumn, summer is not a trouble, put near the mouthpiece in front of the garage, space between the garages and the garage gates is enough even for two cars to leave. In the winter trouble. All the snow fell from the cleaning roads and occupied the "parking". Accordingly, the fools began to take seats at the gate. Especially the cleaners.

And here one Saturday morning, I come with the thoughts of the beautiful, the hope of the warmth of the bourgeoisie and the full luggage of the tool. And in front of my door there is some sort of laundry on the site that I loved yesterday for two hours.

I began to look in the hope that even if the greeting room was left under the glass, Ann didn’t. But here I notice (although it may seem, but it is not certain) that smoke flows from under the front panel, gray, thick, straight as if the wire is burning.

In my head was drawn a scenario of the development of events, how it would burst out, how the fire guard could not get up because of other basar idiots, how the flame would spread to my garage and how my property would literally heat up to the heavens.

We had to act quickly! I open the garage, in turmoil forgetting to put the gate on the limitator, I grab the fire extinguisher powder 4 kg and quickly proceed to eliminate the fire. The fire extinguisher is planted the nearest window of the "burner" and with addiction I fill the salon with a white cloud of powder. Since I am a responsible person and always try to do the work carefully, I have donated all 4 kg to prevent the disaster.

As my moral stocks of extinguishing drugs were coming to an end, I call a fire calculation to control the facility in order to prevent re-incendies.

To my surprise, the firefighters arrived very quickly. They looked at the "burner", listened to my interesting story and called the police. Only not for my soul, but in order to find a owner who does not monitor the state of the on-board electricity network of his car.

Mentions have arrived. Hearing about the events, they began to establish the owner of the car. It is at this point that the “victim” comes.

To say he was surprised is to say nothing. In a moment of emotional shock, he even tried to blame me for wrongdoing, but was quickly besieged by firefighters who not only expressed their approval of me, but also praised for the quick response and the correct civic stance!

This story was supposed to be finished, but the wind blow sharply pulled the gate that I forgot to fix and it joyfully arrives on board the car with a snow-white cabin. The door left its deep mark on the back door. And then, the owner of the multi-suffering decided that at least now he could bite me, let's not much but still hurt me. He begins to make noise and engage police officers. How naive he was! Well, what sensible person will make the mint work? It is more expensive! But he probably didn’t know about it. The menus, in turn, worked just great! They compiled a report on the arrival door, took explanations from me, accepted a statement from the victim and then, on the basis of this statement, issued a fine to the victim for passing under the sign 3.2 "Movement is prohibited". I then came to the garage, I have a rental contract, but the applicant did not have any documents confirming the right to enter under the sign.

Regarding the damage to the car, later during the consideration of the application, he was explained that he was wrong and advised to take the application. And at least then he listened to the advice and did the right thing.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №151839
That, fucking, the door of the refrigerator in the store to open, and you power can fuck?! Sorry for my French.

yyy: I recently had a case in the city - a girl went to the shower after the workouts and she was hit by the current from the crane. They disappointed. The administration was aware of the problem for several weeks.

That’s why I don’t go to the gym, not because I’m lazy.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №151838
A man is better than others think of him, but worse than he thinks of himself.

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №151837
One girl told me:
In the morning when I left the courtyard. The rear wheels in the hole, the front wheels slide on the ice. A jeep is in my back. I blinked pharaoh. I cuddle in place. A healthy man came out of the jeep. I thought I would fight. And he stuck in the trunk of my car, I didn’t even have time to turn on the transmission, as I pushed out my car. A good man! The real!

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №151836
Freedom is not when you can tell the truth, but when you do not need to lie.

[ + 24 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №151835
Our retiree has just a fairy life: he found himself with his old lady at the broken cork.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №151834
A little slower, Frost

A small introduction.

As long as I remember, I spent every summer in the village, helping my grandmother manage the farm. The Internet in those distant times was not yet invented, so free time spent either fishing, or in the forest, or in the company of peers.

Our diversion-intelligence team was engaged... Easier to say, than we were just not engaged, for which we periodically scratched fresh berry flour. But even the punishment could not extinguish the pioneering lights that splashed in children’s asses. Funny and worryless.

In 1983, after I graduated from the fourth grade, when I was on the threshold of eleven years, my friends offered to earn a little in the council house on field work. It was called “going out.”

From the morning, the brigadier (Victor) was engaged in the distribution of the front of work among adults, and then approached us. If there was something, then accompanied by the elderly, our team went to perform the task.The first two days they broke the peas, pulling out the feed, which stood out among the white carpet of the food with purple blades, and then picked up the slices for the spades and the villas.

Driver of Kobe

On the fifth day, after making sure that your submissive servant takes the matter seriously, the brigadier solemnly announced the promotion: I was entrusted to carry bags of commodities from the warehouse to the farm.
Can you handle a horse? Victor has clarified.
When I looked in my eyes, I lied.

The fact that my experience was limited to a child horse catwalk decided not to spread. Everything will be fine, I will do it.
With these thoughts, I reached the farm. There was already waiting for the thoughtful red cabbage Frosia, who with universal pofigism observed a pair of flies gathering on the dungeon in the posture of a confused astronaut.
- She is calm, don't be afraid, - encouraged the zoo technician (Sergei), - but don't chase.

Thank you for the insight, and I thought right away from place to place to fly to the warehouse with a whistle and whistle. Probably this was very eloquently witnessed by my frightened eyes and shaking hands.
“You know,” Sergey breathed, “it’s okay, little, look.

The next twenty minutes were devoted to the basics: how to drive a horse, how to wear a rope, and remarks about the fact that “if you worship, I will tell the brigadier.”
- And now ride, - the zoo technician gently sneezed and smoked.
But I whispered.

This is yes, the goat broke away from meditation and relentlessly moved toward the warehouse! To understand the feelings that upset me at the time, you have to be a little boy who for the first time in his life driven a real live horse.
A mile to the warehouse and back we arrived in about half an hour.

- Don't be afraid, - encouraged Sergei, - hasten her a little, or the babies have already eaten where the combined food.
If you get a little faster, won’t you get tired? I went to the cowboy.
“Pofigu,” Frosia thoughtfully whispered, looking at how the same flies are coupled already in the posture of the godmol.
But then no.

The cockroach flegmatically moved into some kind of slow rise.
“But,” I shouted after the fifth flight.
— But yes, — Frosia according to even faster.
“Young man,” the zoo technician smiled after four hours, “will you go home for lunch?”
Oh yeah, I cried out.
- As long as you get there, you will have to go back, drive, just don't forget to drink, - and, glimpsing, Sergey left for his business.

This is yes! Travelling through the whole village. For the city boy, however, this was not just a reason for pride, it was a moment of highest bliss. I was allowed! Still not believing my luck, I quickly set the route to follow. They were two.

The first - on the so-called Old Street, the second - on the New Street, which appeared in the post-war years. It was good because it ended up a hill of sixty meters high. Along it were also a council, a school, a place to give out dresses for work, a bathroom and a store. The number of spectators will be maximum.

Decided, we go for a new one. The route was like this – kilometers two on the street, we drive to the hill, then, taking the left, we descend, we drive through the crossroads of rural streets. Then, after two hundred meters, on the rather busy road Baranovic - Silence, turn to the right, and we are home.

“But I went,” I cried loudly, shuffling the chiefs.
I remembered that day for a lifetime. I was just scattered by pride, even more! by Sam! and one! Everyone seemed to think:
“This is a good guy, so small, and already riding a horse.
Frosty, don’t we go fast?
“Pofigu,” cried the cockroach, not stopping meditation.
I wonder, I thought, could anything get her out of that state at all?

Be afraid of your thoughts, for they are material. I do not remember who of the ancients spotted this, and there was no time for memories, because the horse suddenly set out to take off.
How is? and simply. Thirty meters to the hill, a motorcycle struck us with a loud thunder. And a miracle happened: Frosia shaken, hit his tail...
“Hana,” a bright lightning flashed the thought.
We have gone! Loudly shooting the first step, the goat ran into the gallop.

Being in a cloud of edible exhaust gases, I weakened the heads for a few seconds, trying to wipe out the tearful eyes. This was enough for Frosia, after eating a snack of surprise, to encounter a bright future, which ended in a break if it was not turned back in time.
Throwing up!
They are ha. by Pofig.
There is no man around! Lunch, where did they go? The witnesses were only three dogs who looked at me with obvious respect.
Throwing up!

We carried out so that the warm air blown out the sores that appeared out of our nose. In a different situation, I would be ashamed, but not now: there was a little more than twenty meters left to the abyss.
Throwing up!
When I realized that it would not be possible to stop the cowboy, I pulled the left leader on me:
Turn around!
They are ha! The Pope!
Shoot the second stage, let’s break!
There is. The third at the same time!

How I didn’t drown, I don’t understand. What was fed Frossa forever remained a mystery, but by the strength and power of the exhaust could be assumed.
Oh my mom!
Do you know what a village rodeo is? This is when the horse, gased like a carrier rocket, made a sharp turn. The wagon in accordance with the laws of physics began to collapse side by side, I was holding on board with all my strength and waited for it, forgive me, I stumbled on the asphalt with my already clean (thanks to the galop) nose. But passed through.

As yet passed! Shooting with such a sound that for a second I stunned even the rumbling chariot, I managed, without allowing the chiefs, to cross my eyelids.
By the way, the described procedure can safely be recommended as an additional stimulant for patients with gastrointestinal tract. I guarantee, it will go through!
- We returned, a little slower, Frosia, a little slower!
They are ha. The Pope!

With what speed our crew, composed of two desperately gased subjects, took off the mountain, I cannot judge. To be honest, it wasn’t before.
Throwing up!
I don't know what this cattle imagined, but it went so that the wind whispered in my ears. I didn’t even notice the first cross. I was surprised by the big neighbor. I still remember his sloppy cheek.
Throwing up!
There were 100 meters left to the next crossing. If this scourge does not stop, we will be beaten down like cream.
Seventy meters. The chiefs are stretched to the limit, but Froze, traditionally, pops up.
Throwing up!
Fifty meters.
Throwing up!

In critical moments a person wakes up such abilities, which in normal life he does not even guess. I never thought I could scream:
Yes, so that somewhere in the village a bunch of crows flew frightened, pears were poured from the surrounding apples, and two trucks stopped at the crossroads. But most importantly, Frosia hit the brakes sharply. More than 10 meters...
I missed:
I fell down on my back in fatigue.
- Pofigu, - the goat whirkled relentlessly and began to look at the flies with interest, which were on the dungeon (again!) He was in a position of jumping pressure.

The hands, rubbed by the chiefs, burned, in the ears ringed, in the nose ticked, and in the stomach, forgive me, loudly bursting promising processes.
Little boy, are you okay? The drivers of both cars were already there.
One fixed something in the blur, the other looked me in the face with anxiety:
What happened?
I was scared, and the motorcycle was scared.

Generally speaking, I brought Frosa home under the arms and accompanied by two trucks.
“Look, little girl, don’t fly like that anymore,” the drivers, coming out of the cabins, carefully grabbed my swollen arm and, waving for goodbye, quickly fled behind the crossroads.
Thank you guys for your help.

The cheerful and cold cabbage needed to get drunk, and I needed to be seated in a meditation booth. Therefore, for the next half hour the horse filled his thirst with small throats, and I knew the higher Zen and enlightenment.
About the races I decided not to tell anyone why to upset the people. Everything ends well, doesn’t it?

As it turned out, Frosia was very afraid of cars and sharp sounds. But now, having an invaluable experience, I was calm. The main thing is not to miss the preparation for the launch.
Therefore, it was only necessary to hit the tail, as a second before the horse's mouth was a piece of bread:
Stay quietly, calmly and calmly. Oh, look, again the flies, in the new posture of the hardened drill.

So the next day, Frosey and I were rushing home for lunch. Right now, on the Old Street, far from sin. And then the company began to harvest the seed, and it wasn’t until the sovhose.

In those six days I earned ten rubles forty copies. My first salary at the time was an unprecedented wealth for an eleven-year-old boy. I regret only one thing – I did not keep that calculation sheet, it was small, stupid.

Author: Andrey Avdey

[ + 26 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №151833
Putin: “There are no toilets in schools, but we spend 100 Mbps of internet there.”
The kids will be fucked in the comments.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №151832
I go to the pharmacy, in my hands sand cookie wrapped in paper. While looking at the window, the biscuit cuddle broke off and fell to the floor. Well, as a cultural person, I lean to lift up, so as not to shut up the pharmacy, but here the babysitter is like a garnet: "Don't eat!"

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №151831
Once, with friends visited the Samara church, examining the icons, in silence, heard the following dialogue between a woman and her child 8 years old:

Why was Jesus hanged on the cross?

for your sins!

I did not hear a word from the pale child anymore.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №151830
In the morning, a young man calls:

Do you repair your phones?

What do you have with him?

- Yes, yesterday I arrived normally so well and put a graphic key for something, now I can't remember, I've tried all the options, can you help?

I will try to help bring.

I explain where to find me, we agree that in an hour and a half he will come, about an hour goes by, the same guy calls:

- I won't come, I drank a beer bottle here and immediately remembered the password

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №151829
We will not rise to the level of our capabilities until we descend to the level of our excuses.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №151828
It was long ago. I repaired one computer, which after half an hour of work hanged and did not respond to anything. Diagnosis showed that the hard disk overheated and ceased to react to external stimuli. Well, I change the disk, it remains to rewrite the information from the old one. There were some clever specialized programs on it, for reinstallation of which it was necessary to contact the developer, no contacts, and so on. So I decided to just remove the image of the entire disk. Do you remember half an hour? I need to write one and a half...
The problem was solved in this way - the old disk on the wires was pulled out of the body of the system unit, and a fan was attached to it on two washing rubber and two money rubber, which was also removed from the body. On top was a table lamp (off), with which a polyethylene bag with ice was hanging on the rope, which was able to stack in the freezer. And the process went! The ice gradually melted, it had to be replaced a few times with a new one, along with a bag. Condensate on the bag did not have time to form. The bag was quite intense.
Such designs allowed the disk to work out the required time without failure.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №151827
It is funny that in Russia, the Internet in Chinese interpretation is offered by those who in China would have been shot 20 years ago for corruption, and close relatives were billed for ammunition.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna