— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 35 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №151826
Yesterday I went to a food store with a girl. Publicly, with her, I bought myself a pair of socks, a deodorant, blades and a shave foam.

Chess and Mat favorite

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №151825
In primary school, I had a guy in my class who always offended everyone: the girl pulled her hair, the boys put her legs, etc. I was lucky to sit with him on the same side. In general, many of my things were broken, my hair wiped out, and my bleaches left. I was afraid to complain directly to his mother, because I was quite small. My parents tried to talk to her at first, but she didn’t care. The father, who at the time was working in the police, decided to teach this little bitch boy. One morning he came in a police uniform, took his handcuffs, approached a classmate and said he came to take him to jail because he behaved so disgustingly. After these words, it was already apparent that the classmate would be good to change the pants. But after the dad laid his hand on his shoulder and said, say let's get your hands here, we will wear handcuffs, the classmate cried and promised that he would never behave like this again. My dad didn’t want to go to jail :)

I have to say that since then, in fact, the classmate has stopped offending me and other guys, he did not become an exemplary student, of course, but at least sitting with him was normal. We even became friends later.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №151824
xxx: Recently engaged in funerals in Peter, it all came out somewhere 230 t.r. (purchase of place, services, morge, coffee shop, etc.)

Yyy: Was it not cheaper to fly with the deceased to the Maldives to find a crematorium there to disperse his dust over the ocean and rest for a couple of weeks to repair the nerves?

Zzzz: You are a genius!! to

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №151823
xxx: Can I have a cox of Caribbean and girls behavior not tough?

yyy: There is sugar powder and Gennady, medium behavior. Will you take?

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №151822
1986 to 1987. I am not in this world yet, but my sister is already in 2 or 3 class. She has a wonderful classy manager who loved the light very much and was on a friendly wave with our mother. Sometimes I even called home, discussed school affairs and talked about life. Therefore, nothing predicted trouble when Nina Alexandrovna (NA) called at 10 p.m. Mom took the phone and immediately turned red, then pale, then red again, said "Thank you" and quietly slipped down the wall. This is what happened.

I asked the whole class to write a book about who my parents are working for. Light, an open soul, wrote (not literally): "My mother works as a master at the site and commands the workers. My dad works on guard. He has not come home for a week. And then he lives at home for a week and is cooking something in the bathroom in a big bidon. He spends a lot of sugar and his mother is upset about it. I don’t know what he is cooking, but the banks with this are in our corridor and they are followed by Uncle Bora and Uncle Sasha. They give me money and then daddy buys me ice cream.”

No one checked the work, because Daddy never got into our school business at all, and Mommy was not before that. Light studied well and my mother did not control the process.

In the court, I will remind you, 1986 was the height of the dry law. And the teacher called her mother to urgently rewrite the work until it fell into the hands of others. Mom woke up Light and she wrote a new work under her dictatorship, which she brought to school in the morning. Dad gave me one of his bottles. And then this story almost repeated with me, but my mom was already rubbed and always asked what topic I was writing, so that God would not reveal some other family secrets.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №151821
The story of my friend. He defended the guy in court, but I don’t remember what he was accused of.

The chief indictment witness was in the courtroom, and he was asked if he could identify the accused (my friend’s defendant). He very long and carefully "monitored" all the people in the room in search of the culprit, but could not identify anyone. The friend has already silently celebrated the victory, because if the witness could not identify the accused, it is very likely that all the charges could simply collapse.

As he mentally placed the case in the “WIN” folder, my friend looked at his client, who had just raised his hand to make it easier for the witness to identify him.

Even the judge was aware of what was happening. It was a full “facebook”...

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №151820
I boast to my three-year-old son that I am a cook and know a lot of different recipes.

He asked if I could cook the cat’s food.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №151819
To become a president, your IQ doesn’t matter.
The IQ of your voters matters.

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №151818
There are such people – oligophrens and idiots. No, they are not stupid people who did not study for some reason. These are people diagnosed with a congenital brain developmental defect. No matter how a person is stressed - he is given little, and yet there are special schools where they are taught. They are not trained to make them smarter, but to instill some socialization skills. In addition, from the words of a friend who is a teacher in one of such schools.
“We communicate with children who are physically 19 years old, and their mental development is 5-7 years old, we teach them patience and the ability to find contact with everyone. And every time there are all kinds of checks, I am a constant participant in them. Another high commission of officials is checking our institution. I and the director go through the classes and other rooms, we are all fine. The commission goes to the lessons, sees the training process. At the end of the trip there is a table where we no longer talk about work. They are cute people, even officials. It’s time to say goodbye and then the chief member of the commission is already out asking a question that probably bothered her very much:
What is the percentage of recovering?
The director is in some shock and does not understand what to answer, so as not to offend the senior bosses and silently turns to me, looking for support. I innerly crack, but out loud: "The best in Moscow!"
This is what you see! – praised us officials, going to their high offices...”

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №151817
The main danger for the unsustainable child’s psyche is the unsustainable adult.

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №151816
In the mid-1990s, I am 5-6 years old, I come back from the courtyard from walking. As she walked to her fifth floor, she scratched her hair. I scratched a piece and I wonder where to go? to home? So they offend, because I played and picked up the rope, and I have hair, I am a girl! You can't throw it on the floor, I'm decent, and the rubbish pipeline scared me with its dark odorable substrate, microbes and a heavy screaming door. So I stuck a piece of hair with a rope in the long unworking lock of the tambour door on the 4th floor and happy jumped home.

The next day, the grandmother-neighbor from the fourth on the bench told her that she was damaged, that yesterday she was sick all day, and in the morning in the tambour door she accidentally found a rooster wrapped in hair and immediately understood everything! And when she went to Shurka, all her confirmed that it was a vudu image of the grandmother's head and this conspiracy to death, she also guessed and that two dark men were involved in this. In general, the neighbor has already soaked the entire apartment with a beetle and now the apartment is airing from the eye. By evening, she had already invited the pop to the sanctification.

By the end of the week, the grandmothers confidently told us that in the area there are satanists who are sending spoilers on single retirees, and then they take their apartments, open prithons there or curse the apartment and sell it, and the next tenants also die and again the apartment is returned to satanists and so they survive.

In fact, then I realized that people were not very intelligent and stopped believing in everything mystical.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №151815
Hello, I have a problem.

I hear, what is the problem?

The lights were turned off and the data was not saved.

You have an interruptor.

He wrote, I was scared and turned it off.

[ + 31 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №151814
I and a friend have a business in the field of IT and DM, but with the birth of the child I took a year's leave and only from November began to work and then almost always from home. So, at the end of December I needed one project to close, and the child's tooth climbs, you understand that you can't work in such conditions and I went to the office.

Since he gathered in a hurry, he naturally forgot the keys from the office and sat down to work in the open space, but a little in the corner, the light by his habit did not include the general involuntary was a hidden spy.

After a couple of hours, I hear a noise, someone is walking and reassembling the technique, I look like a guy in the system changes the setup, the operative and the video card. Just look at what he takes in his bag. I said, “Hello, who are you?“He was thrown up. You can’t be so frightened, I’m a new Sysadmin, and who are you? I’m working here too, but I don’t remember anything. That’s because I’m only working for a month.

Wow, I ask, what are you doing? The car responds. Why in the bag? They need them in complete boxes and for writing.

Here his eyes ran and said, "I look you a young guy, not tired of paying for the bullshit on these thick sums? Do you want to earn?” Of course I want, I answer. And how?

A, he says, I look at the equipment of the machines, then I order spare parts in non-working condition for pennies and change, and I sell normal, you will order and sell, and I will change. income by half. Great, but what about the cameras? Yes, I tell them on Sundays for the “test test” I turn off.

I called a friend and took on the next Sunday that idiot with a rack. The most funny thing is that he said at the interrogation that it was I who beat him and invented everything myself, and when I found out who I was, I was offended. I deceived him. In March, the court will leave a man for a couple of years in the settlement, and even if he does the condition, he will not find a normal job anymore. And then I want to ask him if the sum of three of his salary was worth to lose his life.

P.S The new satellite no longer has access to cameras.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №151813
Do you know how intelligent adults work?

I will tell you.

I call by announcement, vacancy of the builder. The schedule of work is beautiful, prices - too, the location is suitable, and the discussion of payment begins. I am :

How do you design employees?

The Employer:

- Well, officially, we sometimes arrange, but for that you need to work with us for a while.

How much to work?

b) half a year

Under what contract will I work for the next six months?

So, why do you need a contract? It is just paper. To be sure of paying, you need to come, work, talk to guys who are already working, and that’s all!

(I) – But the contract is your insurance too, and again – how can I be sure that you will pay me?

(R) - Girl, the contract is just to rub, we are adults and serious people and we are not doing such nonsense. And we don’t advise you, it’s a nonsense, what to trust the papers.

I put on the phone and thought. I'm not drawing on a serious man yet, but it's a pity.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №151812
Partners came to the office. I ask if they want coffee or tea.

“Yes, coffee, please,” the man replied.

“I also have coffee,” the woman spotted disgustingly.

We sit in negotiations. The man vividly gestures, explaining the nuances, the woman sits, arrogantly looking at everyone. Even coffee runs through the teeth. Although the contract has already been signed, it is mutually beneficial. Why all?

The meeting ended. The man said goodbye to everyone by the hand, thank you for cooperation. The woman moved impatiently to the exit.

My reflection on arrogance in the negotiations was interrupted by the boss:

Have you seen her face beaten with Botox? I need to ask her cosmetologist.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №151811
I will pay for you. Give me money.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №151810
In the Peter's Water Channel, the quality controller of purified water works. Ordinary river crabs, a few. They sit in a pipe through which purified water passes and react to the appearance of impurities with an increase in pulse. The change in pulse is recorded by sensors that send a signal to the controller. All is simple. Moreover, this is the most accurate way to detect impurities in water, more accurate sensors people have not yet come up with. Cancer works alternately for several years. Then they are released (pensioned) and taken to the service of others, younger. And, most interestingly, only male cancers are employed. Feminism has nothing to do with it. The fact is that females are inadequate for this job. They are more emotional, distracted by everything – on lighting, on noise, on people, on other females... And so their pulse changes not only on the appearance of impurities in the water, but on any occasion. In other words, as with people.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №151809
The government of Haiti has appealed to Russia for help. The State Duma immediately responded and increased the fines for drivers by 5 times.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №151808
Today, a senator offered to pay a one-time allowance to self-employed people who want to get out of the shadow, which prompted me to write this post.

This one-time benefit in our country, like, has long existed and is called a subsidy to open a small business. It is the centre of employment. So, I recently came to mind the idea of opening a small business and I decided to go to this center for advice. I was there at the end of January 2019. This is done in the center by a special person to whom I was sent. I will not write a dialogue for a long time, the meaning is as follows: there are no regulatory documents in this regard for 2019 and when they will be - it is not clear (the program has existed for many years), what needs to be gathered for this is not clear yet, but the most important thing in this - that the recipient must be OFFICIAL unemployed for more than 30 days (and this means refusing you employers more than three vacancies).

The program says that this is to stimulate entrepreneurship and create jobs. Thus e. According to the logic of the state, in order to become an entrepreneur, to manage people and to have the right to use the state. By means you must prove your complete insolvency as an employee, having received a refusal even in the work of a courtier. Officials are based on the same principle.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №151807
In the Peter's Water Channel, the quality controller of purified water works. Ordinary river crabs, a few. They sit in a pipe through which purified water passes and react to the appearance of impurities with an increase in pulse. The change in pulse is recorded by sensors that send a signal to the controller. All is simple. Moreover, this is the most accurate way to detect impurities in water, more accurate sensors people have not yet come up with. Cancer works alternately for several years. Then they are released (pensioned) and taken to the service of others, younger. And, most interestingly, only male cancers are employed. Feminism has nothing to do with it. The fact is that females are inadequate for this job. They are more emotional, distracted by everything – on lighting, on noise, on people, on other females... And so their pulse changes not only on the appearance of impurities in the water, but on any occasion. In other words, as with people.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna