— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №82207
Working in a women’s team is a full p...c! Our ladies are now discussing when one of them last had a period and they call it “When you last had flowers.”

[ + 40 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №82206
Why is there not a referendum on copyright law?
Are we in democracy, or what?
Free access to information is a fundamental issue of law.

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №82205
From Habrahabra:

There are good uncles who steal oil from the state, and there are bad ones who pump pirate movies from torrents, while the first try to land the latter.

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №82204
The tape burns:
In Irkutsk, seven cars of the DPS for two hours were chasing a boy and a teenager.
In one headline the whole story of a warrior! )))

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №82203
Life is a theater where no one knows the script, but everyone climbs into the sufflers.

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №82202
In the 90s, I had a telemarketing workshop in the province. The province has its own characteristics.
I come to work, and a couple of villagers are already waiting at the door. We brought on the truck to repair an old lamp color TV, wrapped in a blanket. They dragged him together with the cart to the workshop and asked... today would repair, or the series which is going.My master Vitya chewed this old, like seeds, and promised the men that after lunch their box would be ready. The men left, and Vitya began to scatter this tomb.

He acted and put him out. After lunch came the men. They ate well and barely stood on their feet. Witai and I loaded their grave on a chariot, and the men went to the village.
The hour passed and suddenly the door opened. These two men stand wet from legs to heads...As it turned out, crossing the bridge, they turned their cart together with the television into the river. They tried to pull out, but the shore was men prayed...

We crushed, but we did not refuse to help... The men rushed back, and Vitey and I closed the workshop, sat in the car and went to the bridge... We went. The TV remained in the cart..was tied, but to pull out the cart on the steep shore was difficult...

I lifted the car back to the shore, pulled out the trailer... the length is not enough. And then the people gathered together...I shouted... men... carry ropes and trailers...who has...Binding a piece of five trailers, I ordered the owners of the TV to slip into the water, cling to the wheelchair, and support when I will pull...The men took off, and in a few minutes the TV with the wheelchair were on land...

Working it will be... ask the men... the people who have stumbled... And the hell knows... I answer... I’ll take you to the workshop... let’s see... come in a couple of days.

I attached the handle of the cart to the carpet, and slowly pulled my cargo to the workshop. I attracted.
We and Viteus took this tomb, turned it out and hanged a blanket to dry.
They removed the back cover, poured out water...Chin like a cell...Posed on the table, picked up blocks and hanged like underwear...on drying...

The next morning Vitya took up the grave to collect it, and slowly began to turn it on... And, miraculously, the box worked.
I confess – I did not expect that everything would be so simple...The strong TVs in the USSR did...

And the next day comes the grandmother - the host of the TV.When she saw her working TV, she was just counted off from joy. The next day, I went to take the TV myself. She paid with us generously, plus brought us a full basket of strawberries and a litre bottle of vodka as a gift.

This is the specificity of the province.

[ + 64 - ] Comment quote №82201
People are surprised when you treat them the same way they do with you.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №82200
And no one came to the mind that if you combine faith in God and copywriting, you need to acknowledge that everything that exists belongs to the copyright of God as created by him (or generated by his creatures), and can not be alienated from him.

In fact, copywriters assign themselves the copyright of God on everything that exists in this universe.

Therefore, two alternatives must be recognized:
1. to believe that all copyrights belong to God (or to his rulers on Earth, the churches, let them shake up with copywriters).
To affirm that every being in the universe has the right to freely use the information belonging to God by copyright, since it is for this purpose that God created man.

We should ask the official question to the church hierarchs.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №82199
This character.
>>* a website for gay people*
"I am looking for a brutal asset guy for normal male sex."
A normal man?
< <<
What do you use on the site? and :)

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №82198
From the discussion of the photo of the toilet used in space on the ISS:
Qwerty88: everything is simple, click the point and press the pedal
Jezzy: This is what the creator of the "Lady of Kalina" thought.

[ + 38 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №82197
Danila1917: I want to be a shareholder of JSC "Gazprom" (c)
Daniela as an anal.
Danila1917: what is it?
You have anal dreams.
Danila1917: Huyace of mind. and disappear.
Daniela, I’m sorry, B is down.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №82196
I called for work at a large company. On my question who is dealing with the N-third job, I was answered that the names of employees are confidential and they do not disclose the data of employees, but they dictated to me the employee's work email: ivanovalena@******.
The mind does not understand Russia.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №82195
My uncle is 73 years old. For the word in the pocket does not climb, and sometimes only gives pearls. Calls one employee who has acted badly to us:
Allo, Viktor Vasilyevich Hi, you are so disturbing. Are you comfortable talking? well well. Victor Vasilyevich, I am calling to push you up!

[ + 35 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №82194
News from Syria:
A group of militants, masquerading and hiding in a large herd of lambs, attempted to penetrate the city of Al-Kseir from the village of Al-Husseinia, but was discovered and destroyed. Nothing is known about the fate of the bears.

[ + 55 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №82193
A couple of years ago, a beautiful girl wrote that if you just jump, your breasts will move up and down, and if you raise your hands up - turn around.
Thanks to you! Because of that I got married!

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №82192
So unwilling to collect! Put it all in some bag, shake, knock, tap in the end to get a ready interruptor.
You are like a car.

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №82191
We know each other halfway.
YYY... a ninja?

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №82190
The Soviet/Russian army is a miracle – they appeal to you and the matte: You are a dwarf, comrade [soldat, sergeant, officer, general, marshal]!

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №82189
Rekken: In the late 1990s, I was still standing at a tram stop in the famous town of Kursk. A crowd of people, what a blinded aunt stumbles to prepare for the assault of an incoming wagon, but the number for a hundred meters due to illness can not disassemble, therefore turns to some flegmatic guy in a shirt (whether smoked, or simply never winner of the school Olympiads) with the question:
What brand is it coming in?
The guy thirty seconds focused and says:
He knows what a Czechoslovak is.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №82188
The nephew went to the interview (entering the kindergarten-gymnasium). He was shown a cat without a tail and asked what was missing. He said meat. They showed me a table without one leg, and said there was not enough tea and cheese.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna