— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №150145
We sat today with a girl in a cafe, at a neighboring table two men aged 30-35 with two children, boys aged 3-4. The boys run around the hall, in principle, they do not interfere. We tried, calculated, I stopped at the table, I catch up with the girl at the exit, from the tambour the door opens one of the little ones, holds, says to the girl, "Please go through." I think, what an educated guy, I go out after a girl holding the door, I say, “Go through now, young man.” He replied, “I don’t need to go through, get tired.”

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №150144
I was in the bus with a group of students (class 7-8) headed by a teacher. The boys entertained the most beautiful girl all the way, she pleased to go on the whole bus, so that the teacher couldn’t stand and said to her: “Masha, I didn’t think I would ever say this, but please knock on the phone again!!!”

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №150143
Erotic clothes with AliExpress. It is beautiful and sexy only in pictures. Like a girlfriend burned to buy something like that, circular and erotic. And I what? I am just for. I chose for a long time and eventually dropped the link. I liked it and paid for it. There are also “expectations” and “realities”. It came, took it, gave it to a friend. I explain, I bought a fuck which is like a combination, only twisted and black. Remember, it looked cool on the photo. Only here I notice such a thing, she is not in a hurry to demonstrate. I’m afraid I’ll suddenly get overwhelmed 😉 At the end of the day, I ask, why did you buy it? She said, look, I asked for it. She went, dressed and came in. In general, we had no sex this night, we roasted long and hysterically. They came to the conclusion that if you wear avosca, it will be more sexy

[ + 15 - ] Comment quote №150142
Nothing distracts men so much as attractive women.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №150141
The 90s. I work in the evening school. It’s called “adult school,” but the audience I have this time is mainly boys from Central America (Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua). They are somewhere from fifteen to twenty with a tail. Most of them were orphans after the Civil War. We try not to notice their age - we need attendance. As in any school, this is a problem.
Working with them well. The boys are polite and ceremonial, like Spanish grands. (It’s true, sometimes they’re trying to flirt with me – but that’s culture.) Discipline in the classroom is somewhat unrealistic – they just don’t breathe. They try with all their strength. One problem is that most are semi-literate, illiterate or illiterate at all. Well, and I for what? Let us do what we can. But I am tired. Oh! The call. The change.
I am back in 15 minutes. Yes is. early to rejoice. A class struggle. Two are fighting. It is true that they have time to breathe - but I have already had time to see. Fuck, we have to react. I honestly don’t see dramas – well, we fought, it happens. But my boss thinks differently. We, you understand, should in every way advocate for “non-violent conflict resolution” – “non-conflict... thyfu!” Only, it means, to conjure, quietly, gently, affectionately, and morbidly - none. Go and explain to them that not all conflicts... okay, you have to deal with them. I carefully depict the pedagogical fainting and begin to ask questions:
What happened here?
The boys are silent. They are silent, by the way. I understand them well. I remember from my childhood that explaining to an adult "why they fought" is a matter of turmoil and most often hopeless. These adults don’t want to listen. Per this is a matter of honor.
Well, and anyway?
They push each other. One cannot stand:
There was a delicate situation between the two men. It says, “A delicate situation between two men.”) is
I am delighted with the formulation. Men at fifteen - no, this seems to be sixteen. But they are men, men, of course men! God let me doubt! I thought it was a matter of honor. Everything is understandable. From pure hooliganism, I decide to squeeze them a little. A bit of:
Could you be a little more detailed?
It can! The second is going up, this gentleman did not behave like a cabalero!
Oh well, it is clear. The honor of the lady. There will be no more details.
“Well, so yes, Caballeros,” I say, committing a small official crime, “the next time you have a delicate situation, make sure I don’t see it. clearly?
The boys laughed calmly:
“Oh, sir, we’ll go out to the yard.
Not in the courtyard, I clarify, but on the street, over the fence. Let the police work, not the school. understandably?
“Master,” suddenly asks the older one, “do you have sons?”
“My daughters have,” I scream, “but they’re fighting too.
And I get an overwhelming compliment:
You could do it with your sons too. Like my mother. She has seven sons.
“Seven sons!” I think, with some horror, “This is probably not my mom, but a general.”
Well guys, sit down here. So much time lost. We continue. In the last lesson...
I continue. I am sad for something. I have no children, I have not done anything in my life. I will never understand men. Hope for grandchildren.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №150140
Are there medicines in the city?
For whom and for whom is the medicine...

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №150139
A friend had to overturn a complex metal profile. He tried on his own – it didn’t work. He was a cabinet worker all his life. I spent a couple of hours and I arrived. I put a thin drill for the beginning, and on small turns I will give stronger.

He has two daughters, 6 and 9 years old. They ask, “Where are you working?”

I understood their question so much that they wanted to understand why I was dealing with a problem that was impossible for their father.

I replied to them that I now work with their dad, and before there were a variety of jobs, including a carrier, a carrier, a carpenter, and a teacher of labor...

The girls listened carefully, and the elderly asked, "Did you be driven out everywhere?"

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №150138
Time to throw stones, time to wear a helmet.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №150137
A smart provider
Like every self-respecting Jew who has two synagogues, I have two providers.
One is for the soul, with the other I will not sit on one hectare.
It all started quite trivially.
New construction, we are not interested in large providers, there is some small thing of blurred, district scale.
Ura! We have INE! And the TV! Even a pirate video!
For this video we forgiven him all - and constant breaks of communication, and the lack of supportive support.
But our gastro-builders constantly hired his equipment and he went bankrupt. Sadness and sadness...
He inherited 2com. Well, to be honest, we didn’t know if we love 2com. Larger providers began to enter the area and we, neighbors, began to scatter from 2com, shark... Well, there is no videoteka - neither pirate nor ordinary.
And then it turned out that each operator has his own cuts.

The MGTS. Good, kind company, worthy support, I do not dispute.
Unfortunately, I could not understand the interface of their TV. No one in the family could. Neither were the neighbors in the area. Per we are a Daun family. Our neighbors are the same.

by Bilal. A few days before I signed the contract, I was fucked up for one unworking smartphone and $100 for additional services. I decided not to continue the cooperation.

and onlime. The technician arrived. I turn, and he is not. Well I think good! He didn’t even say goodbye, but he already connects. Oh well! He has gone at all.
After an hour, I call the support, I ask - I can't find something of your technique, is everything okay with it? And I am so surprised - but he left you, your halls are closed.
I wonder what the halls have to do with it? It turns out, I was forgotten to warn that all the inter-apartment halls above should be open.
Damn the question! I’ll open up tomorrow afternoon.
The technician arrived. I turn, and he is not. Well I think good! I didn’t even say hello...
Do you think I am joking? No is. I call the tech support, they tell me that the halls should be opened from the bottom, not from above.
My question is, I’m persistent. and opened. I call.
- Can you call us back in three weeks, after the New Year holidays?
The Massacre!! Go to the fucking!! Will my family listen to the radio?

by Netbyne. I call and look forward to being sent back. Open the halls.
Surprisingly, the halls do not need to open. The next day, two men came, spoke for 10 minutes, asked where I would have a "working" room, threw the wire there, signed a contract, asked to pay and removed.
Tifu-tfu-tfu – I can’t rejoice in them. For the past time I called the tech support once, at three o’clock at night, and I was even answered, and even polite, and even helped solve one stupid question (my crush was). The user’s dream.
Neighbors also smashed this dream and the flow towards Netbaynet began to increase.

The MFC behaved decently. Called 1-2 times to clarify whether the user does not really want to be a user? He told me how to get the equipment back and all that. But not online!
Onlaym spams the entire micro-region 2-4 times a month by phone. You go along the road - you see that the person is white, in red spots and rattles the phone - 100% communicates with Online.

OnLine does not give up. At the beginning of the week, all NetBayNet users in the micro-area fall network. It exists, but there is no access to the internet. The calls to the support service begin, the support service as always sets and postpones deadlines, sets new and again postpones. The accident...
We are a new building. We are friendly. Everyone on the forum sprinkled their home networks. Poor, but there is a connection. Day, second and third.
Netanyahu surrendered and did the right thing. “Ladies and gentlemen, your UK has disconnected us from the power supply and does not allow our specialists to enter the facility.”
We are going to the UK. We know that we love sex. First we catch our own neighbor, who works in the UK.
She tells an interesting story. Onlaym pouches a small penny in the UK, and it breaks out a stick or what is there with the provider from his boxes. Then he just doesn’t let go. And does not give explanations.
Yes the main. These days there is massive spam 1-2 times a day on all the phones from Onlaym with explanations of what we are bad, and even when you swear by their mother that they did not surrender to you and you wait for their provider, asking in the apartment "just to protest." It was the third day, I thought. They occupied a local bar and thought...
Yes, it is good that we are new builders and friends. and drunk. On the morning of the fourth day to open the door of the UK could only bulldozer, pulling three cubic meters of garbage. We spent the whole night with our neighbors, and I am proud of us! They pulled home, knelt at neighbors, broke and crawled in the garbage pipes.
Yes, the clothes are easier and the same, but the effect? I am especially proud of a guy who did not regret painting on metal. The windows have to be changed.
An hour and a half after the start of the working day, Inet was there.
Thank you for online. Helped to find a lever of pressure on the UK and other issues.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №150136
I go to work in the subway, I get to him by the non-permeable dirt.
My deputy comes in the car of the latest model from his cozy cottage on the shore of the bay with a personal gardener and a gardener.
I pay a tax to the city treasury and a quarter fee for cleaning the territory.
My member is involved in sharing that money.
My deputy urges me to go to the Lenin Saturday to clean up all the annual garbage, so that there is nothing to do next year.
Vladimir Ilyich, do we not confuse anything in your vows?

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №150135
For paid medicine, a recovering person is like a fish jumping from a hook.

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №150134
and Marina!! Are you alive, healthy? - my mother rushed to me with her arms, I barely got off the stairs of an inter-city bus at the bus station on Shchelkovskaya (Moscow).
Ma, is it you? I was sincerely surprised.
Who writes such letters, wonder you are in the feathers? My mom didn’t cry, I barely cried.
Oh, that’s what it’s about... It finally came to me. Everything is OK! - boldly reposted I, sincerely misunderstood: I asked myself to write how I got to my grandmother... well and what, that the letter began with the words: I immediately want to inform you that for the trip twice managed to ride the police... still well ended!...
This story happened to me many years ago, in the distant Soviet years. Yes, there were no mobile phones at the time, and the wires rarely had anyone; they communicated in letters, not by email, urgent and important information was in telegrams... Whatever you say, but there was a lot of good in them, personally for me, at the time of the child, is a sense of security, which in our time is so lacking.
In the early 80s, I finished 7th grade and gathered for vacation with my grandmother in the town of Gus-Krustalny from the sub-Moscow city of Pushkin. I grew up as a serious and independent girl, so my parents, after consulting, decided to send me one - well, they did not have the opportunity to accompany me. And the option of transportation was quite reliable: in the evening I was taken in Moscow on a direct inter-city bus to the city of Gus-Krustalny, and early in the morning, at 6 a.m., my grandmother or uncle met me there. A completely safe option. I was not afraid at all, on the contrary, I felt completely adult - for the first time in my life I ate alone! They trust me! It is cool! And I went.
All seats in the bus were occupied, people were driving to the end, so only a couple of technical stops were planned along the way (there were no toilets in those buses). The passengers soon fell asleep, I fell asleep, I woke up in the middle of the night and wanted to go to the toilet. The bus stands near some building of unclear, passengers enter the bus one by one, as it turned out - returning from the toilet. I jump up and carry the bullet to look for the toilet, then I also run to the bus, along the way encountering another passenger of our bus - a 20-year-old girl with a small one. We run to the bus from behind, as suddenly – it’s hard to believe, but it actually happened – its doors are closed, and the bus is touching from the spot. The girl stumbled and even knocked a couple of times on the run on the beginner's speed bus, but he went away, leaving us at night with no things, no money and no documents. That was fun! 😉
Fortunately, the girl was determined.
“Go,” she commanded and walked down a dark road following the bus.
Luckily, our stop was at the entrance of a small town we entered. The girl stopped the car, began to talk to some messy men about the fact that we were behind the bus, and we would have to be thrown before him - to my great relief, the men did not penetrate and left. So we walked along the road for 5 minutes when we stumbled upon a parked police UAZik. Oh my God, how glad we were!
- So, whoever is under 18, we don't take, - joked the young police officers when we came to them in the car.
The girl and I tried from all my 13 years of strength to look like all 18, sincerely believing in their joke threat.
In general, everything ended safely: the bus stopped at the nearest post of GAI, and the police brought us to it. I remember, I was very afraid that the driver would mourn us and sincerely didn’t understand why he was silent when the girl watered him with “untranslatable Italian folklore”, which a decent woman could not express... hm... my vocabulary then enriched greatly)))).
The smoking passengers were scattered in places, and we touched the way. Everyone fell asleep, forgetting about the incident. And we woke up at the entrance to Gusskrystalny, at 5-6 in the morning, when the bus suddenly parked on the sidewalk, did not reach the parking lot.
Who is Marina of Pushkin? Quietly asked a middle-aged man clothed in a police uniform who went up the stairs.
I answered quietly, confused.
"Go out," said the policeman calmly, and when he saw that I was carrying my suitcase, he helped me to pull it out.
What I just did not change my mind, coming out of the bus... Well, I think, the driver struck me in the police, and now I will be taken away...
On the sidelines stood a Soviet militia car - such a cargo type with bars, possibly in them and prisoners were transported. All the cranes for me...
Why are you sending messages so late? “The police officer spoke in a rough tone, placing my suitcase in the cabin next to the passenger seat and offering me to take that seat. He drove the car and we went.
What kind of telegram? I did not understand.
To see your grandmother. Late sent, late received by mail, the postman was afraid to go to your area in the evening and took a telegram to the police. So now I meet you...
This was my first independent trip. How many years have passed, and I still remember the details, as if it had happened quite recently. I don't know if the participants are healthy or not, but I really want to pass on a greeting to the girl-in-law, as well as to say a huge thank you to the cute haishnikovs from an unknown town, who picked up two "blondes" behind the bus, and the posthumous aunt, who did not ignore the telegram, and the responsible officer of the police of the city of Gus-Krustalny, who met and brought me to my grandmother in integrity and safety.
All are good!

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №150133
The year 2028. Roskomnadzor is still blocking Telegram:
By the way! and
He hurt!

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №150132
In Germany, it is also the case that neighbors are attached, not to life, but to death. As it is, because of some complete figured. Here and here - one neighbor (a single woman) did not like the neighbors - a couple of retirees. Now you won't remember where it started, but grandfather and grandmother suddenly realized that you can smash a neighbor, starting to chase her because of her fence. They found out that the fence at her by law should be 10 cm lower. And the fence she ordered a good, inexpensive, and not one that can just be cut off or shortened somehow.

In general, at first they wrote a few complaints about her, saying that her fence interferes with them, and at a responsible moment a decisive piece of sunlight eats away from their lives. Then she was investigated and brought to court. That the higher instances forced her to replace the fence, only because it does not correspond a little. This is what the “small shit” was invented.

She didn’t want to do that, but what do you do? She breathed, hired a lawyer, and also called an expert. See what can be done and how to get rid of it. The expert took an experienced look at the house of the neighbors, and said that it is a typical building from a very certain time (the late 1980s) among which there is often something very interesting. The fact is that in Germany at some point the laws about how to build have changed. And then somehow a considerable number of houses were built, which under the new law did not get a building permit, because they are not 100% compliant with the new rules. But they somehow managed to complete, because before that some building permission was already issued, and then nobody checked. Often this applies to such small private houses for one family.

In general, the expert took and measured, and it turned out to be this: according to the current law, the neighboring house must be at a certain distance from the fence, and then it was 25 cm closer to the fence. The trouble! And since such a warm friendship arose between the neighbors, the boyfriend decided to answer the elderly with the same. I submitted them in full form to court. The court considered everything, again sent an expert, who measured everything, and issued an unconditional sentence: it is impossible to live like this! Condemned the bad grandfather and grandmother to move away from the edge of their territory for the right number of centimeters! And soon!

They have already started to have serious problems.

They, in turn, hired an expert who could help them. But he breathed and scattered his hands. The court decision is made. Exit options are few.

The first is to demolish the house and rebuild it. (They are very dear! )

The second is to remove from the side a piece of the house, i.e. to shorten the house, and for this to extend it by installing the same piece on the other side. Also cheap: 50 thousand euros.

And of course there is a third option, the cheapest: buy the missing piece of land from a neighbor! Move the fence to her side, and it would be over. Not only that the neighbor would have earned a few thousand euros by selling the land to the neighbors, but also a new piece of fence was left for her - she was also sentenced to shorten the fence. But here, as you understand, the harm has already come into effect. She shortened her fence for her money, and said that everything, nothing else interested her. Solve your problems yourself.

Now this couple is crying, collecting money and sympathizing through television and social networks. But the people are not very friendly and do not rush to help. Many people say, “What fucking thing are you going to do about this? You didn’t sit quietly, you wanted to mock your neighbors. That bumerang has just come back to you. What they started, they got in their heads. They say, “You have to do that. Next time you’ll know how in vain to knock on your neighbors.”

This is how the neighborhood can be damaged. Who has the fence, and who has the whole house under the fence?

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №150131
In Russia, it is difficult to predict when you will be snatched, and when you will be searched.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №150130
Our deputies in the formulation of laws are unimaginable!

Smoking and drinking pregnant Russian women were offered to be punished.
“The draft proposal proposes to establish that in case of the person who directly carries out the holiday of tobacco or alcoholic products (the seller), doubts about the absence of pregnancy in the woman who purchases tobacco products (the buyer), the seller is obliged to demand from the buyer a document allowing to establish the absence of the state of pregnancy in the buyer”, – said in the explanatory note to the bill.

What smoked the deputy of Lenoblasty Vladimir Petrov?
How does he imagine it? All of us!! Absolutely all more or less caressed women (that is, even thin ones) are required to have a certificate from a gynecologist about the absence of pregnancy. Update every 1-2 weeks.
No is! Not so! The cashier at the expense of the institution provides a test. A woman, not leaving the box office (what to be ashamed - the law is the law), writes. and all! You can buy cigarettes or alcohol.
I totally agree that a woman should not drink or smoke during pregnancy. But! If the legislators even create such strange Drafts of Laws - this is a pizzade!!! to

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №150129
“Fuck you, not the property tax!” - condemned Baba-Yaga, adding chicken legs to the bush.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №150128
I took myself in a distant almost childhood (years of 12) a chicken hand. She was wearing her worms, feeding her hands, she used to me herself, did not run away. And I will come to her, eat and sit next to her to learn more.

Here somehow I sat next to me, and the bird looks at me in the face, blows up next to me, as if he wanted something. How it falls in the eye! Fortunately, right in this second I decided to tilt somewhat... The clove hit me slightly above the right eye, literally half a centimeter (there have been many years, and the red spot is).

I learned to cook chicken very early.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №150127
What is the gender equality we are talking about, if when a woman is compared to a cat, she is cecual, and when a man is with a cat, he is fat and naked?

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №150126
So, like many children of my age, I spent part of the summer, as well as weekends and holidays in school years with my grandmother in the village. I thought the most dangerous animals I could meet there were dogs, snakes and alkas, which were not so many. There was something more dangerous. My friend’s father had sheep, and he had a tribal sheep-lammy, aggressive, just a shit, the size of a tank and with strength slightly inferior to Chuck Norris. Usually he was isolated in his personal squad, where he ate, slept, and was naked with a iron barrel, when he got bored, he carried out a gate or fence and went to kill... everyone... One day even I got pitches in my leg, I had to fly far.

Well, at one time, the alkas used to spoil dogs and steal the courtyards, but my friend's father was not finger-worked, he heard this, he chased the dog for the night in the barracks, and in the courtyard launched a lamb, who, by the way, did not touch his own, but the strangers were scorned at once. I don’t know the details, but the thieves got puzzles – one still walks with a trunk, the other has a very curved arm and a broken eye.

Baron then lived for a long time, but he never got on the shale, feeling old age with a scream - "in Valhalla!!!" He ran into the last battle with a huge tractor K-700.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna