— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №37378
In the morning, the master changed the water counters. The toilet is now washing with boiling water... And this sanitary is a big joke. I call him and ask - what to do?, and he tells me - Give me the park!)))

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №37377
Girl, can I meet you?
Yes I can 😉
What is your name?
by Sophia)))
O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O!!! You... what are you, Greek?! to
I am a r-e-e-e-e-t, I am a r-e-s!!!!! to

[ + 73 - ] Comment quote №37376
From comments on the HUB:
An equivalent analogue of the male “no” in the female language is the phrase “I will call the police now.” All other female “no” means “you haven’t convinced me enough.” and ;)

[ + 72 - ] Comment quote №37375
My dad and I had a joke. On the television was the story: a man gave a fist in the face of the baby, she ran, filed to the police. The statement was not accepted. One stroke is not considered a beat. At least two hits.
My replica: this is why the Bible says ' hit one cheek, put the other'!

[ + 62 - ] Comment quote №37374
The case happened two years ago...
We sit in the evening with a friend - there is nothing to do with a ballad pineam.
When he knocks on the door, a girl from the neighboring room comes in and asks:
- You guys, you are smart, how to translate from pascal to megapascale?
A friend (shocked by the question):
I don’t know, we didn’t write on MegaPascal.
The neighbor is slowly falling into precipitation :)

[ + 91 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №37373
HHH: Well, yes... son, we have a champion in lazy and seedling for the compass.
Yyy: they’re good at these disciplines-all champions)))Maybe we’ll be educated somehow?))
HHH: HZ....but if you’re scared, you’re scared of the comp, say you won’t sit for it.
YYY: It doesn’t scare us. No need to! She worshiped everything. I fight as I can. I told her to take away the rubbish, and she told me, it’s not my rubbish. I am nothing? I was a normal mom, went and poured the garbage into the wallet and said that now it was her...take it out...the tears were the ocean straight. All the garbage is common.

[ + 83 - ] Comment quote №37372
I had a dream when I was young: to find a high school musician. Small, thin and in glasses. You touch her, and she then plays sad melodies on a violin.

[ + 72 - ] Comment quote №37371
The Physiology Prefecture today issued:
Do you know the expression “bread – the head of all”? In the human body, the head is the head of all.

Cap died of jealousy.

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №37370
I have a dream... I sit in a dark room, a bunch of people, candles burn... the spirit of the revolution... and the leader pushes the speech.They can’t find us "

[ + 72 - ] Comment quote №37369
xxx: I was invited to a corporate dinner at the expensive cafe "Pushkin"))
I don't know what to order.
YYY: order a strawberries with black caviar - destroy the office! = p

[ + 73 - ] Comment quote №37368
How do you raise your mood in the morning?


Re: How to raise the mood?

You may be glad that you were not born in the tribe of Baruch, for example.

The Baruch society is highly patriarchal and is built around the myth that everything is created from sperm. Women in this tribe are considered “married” people and have no rights. Young men are separated from their mothers from the age of eight and raised separately until the age of twenty. In the process of upbringing, they are required to make a fellation of the elderly and to swallow their sperm to take over the vital force.


[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №37367
Yes, rich Russia is bright with dark dwarfs.

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №37366
Mini-Sex (16:53:12 13/10/2010)
Hi to! Do I need your help?

Jeep (16:53:36 13/10/2010)
Hi to you!
I think no!

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №37365
To refuse, the shop must have followed another invitation.

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №37364
Not a bad story from Suricjan, but I have something to remember.
I was 19 years old at that time. And one day, on Orthodox Easter, my brother the elder proposed to come to the center of Minsk for all night.
And the landscape behind the window is so dull, the weather, I am generally silent: slicing, squeezing from the sky, then rain, then snow, but the offer to squeeze before this beer, exceeded and we went. The brother did not cheat, they made a liter of beer and drowned to the church. They held some incredible line, put candles, each about something of their own, listened to the songs and about a couple of hours later decided to move home. Time for 2:00 p.m. Church from our area is 20 kilometers away, walking is not an option. The subway will only operate in three hours. Now I will try to focus on money. Average P/V
RB was then $ 70 (there were such times) 1 dollar weighed
1900-2000 Belarusian rubles, the same amount cost a bottle of vodka and half of this bottle of beer. My brother and I went to church again. In that cold night, taxi drivers just wavered, well, I understand the center, well, I understand 20 kilometers, but charging the price of 20 thousand is at that time unrealistic. We’ve even walked 5 kilometers and what do you think? The price has not changed! The slightly prodrug, evil (beer was not yet opened) went out to the main prospectus. Hunting the private. Without a chance, the city is asleep and there is a miracle – a trolley bus picks to us (only that night I, a valenok edaki, learned that public transport is on duty around the city). Behind the lamb sat a smiling uncle a little over forty:
Guys, where are you?
Our military town was in a significant distance from the prospectus, but the driver was not confused, he only asked:
Give me half a bottle?
Why on the floor? We will give it all.
It was a heated trolleybus. 40 minutes of heaven. 40 minutes of happiness.
Only my brother and I in the room. The most delicious beer (which I just couldn’t make at the time). FIVE times he threw his horns into different branches until he brought us to the point of the city, from which to the house was 10 minutes walk.
Need to say that for such a luxury brother gave him "two bubbles."
Thank you driver, I will remember the century!

[ + 75 - ] Comment quote №37363
A terrible grandmother, with a brick face, enters the mall with her two sons, looks at everyone like Lenin looks at the bourgeoisie, and spies on the children on the slightest occasion. The seller addresses her:
Hi, welcome to you. What nice kids!
The Twins?
What shit are you doing, fool? One is 9 years old, the other 8 years old. You are blind or
Just an idiot?
No, neither the one nor the other. I could not believe that someone
I dare fuck you twice.

[ + 69 - ] Comment quote №37362
and gave?
I fucking gave it to me.
M is?
I had a good appetite at the restaurant.
and????? to
When I gave flowers.
The idiot.
and (

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №37361
Arnold: I need your Chaika, your iPhone, and your Kremlin!
May the mayor of Moscow?

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №37360
I met a girl in the shop, she has been working since 8 p.m.
Do you go to the store after 8 p.m.?
MM: Do not know
mmm: if we continue to develop our acquaintance somehow, then we need to go to the cinema.. or to the billiard say.. and not to the store)
MMM:.... at least in the pharmacy already *SCRATCH*
Q: Are you sick?
mmm : no
Well then it is better to go to the billiard or the cinema, the pharmacy is not a very romantic place to walk.
It is purely masculine.
Is it a clean place for a walk?
Tags: before the walk
I thought afterwards)
Don’t give God!

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №37359
How many girls are among your students?
100% of my students are girls.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna