— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №29778
Thieves, who are 25 years old, and they can not even put an apache from the php on the screw, nor a simple function of bypassing the scope in JavaScript to write.

How they think to live, I don’t understand.

[ + 90 - ] Comment quote №29777
It seems like the only normal girls are non-formals. They don’t need butterflies, or restaurants... and they love to be sincere, and smart... and glamorous fucks go through the woods!!!! to

[ + 42 - ] [4 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №29776
The glamorous flat-brown girls of 5-6 years, who have achieved nothing, still go to kindergarten. I am 4 and I have already finished 6 classes of school (2 classes per year), learned to speak at 10 months, walk - at 11, immediately entered a kindergarten, finished it in a month. Now I am a prospective sixth grade, not dependent on my parents, I can buy a backpack / notebook / handles myself. Here in the 6th grade there are a bunch of smart girls with big breasts. Fuck the losers!

[ + 51 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №29775
I realized it was time to shave when the girl approached, pulled her hair out of her beard and said, “Trach-tibiodoch!”

[ + 80 - ] Comment quote №29774
Two hours ago a neighbor resorted - called the police - she had a fight there. Now I was called back from the police, asked who called and told me to go and check how to call them again!

[ + 62 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №29773
Interview with fraudsters:
We arrived in this city, registered at the hotel and went upstairs.
Girls, where are you from?
From Moscow
From Moscow? Do not go into the shell!

[ + 87 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №29772
xxx: Today my daughter and I look at the political map: she names the country, and I show her it on the map. He says: "Russia", I show, it is: "Oh, how huge you are!". Calls "Germany", I show it:
- "Paaap, it is much less than Russia"
- "Now yes"
“Did Hitler see this map when he attacked us?”

[ + 65 - ] Comment quote №29771
The chef of the school dining room may burn himself about the Bible, but not about a hot dish.

[ + 122 - ] Comment quote №29770
XXX> You are strong!
yyy> I am strong!
XXX> You are a mother!
yyy> I am a mother!
xxx> You don’t know what it means to give up!
yyy> I don’t even know what matter means...

[ + 72 - ] Comment quote №29769
In the store, a little girl and her mother argue.
M: Look, they are the same.
D: No, they’re not the same – that’s what I need.
M: Well, they are absolutely the same, only the price is different.
D: There is no mom. This is badminton, and this is a sack.

[ + 66 - ] Comment quote №29768
The Parade Rehearsal:

xxx: There are so many millionaires on the square that if they are gathered together, they will be able to solve crosswords.

[ + 80 - ] Comment quote №29767
I’ve been looking for my beloved man!

[ + 79 - ] Comment quote №29766
The teacher lists the recommended literature. Takes in his hands the goalkeeper of Glinka, and it collapses in his hands by two halves.
This is Glinka’s task. Tom first and Tom second.

The lecture. In front of the teacher is a plane.
I would have been upset if I had not been stunned by the beauty of flight!

[ + 103 - ] Comment quote №29765
to this:

My brother when at 6 years old saw the ladder for the first time issued:
"In order to make an escalator, you need to take a runway, extend it and harden it":)
0 O

And my brother at 7 years old, deciding a housewife, wrote the following:
Question: How to turn a straw into a straw?
The decision: 1. Loss of 2.

[ + 72 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №29764
by Igor Borodulin (21:57)
The cat came to us with a pasha into the blanket inside between the blanket and the blanket and got confused... you know how we wandered when you wake up in the middle of the night with a terrible headache and the blanket runs there.)

Yellow ) (21:57) :

by Igor Borodulin (21:58)
I thought I had a glue 😉

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №29763
I went to a friend yesterday, he lives in a communal. Standing in a row to the toilet observed this picture: a boy Vasya, 19 years of age, went to the toilet and does not go out, the hell knows how long, his father passes by:
and Vasya!
in :...
in :...
A: Vasa, what are you doing there?
A: I’m cuddling, daddy...
Father, turning to me: Will you wait a little?

[ + 85 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №29762
1: What are you doing?
2: I am sick
1 for whom?
2: for laryngitis
Are they the Italians of Shelley?

[ + 96 - ] Comment quote №29761
When preparing for a trip to nature, the team is divided into two groups - the first buys and soaks meat, snacks and drinks, takes care of coal, calculates if there are enough seats in the car, chooses a place, tries not to bring people who don't like each other in the company, calls everyone, assigns the place of collection time, bears the majority of the expenses, the second - tolerantly agrees to share the meal with everyone. And every time, in the first group, why am I the only one, and in the second, the fox, all the others?

[ + 68 - ] Comment quote №29760
He is
I gently laid you on your back and started kissing your body gently down and down.

I closed my eyes for pleasure...

He is
I slowly and gently put my fingers into you and gently touch her tongue.

I put my hand in your hair and quietly stuck.

He is
I have an exam and I will go back.

[ + 85 - ] Comment quote №29759
xxx: What to do if the laptop from a weak cooler heats the keyboard heavily?? to
Make a wrapper =)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna