— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 61 - ] Comment quote №27628
In Yekaterinburg is preparing a rally against the restoration of the temple in the name of St. Catherine. There are four temples per quarter. "In the name of historical justice"

Traps... I demand to restore the historical (in fact!!!) The Justice! Rebuild our Slavic capitals! How many spells did the Orthodox magicians burn? Drop the Greeks from the Slavic land!! to

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №27627
I saw a girl today who was so hard-wrapping the pope that she was wrapped up.

[ + 85 - ] Comment quote №27626
Do you have a big whisper?
He: When as

[ + 76 - ] Comment quote №27625
June: I always liked the phrase in Call of Duty 2, in missions where Stalingrad was defended. The cry of the harsh commander : " Vasily!!! Don’t have to be heroic, just blow up the tank!" gives such enthusiasm.)

[ + 62 - ] Comment quote №27624
to this:
I’m writing a list of things to take with me on vacation. What is usually forgotten?

I think Kevin...

Thank you guys! 😉 It didn’t come right away.)

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №27623
It is a pity that on the day of the health worker in the fountains do not swim nurses in white batist shorts.
c) Judgment

AgA, considering the age and complexity of most of them, many of the random passers would not have survived even before the launch of the BAC. This is a small, local end of the world.

Immediately you can see who saw the nurse in the hospital, and who only on the video cassette.

The video cassette? Oh what is it? O_O

[ + 94 - ] Comment quote №27622
I live in a private sector in a two-story house in Irpen (city 25-30 km from Kiev). I went out to smoke on the balcony. I observe the picture: a thin glasses - in a half coat, jeans, a bag clearly with a note. He is stopped by 2 gopars further standard... When I rolled up and ran out on the street, I saw the following picture: the gopars lie in the mud unconsciously bumping, the gopar fixes the bag, gets 2 hryvnia and throws on the lying gop with the words: "Awesome battles, it’s green for you".
He was under the coat.

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №27621
The diagnosis was made to me as a child when I saw two drawings in the book: one with a flat image of a snowman, and the other with a volume. On the second was the inscription "this snowflake was drawn using shadows".
And when I was a five-year-old blonde, I painted my mom’s shadows all day long, hoping to the effect of volume. =) is

[ + 84 - ] Comment quote №27620
At the tower:
Are there people who can imagine a four-dimensional space? There are, only they lie, as a rule, in special institutions..."

[ + 82 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №27619
Yyyy: This is ppc, I have columns myself 'talk'!!! to
XXX: Ignore them Do not give in to excuses and provocations.
Yyyy: No, it is serious! They make organized sounds. Similar to voice.
Yyyy: But FIG knows what language!!! to
XXX is yes. The first thing you need to do is cause vomiting, then maybe some fungal toxins will leave your digestive tract.
Xxxx: then do a stomach wash, drink minerals
Yyyy: I do not use it. The soup was fresh.
Xxxx: Did he tell you that he was fresh?

[ + 72 - ] Comment quote №27618
On the Feng Shui website:
The golden cloth on the stand will make you a wealthy person and bring prosperity to your home.

Yes, I think...

[ + 90 - ] Comment quote №27617
Today in the tram one man burned: "Which election did we have? In the pharmacy, the choice of ganglions and more".

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №27616
When it was said about the two Russian calamities, in that happy period, television did not know.

[ + 88 - ] Comment quote №27615
On March 17, at 13.00 a.m., an online interview was scheduled for the Chairman of the State Duma and the Chairman of the Supreme Council of the Party.
“United Russia” by Boris Gryzlov. Boris Gryzlov planned to talk about the convincing victory of the EP in the regional elections, modernization and innovation. However, the users of the Internet arranged Grishlov flash mob.
Most of the questions they sent to Gryslov in advance were extremely unpleasant. In the morning from Gryzlov called and refused to conduct an online conference.

But 99% of the questions asked were about this plan:

Please tell me, Boris Vyacheslavovich, is it possible to filter a scientist?
Petrica to clean the water from the waterboards that were shot down by a laser, which was spoken of by your fellow party member, the governor of St. Petersburg, Mrs.
by Matvienko? ( by Andrew )

Boris Vyacheslavovich, and when will air taxes (according to the volume of lungs) and rainfall be introduced? by Maria

Boris Vyacheslavovich, good morning! Please tell me, in addition to the state program "Accessible housing" is planning to launch other humorous programs? For example, “Quality VAZ” or “Honest Officer”? ( by Alexei )

Citizen Gryzlov, how you intend to deal with the bloody inheritance
Stalin – with his own hands or with the help of Western colleagues? by Ferrat

Mr. Grizzlov, does Ed plan. Russia to introduce a tax on being below the poverty line. With the introduction of such a tax to be poor will be unprofitable! by GOSU

Yes a! I read the questions... Boris Vyacheslavovich, I think you have some trouble abroad. Because you cannot be here... (Peter)

Boris Vyacheslavovich, I have read the questions that you have asked in the previous comments, and I agree with you – this people cannot be allowed to have weapons, and, of course, they cannot be allowed all kinds of referendums. The people have not yet grown to power, at such a rate we must wait for two or three generations to change - the wrong people will die out, and the right people will remain.
I fully support your policy. Bless you Yahweh! by Ber Lazarus

Your party has passed laws that give the long-built roads into the hands of another corporation. Were these roads built by one, and the money will be wrapped up by others? When do you plan to pay for air? ( by Olga )

Gold, you are a man Boris Vyacheslavovich. All about people and people.
You need to rest. and Igor. by Samara
salary at the institute - 8000 rubles, quarterly salary - 4000 rubles, travel to work - 1000 rubles. Question: How many apples has Masha’s daughter?
( by Christina )

Boris Vyacheslavovich, greetings What do you think is the use of nanotubes in the gas and oil transport system promising? (The Anatolian

Boris Vyacheslavovich, was it a surprise for you that, gently speaking, the hostility with which the overwhelming majority of people who asked their questions relate to "United Russia"? Or do we have two different people in our country – one uses the Internet and the other goes to elections? (The Arcadia)

Boris Vyacheslavovich, when will the serfdom return to Russia? (The Roman)

Boris Gryzlov, do you think there will be another revolution in Russia? If not, what is your optimism based on? (The Trzp)

Do you really think that the people in Russia are not the same? Nihilist and inclined to corruption? Is it the opposite of “United Russia”? Sergey R

Which countries will the MPs go to after the revolution? (They are

Dear Boris Vyacheslavovich! I just want to talk to you! thanks
to you! Thank you for everything! Valentina Nikolaevna

Boris Vyacheslavovich, please tell me when will Shantsev be taken from the Nizhny Novgorod region? I think he has already provided his old age and the old age of his children and grandchildren. Maybe it is enough? (Michael the C)

I have two questions: 1. Have you already chosen the country you will live in when you leave? 2nd Do you think that in this country you will be able to escape from those who want to drink you, for example, “Clean Water”?
by Igor Lvivich

Tell me, please, what is the minimum amount to steal in Russia, what would it be for nothing? by Igor

Dear Boris Vyacheslavovich! How much time do you and your party have left? Can you wear gloves? ( by Dmitry )

Are you going on a trip to the moon, for example? With the most prominent figures of the party "United Russia"? ( by Ilya )

How can you explain the extremely low (less than 30%) voter turnout in Kaluga? (Paul is

I love the United Russia! How can I have a child with United Russia?
by Vladimir Ilyich

Why are all the dogs fat? (of Oleg)

Boris Vyacheslavovich, why do you behave as immortal? by Boris

Do you think that Patriarch Kirill has enough powers to forgive the sins of the Russians in general and yours in particular? by Borisovich

I only think that this interview will collapse at the last minute?
(of the bone)

Two questions: Homomorphism: why is the group image isomorphic? What is the difference between homomorphism and isomorphism? by Boris

Why the official gets 75 percent of his salary when he retires and the worker just 20 percent?

In the Constitution, our state is designated as social. How is the law on the actual abolition of free education and free medical care consistent with the Constitution adopted in the Duma?
by Tatiana

Dear Boris Vyacheslavovich! What means are you going to use to not answer the questions asked? (The Victor)

At 10 a.m., Boris Gryzlov, having affected a large public employment, refused to interview.

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №27614
The man goes to a meeting, is late, nervous, cannot find a place to park. He raises his face to heaven and says:
God, help me find a place to park. I will stop drinking and go to church every Sunday.
Suddenly a wonderful place appears. The man turns back to heaven:
All that, do not have to. I found!

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №27613
to this:
Leon: Where can I hide gifts from other girls so that IRA doesn’t find it?
Go to the system block. There will be no search there.
All the Irs got the openings.

[ + 85 - ] Comment quote №27612
In the morning after drinking.
Dad comes to bed with a note. Start a PowerPoint file.
He: Son, how to open the file... I think something is not installed here.
I: (I am charging it from the car) Right button click.
He is: well...
Open with the help of...
He: With which...
I: With God...
He turned in the stool and left.

[ + 84 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №27611
And you’re also angry when you want to stretch, stretch up so sweetly, almost a mini orgasm, and here some fucks tick in the stomach and break the whole bite?! to

[ + 65 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №27610
YYY: What has he done now?
xxx: after we got fucked he said "love, I am waiting there in the raid, and without the tank they will not pass it", kissed in the forehead and dropped it (
A clear man :D

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №27609
I was told by a friend he served in Ukraine in the 1960s, when he was 19 years old. They went with a friend in a selfie, in one village began to walk around the houses to ask for them to sell the selfie, went for a long time and all failed. Finally they entered one house, and there a woman of 35 invited them to the table. The hostess covered the table, they sat down and drank, ate and were about to leave, and the hostess stood up at the door and said, "Where? And who will be me?" They had to stay.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna