— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 61 - ] Comment quote №27648
Irina Dahl Re: the first signs of pregnancy
We recently had a first time with a guy, he ended up in me, but I was on top at this point, please tell the kids will be like me?

[ + 65 - ] Comment quote №27647
My sister left a note:

"If you wake up, don’t wake up!
It hurt the head.
waking up in the evening.
_______ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
There is no scratch!"

Everything is clear - the branches, the conditions, and even the comment below.
The programming industry is growing.

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №27646
by Vasco!!! You are an immoral cattle!!!!))
I am here for a compilation Mom understands with the teacher!! The 11th class! The Cross! And then on the side comes a sign from some clever fox with the phrase "I am Ebu Hussei!!!!1" was engaged in auditing mle))

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №27645
Another law of BORA: funny quotes appear in greater numbers when you really want to sleep and early in the morning to work.

[ + 72 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №27644
to this:
to this
Oh wow, you love it. I tie, sew - I generally like to do something with my own hands, I draw well, I can't tolerate clubs and other smoothies, I read a lot, I watch anime (I am interested in animation in general), an intellectual, I love to cook and put culinary experiments (there were no failures)... 21, still one.
And I don’t cook, I don’t tie, I don’t sew, I don’t cross, I clean my houses on big holidays, and fuck, imagine, I have a boyfriend.
And imagine, he is pleased.

admin, cat and so on.
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
This is how girls "measure whispers"

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №27643
to this:

And it’s better right away, she really has a tough sound.
I knew a young man who was interested in playing on the wheel. You would be shocked to find out what resistance he had to overcome.
Even his own family did not give him, so to speak, active support. His father from the very beginning was resolutely against this idea and showed complete heartlessness.
At first, my friend tried to exercise in the morning, but soon he had to give up because of his sister. She was devout and considered it the greatest sin to start the morning in this way.
Then he began to play at night, when the whole family went to sleep, but nothing came out of it, as their house gained a bad reputation. Late passers stopped at the windows, listening, and the next morning telling the whole city that last night a brutal murder had been committed in Mr. Jefferson’s house; they described the shouts of the unfortunate, the brutal curses and insults of the murderer, supplications for mercy and the victim’s last pre-mortem whisper.
Jerome K. Jerome

[ + 77 - ] Comment quote №27642
Dialogue at the medical commission in the military department with a psychiatrist/narcologist:

What course?
I am already out of school, I work there, I am studying in postgraduate school.
Okay, and what is the course?
I graduated from university, this year I went to postgraduate school, I work in parallel
How does it work? by the profession?
Yes, the financier
What course are you on now? In the fourth?
I have already studied, I have been in...
- Okay, fit - once it did not start and did not hit me

[ + 65 - ] Comment quote №27641
Yesterday we were deceived by mathematics.
I wanted to get 4 by 0.5, but I thought it would be a lot.
I took 3 to 0.7.

[ + 85 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №27640
C is:

Do not try to weaken the penguin by suffocating him.
The penguin is a waterbird and can survive without air for a long time. If the penguin is imperial, then he is also very large and strong and can give up. It is best not to engage in conflict with penguins at all.
The comments are even better:
I think drowning it is almost unrealistic too :)
Penguins are almost immortal.

[ + 69 - ] Comment quote №27639
Morning in the kindergarten. The whole group with the teacher. The fun choir sings under the accompaniment of Harmony:
Let’s go, let’s go, let’s go, let’s go, let’s go!
New lashes, new lashes, new lashes!

Guess which city?
You are right, Chelyabinsk.)

[ + 65 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №27638
to this:

I watched easy porn with Ukrainian translation here. At the most important moment, the actress cries out:
"Love the mini, love the I am your wife!"

Added :

Dear brother, sweep me up.
Cat, do you want to smooth my breasts?
Oh, I like it so much when you dive into my vagina.
Pull me in the ass, sweetheart.
“Heavier, heavier, heavier, heavier, heavier, heavier, heavier, heavier, heavier, heavier, heavier, heavier, heavier, heavier, heavier, heavier.

[ + 62 - ] Comment quote №27637
The Clinic?1:14 And if there were a female army, would you wait for me?
The Thunder?1:14 I would go to her. xD

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №27636
xxx: baby, you are like a docx file in 2003 word!
XXX is unreasonable.

[ + 68 - ] Comment quote №27635
I taught my 4-year-old brother to google.
xxx: the first thing he picked up was: "how to fly a man in the air just the truth"

[ + 66 - ] Comment quote №27634
How to ask a man to conceive a child? "Dear, conceive me a child..." or "Dear, conceive me a child..."?? to

WOW: "Dear, end up in me..."

[ + 68 - ] Comment quote №27633
For men, it is simple –
He came home, hanged his clothes.
XHH: on the floor.

[ + 72 - ] Comment quote №27632
From the website kstatida

When you fall out of the window, don’t be afraid.

Lady luck is favorable, and maybe you will get rid of fractures and a year of coma. The problem is that many people die from a heartbreak even in flight.

However, if you fall from a height of more than 6-7 floors - forget about this advice and go for your pleasure.

[ + 87 - ] Comment quote №27631
This is always so.

A guy wrote on the social network: type, let’s make friends. I, in general, a girl very intelligent and romantic, but in 25 years of life already brought to the pen. So I said "Let’s go. I love dancing, drugs and group sex. What he answers: “I am books, theatre and music. All good "

It hasn’t been so shameful for a long time.

[ + 64 - ] Comment quote №27630
Imitsuran: Female intuition is a good thing...until the female logic comes.

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №27629
xxx: Did you watch the movie "Not to go"?
The Ninja Assassin

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna