— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 87 - ] Comment quote №27108
I sit at home without food. A friend from the kitchen:
Are you going to be a grilled bowl?

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №27107
The Odessa Forum on the Earthquake

The xxx :
The head of the emergency department called me and said that it was better to be out at 3!!! I tell you seriously...

I contacted Captain America and he assures me that everything is calm. Superman and Batman confirm his words

[ + 73 - ] Comment quote №27106
This year we only have to go to Eurovision.

[ + 78 - ] Comment quote №27105
From a dating site.

Knowledge of foreign languages:

[ + 97 - ] Comment quote №27104
The Intergalactic Girl
Help me to come up with a proposal. Would you like...?
Could there be any continuation? type".. jump out of the tarzanky", ".. sell the liver", "drink all the blood out of the enot", ". sex with three men at the same time"... or you in some special context?
The Intergalactic Girl
Something about me. type to come with me there and so. leave here
Would you like to ride with me naked in the wild on the savannas of Central Africa, crazy whistling foolish antelopes, inconspicuous hippopotams, and black people who were scared from such a spectacle?
The Intergalactic Girl
The Intergalactic Girl
Give it more.
Are you in contact with the questionnaire?
The Intergalactic Girl
Would you like to go out with me and walk through the park, holding hands, talking, laughing, playing in the snow, enjoying the first warm rays of the sun, sitting on the bench and chatting with your feet and engaging in another pleasant nonsense, as before in childhood... rather than sitting boring in contact in a dirty room, breathing the air and not seeing each other... without seeing the smiles, emotions and experiences of the interlocutor, except for the bended clamps, indicating smiles? Would you like to follow with me the creator of, Pavel Durov, approach him and KILL KILL KILL KILL GREAT HORROR IN THE NAME OF GOOD?and "

[ + 67 - ] Comment quote №27103
C forums about lunatics:
Anna: and my husband came from the night shift, went to bed, I sit and watch television next to him. Suddenly wrapped up, raised on his elbows, opened his eyes, stared in the focus of the telescope and said, "Someone shines me with a hot laser in the eyes... Dimon, remove the malfunction, ah?"
I turn off the TV, it closes its eyes, releases something like 'Ugu' and with a sweet whimpering, like a baby, falls asleep again.

[ + 81 - ] Comment quote №27102
During the last presidential election in Russia was a joke:
If Zhirinovsky becomes president, his presidency will last 15 minutes. So many missiles are flying to the United States!


[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №27101
by Fuck! Do I have longer ears and front teeth than others?! to
I found a girl. 5 on account. And she also calls me "ZAY"!!! to

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №27100
Slavik (08.03.2010, 15:42:47): I have decided!!I removed all the porn!! to

Slavik (09.03.2010, 18:34:22): People, no one knows programs to recover files deleted from the cart?

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №27099
I belong to a group of people who think they do not belong to any group.

[ + 75 - ] Comment quote №27098
<Muggy> I am afraid of this house
<Muggy> From the apartment above the wild scream "RUBEROOOIID!!!and "
<Muggy> Neighbors on the side "PACHEEEEM????!and "

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №27097
X: In a personal case it is written: "Surfideas in the absence of elementary knowledge"
Y: Hey, here Hitler is stumbling!

[ + 54 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №27096
Look at the beautiful clouds.
They are cold.
Well and what? They are beautiful.
Cold is not beautiful.
It happens.
It does not happen! Hot borst is beautiful, and cold borst is no longer.

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №27095
xxx (20:38:46 9/03/2010)
I had a foolish question: did nobody think of patenting?
yyy (20:39:01 9/03/2010)
The recursion

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №27094
...It is very surprising that anyone who looked into the folder "anal" found there tests on analytical chemistry...

[ + 89 - ] Comment quote №27093
a girlfriend of cats lives in the toilet (due to dealing with needs in improper places)
I go out of the toilet, close it, so that she doesn’t run away from there and ask a friend.
Is she sitting there all the time?
(The husband of the girlfriend) No, he goes out on the couch to suck))

[ + 73 - ] Comment quote №27092
From the criticism of the film "The Book of Masters":
I didn’t know the full meaning of the word "huita" before watching this movie.

[ + 89 - ] Comment quote №27091
Y: Gaishnik-zyatočnik o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o
X: In general, citizens, let us bribe with dignity. In the form of notes worth 10 rubles. Let him cuddle.
What kind of bills! the coins. You can anniversary dozen... and ketchup attached.
X: The fact of bribery may reveal giving laxative.But the idea I like.
x: A gold antilope

[ + 71 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №27090
I am standing on the street, smoking, not touching anyone.
Appropriate half-blushed type of man, apparently drunk-c.
I asked for 10 rubles for my needs.
I didn’t have ten rubles, so I jokingly asked if he would have a banknote.
You will not believe...

[ + 62 - ] Comment quote №27089
We work in field conditions, far from civilization, the nearest city 300 km away. In autumn in the steppe frequent fogs, 10 meters away nothing is visible. On one of those days, a friend, returning from work, where he was in the computer all day, falls asleep, and he dreams of a dream that the heart of reality has fallen (!) And so the reality is launched in a secure 16-bit mode, so there is nothing visible around it, and it is not a fog at all (the distance of drawing is minimal), and the reality is limited only to what is visible within the boundaries of the fog, and there is simply nothing. And the task of him is to repair this servo, otherwise he will not leave home - there is no home either.)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna