— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 53 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №27068
You’ll call me a chicken again and I’ll take off your eggs.

[ + 65 - ] Comment quote №27067
Pipets, yet the Orthodox clergy are the most steep and ugarny) He went out to the cigarette barrel, suck pop!! In a puppy above the scarf, in a church hat, with a moustache and a beard - everything as it should be. Says "do you not tell, where is the underworld here?"I immediately remembered Zotov's book - a terrible judgment and all that... I glanced, I think the shit came." I am asking you. "The Subsidiary" - says - "no, metro meaning". I was showing him the subway, the rest of the road was roaring like a debil - from happiness, probably, what passed...

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №27066
Justice: I have such a shit that you can’t even express it with a caps lock.

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №27065
Iam (17:53:37 25/02/2010)
The day passed so quickly.

Kleo (17:54:09 25/02/2010)
It is dark and cold (

Iam (17:56:05 25/02/2010)
What a goat. The idiot is sitting at home, drinking tea, playing chess, talking about politics...

Iam (17:59:56 25/02/2010)
They are sitting in expensive shorts... in pantyhose with ears, and next to the table are the books of Castaneda, Marx or, for example, Nietzsche... With a lock in the middle.
"And you know, gentlemen," said one, carelessly smashing the ashes into the expensive crystal ashes made in the shape of Heracles fighting with Hydra.
“You know,” he says, “I came back from the hop-stop last week and sat down to read Nietzsche... Well, I didn’t dream... And you know, I understood everything about the arrangement of this world. All...
In complete silence, you can hear the ringing of the pendulum clocks of the early 18th century and the crushing of the burning bars in a high fireplace covered with red bricks.
“Yes, you are surprised by the second silver spoon, taking from a Czech porcelain a shrimp bought at the station near the subway.
“Lord, let’s not argue... (third), let’s better drink the expensive Chernigov Ele Svitle.
And they are shocked by high thick-walled litre circles brought by one collector from a German auction and selected from him at the subway crossing. Under the high slopes of Bohemian Khrushchev, the theme of the film Brigade by the Symphony Orchestra sounds quietly.

[ + 75 - ] Comment quote №27064
Alice only has to remove Beckhambet.
Alicia will play Habansky there.

[ + 68 - ] Comment quote №27063
The Spring. To the morning erection added midday, lunch, day, evening and night.

[ + 75 - ] Comment quote №27062
British scientists conducted a series of experiments, during which it turned out that a smile does not get better.
Experiments were conducted on laboratory rabbits and snakes.

[ + 65 - ] Comment quote №27061
Usually in the Ulyanovsk region the melting of snow begins in late March. This year, according to the forecast, it will start three days earlier – 30-31 of the day."

Yes, we usually have somewhere in the numbers of March 33, 34...

[ + 62 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №27060
Yesterday I was at Dr. Le's sister's husband. 60 years. The contingent is the same. So here. A 70-year-old grandmother is asked - what will you drink - champagne, wine, cognac, vodka. "Give me a champagne"... Drink 2 full glasses. I said, don’t drink champagne anymore. It is hard to raise glasses. Give me vodka!! to

[ + 66 - ] Comment quote №27059
Better a bad deal with a wife than a good deal with a boss.

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №27058
Take your brains with you, let’s play people.

[ + 65 - ] Comment quote №27057
My father told me a story from my childhood.
I have made you a corner and I give you instructions:
Do not shoot on living people.
What about the dead?

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №27056
Read about gifts for the eighth, inspired

Spb, 23.10 or so, on March 6, I was tired after work, like the last horse, in working shape, and all the stupid, evil and incomprehensible March 8th, especially the 6th, drove into the subway on my branch and tried to dive into the music in the player, in order to at least somebody come back to himself. I sit on a branch that is "green" - go to Lomonosovskaya - and I don't immediately understand that right in the car is a microphone and a man with a red electric guitar, singing songs of the Time Machine and someone else there. How well he sang!! Fuck me, I loved this night! I love you, people) do not forget about the little wonders that you are able to create for loved ones or prose for the single!
Wow, wow, I personally got it. I drank for this man today and I am happy to share this with you! Even if it’s not March 8th, I’ll give it an advance. The Feast)

[ + 71 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №27055
Explain to me what people in this Moscow find
Explain to you?
The whole picture or only part of it?
All of
Let it
Normal people live in their hometown and they all seem to be satisfied. They struggle to spin, earn a penny, think of a happy future, and live with them as an unlucky man who learns what kind of technique he has already had time to work in the warehouse as a carrier and a few years as a seller consultant. And here’s how he lives... he doesn’t have enough money... but he himself explains it in a different way. There are no prospects to go in the mask. So this piece of shit, pitcher and loser in life eats to work with the same seller as a consultant only not for 8 pieces and say for 20-25 in the pitch capital, where the same damaging pitch rotates around, it turns out that our capital is entirely and entirely made up of regional pitch... and normal people down there will not go!!! to
Owen explained

[ + 64 - ] Comment quote №27054
Nika (14:09:14 9/03/2010)
We came up with a short term for raped-killed-eaten)))))))))))

alaska20000 (14:09:40 9/03/2010)
Noah, noah, noah and noah)

Nika (14:10:06 9/03/2010)
Bababanibalism is bad!!! to

alaska20000 (14:10:33 9/03/2010)
I can’t even read what I say! 😉 😉 😉 😉 😉

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №27053
Oh wow! The holidays ended on March 8 and February 14. You can also find a girl 😉
c) The student

[ + 76 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №27052
It is a pity when after the second season the director begins to let go of drugs.

[ + 94 - ] Comment quote №27051
Food in the Army.
Someday for lunch in the regiment's dining room brought frozen scraped bodies from NZ's warehouses. A clear ink stamp - "1948 year". The cook still darkly joked - the boys, said, she has her anniversary today...
yyy: PPC and pterodactyls smoked were not given?
KHH: No, they have not yet expired their validity period.

[ + 62 - ] Comment quote №27050
I’m a non-conflict man and I don’t relate to such a fool as you.

[ + 74 - ] Comment quote №27049
Jhonathan Davis
Holi Muli


Jhonathan Davis
Unclear what you said.

I wrote, Hi Denis, you are so good

Jhonathan Davis
If this is a clearly expressed question, then yours is not at all understood.

Jhonathan Davis
Huli Muli (from ancient times) The Greek.) A clearly stated question. by PRIM.Huli Muli, Heracles How are you, Ivan? (The Interpretation Dictionary

The fucking Egypt. A friendly greeting. by PRIM.Fuck you Amenhotep! - Hi, Vladimir Vladimirovich (Dala Dictionary)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna