— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 61 - ] Comment quote №26108
_DoZA_: in the name of marmelade and marmelade with a filler " acquires a different, unknown meaning...

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №26107
The guys! We want our athletes to win the Olympics! Please support Russia!

Olympic team from Vancouver

[ + 73 - ] Comment quote №26106
Alexander: No... we don’t need money and gold... post, we need to think about the spiritual, not the material.
Gorizont: our here in Vancouver is also like fasting, rejecting the gold that is unclean.

[ + 68 - ] Comment quote №26105
triklozoid: Helped the girl to drop the suitcase down the stairs, she said in a well-set voice: “Thank you.”

[ + 81 - ] Comment quote №26104
A man named Petrov Petrovich did the repair. So he told me that every time he was scorned in the Sberbank that he was stupid and didn’t need to copy the whole copy of the FIO sample.

[ + 74 - ] Comment quote №26103
Athletes from the Olympics will come with chocolate medals.

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №26102
Do you want a task?
XXX: Household
YYY :?
xxx:cmarie, there are chips that are so sharp that they are unrealistic.
xxx: how to do so that they are not sharp, and at the same time remain edible?
yyy: can be soaked in wine to soften a little or in any other pleasant liquid)
XX: I already thought to wash them, but it will not taste good.
xxx: may the fan blow them up
XXX: To fly this fucking sharp?
YYY: And what will change?
xxx: well they are filled with some red thing that sharps
YYY: B*I, until now I thought they were in the real sense sharp.
Yyy: the type can get hurt
xxx: I even thought to write at first that the sharp in the
In terms of taste, but then I think "no, like a fool, guess"
YYY :))))
Oh no, that’s a fool 😉

[ + 66 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №26101
I don’t buy a shave foam. There are only 7 days left 😉

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №26100
XXX: There are two types of women
With which it is good, but without them it is even better
With which it is bad, but without them it is even worse.

[ + 62 - ] Comment quote №26099
Survey on Habrabrabr: "Where do you find the packaging of household and computer equipment?"
Little_mouse: I eat it all. I am a hammer.

[ + 70 - ] Comment quote №26098
Did you know that only females can drink blood from mosquitoes? They need it for their offspring.
He: People have exactly the same... And even the verbal motivation often coincides.

[ + 69 - ] Comment quote №26097
Question: Dear forum members! What do you think will be the first gold?
Answer: In the rapid descent of Tiachev and Mutko from the Kremlin staircase pins.

[ + 61 - ] Comment quote №26096
Once in a bar:

Give me 2 juices, please.
Which of you?
One chicken, the other beer.

[ + 80 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №26095
to this:

"Five Shaverm" - can be said. A "five shaurms..." is difficult. Peter is thoughtful. The Cultural Capital, Ept.

From KWN:

Some people ordered a shirt:
Give me five shakes. Five Shaurmees, five Shaurmees
Go away boy. As it should.
Closer to the roof:
Give me two shurms and three shurms.

[ + 56 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №26094
The phrase "Let’s breathe fresh air" usually means that you need to take cigarettes with you.

[ + 0 - ] [23 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №26093
The xxx:
I have a refrigerator with NoFrostFree technology... But with it some glue, in general, something is bullshit.

The xxx:
I stand, I mean, I listen to the Ento case.

The xxx:
The stomach thought: "Our" and sparked in response)))))

[ + 117 - ] Comment quote №26092
to this:

When you run behind the bus, don’t throw your bag in the closing door, hoping it will make the driver wait.
XX: As the practice has shown, it will not...
The next time he comes with your bag, scream to him in the aftermath of it – Allah Akbar.

[ + 76 - ] Comment quote №26091
I’ve been around the same cafe for two years. Previously, they hanged an announcement of the following content: "Officials are needed". Six months ago: "We need officers". I saw another correction today. Now the announcement sounds "We need an officer". Bravo, they have the last step!

[ + 71 - ] Comment quote №26090
Forum about dreams:

One day I dreamed that I wrote an unwoven verse, the text there was something about:

The chicken dropped the egg.
Partisan links to the door
Everything is well in the village.
But sausage and sausage.

In my dreams, I just couldn’t believe how brilliant lines I invented. In one small poem he wrote about the brothers of our younger and about the great patriotic war and about the Russian depth, Edak satirically emphasized the hatred of the stomach and how he masterfully smeared the end, leaving the reader to think of his own meaning. In these lines I saw the quintessence of wisdom, and as I was already in the morning sleep, I pledged to keep all this on paper.
When I woke up and came back to clear consciousness, I was ashamed of myself, but my brains could have dreamed of it.))))

[ + 60 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №26089
Relationship between M and Z

If a woman has everything in her life, she needs to:
- to be confused - why everything suddenly goes well and start to come up with a problem,
Inventing a problem, twisting yourself and crying over a fictional cause,
- find the culprit, in a fictional problem (girlfriend, husband, boss)
- to break up with the guilty (match, expel the husband from the house, accuse the girlfriend of betrayal, resign from work),
To cry again.
- to share the trouble (now real) with the remaining girlfriend, to mark the match (husband) with a goat, to humble yourself and get bored again...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna