— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №146044
The correct approach is shown in the film "Traffic 60", where the character grows up, but grows up not in the sense that he, like a dad, considers the gifted jerk cool, but grows up really - returns the jerk to his dad, and when he tries to portray insult, he makes it clear that it is offensive to give such gifts and not to refuse them.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №146043
Halloween is the only day in the year when you can say to a girl at a corporate: You are so awful! Listen to the answer thanks!

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №146042
Multiple children

Please go to Herry. My childhood was spent on Soviet cartoons, my adolescence captured Disney series ("Witch Stories", "Chip and Dale" and more), "Tom and Jerry" and "Ninja Turtles". And at the age of 14 before us anime arrived, and the first thing that came to my eyes was "completely childish" "Akira". How my brain didn’t explode then, I still don’t understand. And the much later viewed "Ghost in Armour" or, for example, "Paprika" are also not intended for children. And in the current "Mixers" regularly deal with such problems that directly affect adults. So do not have to scatter the stamps here on the sides.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №146041
Listened in line. Two guys are talking. One says, “You know, I went to work as a guard at the bar. I came to the shift, with a separate guard room - a couch, a TV. I took a beer, I lay on the couch, I drank a beer, I am glad - what a great job.

The next day, the owner calls the bar and says, “You’re fired.” I start to get angry: why? And he silently includes a video, and there is a picture with oil - in the fighting room, and I lie on the couch and drink beer. There was nothing to object.”

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №146040
On Saturday morning, I sit with my wife at the house and have breakfast. Here, from the street, a car hangover and a scream of the type of "Homeowners, open." I put on a jacket, I go out, I see a "four" standing in front of the gate with a trailer, from which several healthy men load something large and heavy, I approach closer.

Good morning, what happened?

and good. Master, do not pull, let the door open, we will work.

I did not call anyone.

How did I not call? Here we have an application for today in the morning to clean the well in the SNT "Lyubanovo".

I have a “Lobano”.

What is the difference?

At about 60 km...

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №146039
I add :

Veterans of the Brownian Movement, unite!
Hands away from the body!

Society of the Red Cross.

[ + 24 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №146038
Q: What is the policy of double standards? When you’re a kid, everyone is upset that you don’t sleep, you run. And when you grow up, everyone is upset that you are sleeping and not running!
WOW: When I was a child, I was taught to speak and walk, and now they want me to sit and be silent!

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №146037
Kurai: bought a deodorant with the smell of swallow
Kurai: Remember, the turtles smell grapefruit

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №146036
Neradence: And then we did what adults did, yes.
Mother: What is it?
Neradence: Well how!
Neradence: Until five o’clock in the morning, the model of the Draccar was collected, of course, which he bought.
You are hopeless.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №146035
to this:
>I wasn’t scared, the search engine too. 494 km is the distance from me to the same name village in Mordovia
Once asked about the time difference between cognac and happiness, Yandex answered honestly: 1 hour. There are such cities. Then it was broken :(

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №146034
I am happy to believe that the cats are 2kg and a 3 month old kitten in one move strangled a squid 2kg weight.Maybe something in the physiology of cats I do not understand?

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №146033
yyy: Here are two pessimistic options for you: "The cockroach flooded" and "The cockroach did not drown".

Mercury again?? to

[ + 29 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №146032
XXX: Let us not talk to him anymore. I accidentally saw that it was recorded on his phone "Katia 5" and I was immediately offended that I was fifth. And he calmed down, said it was points for appearance, you look at five... Well I believed, forgive me, blossomed... until I called "Angela 8"... And then I realized that the points were at ten points...

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №146031
to this

UUU: xxx, this is called "hop-stop".
K.O.L. Y.D.K

The quote reminded me. We had a girl with reduced social responsibility who loved to go to her lovers on holidays. That is, here is the New Year's Eve, and she goes first to one, "greetings", goes to another, and so 5-6 people managed to get around. She called it "Blitz-Koljady". They ended when she fell to her husband without warning, and he not only had time to get married since last year, but also had a child.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №146030

> I think this is insulting!!! to
Why can’t I, a healthy, young man, afford to pump the rights?? to

Don’t forget to turn on, don’t be proud!

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №146029
Novak Djokovic put the CNN host in a deadlock, answering a question about what pushed him, Djokovic, to such outstanding achievements in the sport. The great tennis player stated that as a child he survived the bombardment of NATO aircraft of his defenseless country and dreamed of winning by any means available to him...

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №146028
In beauty competitions, decisions are made by the members of the jury.

[ + 45 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №146027
Very angry people who come to my office to talk and at the same time start to grab various items from the table, without asking permission.
I was given a hunting knife for my birthday. The big. is terrible. With handles of horns and in leather knives. He lay on the table. There came such a comrade with a scratchy pen... While he was telling about his problems, the cloth in his hands turned-turned, removed from the knives – inserted... Finally, put back on the table. And I, continuing the conversation, get my nose cloth, carefully take the knife, put it in the safe and lock it with a key. After a minute, the man begins to break down, losing the thread of conversation... Then he asks, “What have you done now?”I answer, “Nothing,” and I look closely at him. In short, that half day ran after me, asking him to wipe off his knife.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №146026
On television it is immediately noticeable who of the correspondents are the favourites of the leadership, and who - quite the opposite.
Some are constantly reporting on new yachts of oligarchs from Monaco or on villas in Marbella, while sitting at the table in the Michelin restaurant.
And others for some reason constantly talk about the flooding in Yakutia, the breakthrough of sewage in an abandoned village in the Murmansk region, the rebellion of prisoners in Chita...

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №146025
The trade nowadays goes so that even if you sell high-tech microscopes at a scientific conference, a man will rush to the end and ask:
Do you have a witch amulet?

yyy: I saw a man at a conference selling some equipment for ultrasound mountain scanning. He had a witch amulet. Not for sale, but it was.

zzz: Alexander, no matter who lives in the caves, he will find a job as a witch.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna