— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №145844
Lovers of Greenfield:

Not Tom, the speaker. Have you already bought the strawberries with strawberries, or the neighbor doesn't?

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №145843
This is what I have οcοknown nacκοlκοplοhi mοand things. I pοdal na pazvοd byyči deevcvenniκοm

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №145842
The post about a mother crossing the road with a wheelchair and leading the other hand of the second child to pain reminded me of my own life three years ago. Every transition turned into stress. Because the borders in the area of the zebra were no less than elsewhere. It is approximately 30. It was hard to lift the wheelchair with both hands. Not that alone. And I even measured this edge with a roulette, and photographed, and wrote complaints... and about the WONDER, three years later, when the children grew up on this dumb transition, the edges were cut. 

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №145841
Filfak is four frightened boys and 80 girls with hungry eyes.

It is only during their studies that they are so frightened, but after studying in the postgraduate school, they become ninja steep pads and generally a macho (on filfaque-to), by which half of the first-school girls will dry out of the depths. But in the depths of their souls (somewhere very deep) they remain the same frightened half-growths, so they do not go to the evening of the meeting of the filfak.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №145840
Under the cover of his books and quite open calls for disobedience to adults, teachers, presented as enemies, and too transparent sexual hints: children then in one cowardice and barefoot everywhere chase, then completely naked.

A friend married and had children...Uncle, sometimes a banana is just a banana. Well, a healthy person does not perceive a naked baby as a sexual object, does not perceive it! Did you swim and sleep like your kids? Has he fallen from standing? Or was it a good reason to completely shake up the care of the children on the wife, "or suddenly"?

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №145839
ssokol01: He injected and cut his cat’s nails. This fucking fat creature absolutely does not honor the master of nature.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №145838
Drekhann: Today I saw a car with a large inscription on the rear glass: The Tsar steals to the roof, and the director is sacked.
Katze North: bhaha
Katze North: I even guess who it is about

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №145837
In our country, in order to put in order a murdered road, it is not necessary to put a new asphalt - it is enough to remove the old road carefully.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №145836
Little Republic of Malawi has been hit by a real fever. Locals walk with villas and torches in crowds in search of blood-drinkers. Anyone who suspects is killed immediately. There are nine supposed vampires.

Authorities are unable to take control of the situation, although more than a hundred hunters have been arrested. It turns out, Count Dracula was not a pale and thin inhabitant of Eastern Europe, but a black man of a sports body. The whole village is buried.

My granddaughter was with Hassan - he carried a backpack on his back. There were many pockets, an inflatable mattress and a bottle of water attached. It seemed suspicious to the crowd, and they started beating him,” says a local resident. Both were killed at the end".

He has a suitcase with pockets, he is a vampire. (from the textbook of Malawi Logic)

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №145835
You know geography better than me. Where is Khabarovsk?
It is easy! On the banknote of 5 thousand rubles.
and :)

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №145834
It’s hard in life to keep on floating if you’re not shit.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №145833
Norwegian playwright Henrik Ibsen was a very silent man. Rejecting frequent invites to dinner, he said:
I hardly talk to guests. The other guests, looking at me, are also silent. The owners become irritable. Why do I have this? When I’m not visiting, society has a wonderful topic to talk about.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №145832
If an elephant runs in front of you, turn away.
It is not the exact hour, confront the one from whom he is fleeing.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №145831
here here :
Filfak is four frightened boys and 80 girls with hungry eyes.

Don’t be jealous of these guys. Most likely, all 80 girls will perceive them as unscrupulous creatures and fuck with anyone but not with them.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №145830
At the next team building event, I thrust Olya with admiration:

Look how nicky he was!

“Ugh,” she said. I will give him home.

at home? Are you together?

They have been married for five years.

But at work you won’t say: come at different times, don’t talk, don’t go out for lunch together.

The light! I sleep with him, I eat breakfast with him, I eat dinner with him. Can I eat lunch myself? ! to

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №145829
And I even measured this edge with a roulette, and photographed, and wrote complaints... and about the WONDER, three years later, when the children grew up on this dumb transition, the edges were cut.

— — —

Thank you, good woman, and pluses in karma! I am now walking in this wheelchair and I am delighted.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №145828
He has a suitcase with pockets, he is a vampire. (from the textbook of Malawi Logic)

A friend who worked in Malawi said:
They have a huge percentage of HIV-infected people there, because there is a popular belief: to get rid of the disease, you need to pass it on to another.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №145827
xxx: Soon to call the teaser will not be so bad, because they will be smarter than us)))

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №145826
Student: I’ve never heard of a student dying by smoking behind the school in a change.
However, smoking is fought, and physical culture is imposed.
It is unfair!

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №145825
The case was in the States. One of us (who spoke little English, but did not understand American at all) grabbed his heart, and grabbed strongly. He picked up the number 911, the existence of which he knew from the series of the same name - and the "ambulance" really came. More gestures than words, the Russian explained: the heart. He was taken to the hospital, put a dropper... All in the steam, he was lying, having no strength or opportunity to ask for anything. and belonged. A healthy black man in a green medical coat bowed over the catallica and asked:

What, brother, is it figo for you?

In pure Russian, though with a slight accent.

“And I realized that I was dead,” described his feelings, a patient who later hesitated. But it was not an angel, but a nurse found by the hospital administration to communicate with a Russian speaker. He finished medical school in Tambov.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna