— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 66 - ] Comment quote №21428
black-z (14:06:19 14/10/2009)
How do you feel? I have an offer. Come to me tomorrow yesterday. I’ll cook dinner, I’ll make a glitter. Candles, music... I’m just on vacation.
black-z (14:06:31 14/10/2009)
Sorry, not for you.
Iriska (14:06:56 14/10/2009)
I am not against
black-z (14:10:38 14/10/2009)
Fuck... I wanted to send one, and it turned out that the whole contact letter went.
Irishka (14:12:31 14/10/2009)
black-z (14:12:47 14/10/2009)
Most importantly, almost everyone agreed.
black-z (14:14:37 14/10/2009)
Even a friend said that he would definitely come, only asked the candles!
I probably don’t know about it :(

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №21427
Arkan - went to soap the rope and charge the revolver
Ljutsiana - Soap revolver and charge the rope.
Arkan – Luciana Burtune... revolves a rope and charges soap?
Ljutsiana - not you confused everything! We need to revolve the soap and charge the rope!
Arkan – What? This is a bad signal, I can hardly hear you. He wipes the revolver and washes the charger.
Ljutsiana - I repeat once again, you are a multi-red-yellow-annihilation-atom-neutrin-root-broken man, you need to MILLERELV the charger and reboot the rope!
Arkan - 0_o XDDDD
Anchar – the brain is wrapped in a cube
RazeR – O * died in attempt to create this

[ + 73 - ] Comment quote №21426
Lapa: and what will we do after these walks and restaurants?)))
Doo Bak: Well, I, as a true gentleman, will take you home and lead you to the door, and you, as a true lady, will undoubtedly invite me to a cup of tea. =) is
Lapa: I don’t even know... I’m just as upset to invite hardly-known guys into the apartment.
Doo Bak: Don’t worry, I’m completely safe sexually. =) is
Ahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah Why are you not even thirteen and you are already impotent?
Doo Bak:........................
Doo Bak: No, shit, I’m, just imagine, just well-educated.
Doo Bak: Well what babies have gone today, eh?

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №21425
From personal experience:
The dark entrance, I am standing on the site and for a long time I can not get the key into the lock well.
Where is that fucking hole? No longer annoyed.
I am here, my beloved. My wife got...

[ + 67 - ] Comment quote №21424
Neshika: Please do not touch our Anushka with your hands!
And don’t give it oil.

[ + 61 - ] Comment quote №21423
What is Jewish in this song?
Do you think the end is cut? xDD

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №21422
He walked like a bulldozer and ended up like a rabbit. The light"
The teacher was very surprised by this recording.
I too.
by as063)

[ + 86 - ] Comment quote №21421
I think the boss looks at me and thinks "This device can work faster"

[ + 66 - ] Comment quote №21420
I watched the show today about the bad effects of pepsi-cola on the body, so don't drink any shit, I want you to die healthy!)

[ + 79 - ] Comment quote №21419
You are great when you drink.

You are great when I drink.

[ + 73 - ] Comment quote №21418
During the exam:
XXX: A group member comes to me with a request to solve statistics for him.
XXX:Well, the time since there was not a lot, I decided part, and at the end of it on the leaflet signed "Dorehaj yourself!"
XXX: So our students were so upset that he gave up the same leaflet...

Reacting to the teaching...

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №21417
Alex (10:39:57 14/10/2009)

Alex (10:40:05 14/10/2009)
I spent two days not sitting at my lectures in the universe.

Crazy_KOT (10:40:18 14/10/2009)
I am happy to see you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! to

Alex (10:40:36 14/10/2009)

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №21416
Because of childhood hyperactivity.

Recently, the teacher of child surgery explained to us how a student is different from a child.

When a student comes home, he can lie down on the couch all day long.

Have you ever seen a child lying down and doing nothing?

The same...

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №21415
Yasherko: Most Popular Themes in Twitter: 1) Hurricane, snow! Fuck the snow!

[ + 77 - ] Comment quote №21414
Raven Guard (10:59:17 14/10/2009)
I was given a prophecy:

Raven Guard (11:02:00 14/10/2009)
I go from the metro home. The body comes to meet. to zero. With eyes closed. Elijah is drawn. He looked like me, stopped, turned his head and, without opening his eyes, said, "Wait for big puzzles!" And with a voice like...the master of Yoda from Star Wars.

[ + 66 - ] Comment quote №21413
The case was in school, class at 9, in the midst of a tumultuous youth. The teacher asks us a question at the lesson:
Where are you drinking?
The class silenced for a few seconds, then everyone began to remember and quietly confess:
In the shop...
At the entrance...
Ivanova at the house.
The teacher was confused, and with a trembling voice:
- I really wanted to know where you drink water in school... Warn them not to drink from the crane...
This is how the reputation of the smartest class went to hell.

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №21412
Probably everyone remembers in school guys, who did not go to classes, but dumb came to school and wiped up on the first floor...So here at the end of the 9th grade, teachers were already preparing to breathe with relief, understanding that the head of these gossip is released.But NO ONE expected that he would write a statement, that he wants to study until the 11th.In short, teachers are good people, but the mathematician principally and sharply refused.This happened to the director.After an hour of conversation in the office, when everyone was already exhausted, dialogue:
You have no right not to take me at 10-11!
The Mathematics: How?He doesn’t know math at all! again the pants will be going to wipe out here...
How many are 7 and 8?
There was a moment of silence, nobody expected it.
Student: I was not preparing!You are?
Generally speaking, the choking stood on the whole school, the hour negotiations were over.

[ + 62 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №21411
0z: What are you doing?
Q: Do you miss me?

Favourite: The cat has driven away! Yes very much! What are you doing?

0z is:
Here in the girls bag found:
If you ask them two questions in a row, they only answer the last one.

I wanted to check it out! ))

Favorite: and how to check?

0z is over! You are a man!

[ + 64 - ] Comment quote №21410
Is it possible to see a bear on the street?! to
I apologize for leaving
The bear pulled off and ran out of the booth.
I found him in the tracks...
Bollywood has deceived him.
He walks through the streets drunk.
WOW on the ball is playing...

[ + 35 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №21409
I am a Ukrainian! I am proud of my flag!"

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna