— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №15863
xxx: I am holding a lecture here on the harm of suicide
YYY: And how can suicide hurt? O_O

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №15862
Meat from a tail, meat from a tail... tea from a headphone! and ((

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №15861
Girls with 0-1 size of breasts, don’t be disappointed! This is much better than if you had 5-6: it doesn't like guys, and it's also very uncomfortable :( You can at least run and jump :)

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №15860
This is fucking! Now feeds the microwave, ah, I think the chicken has already roasted.)

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №15859
“Let’s play like you’re going to cook dinner and I’m playing Counter-Strike.

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №15858
I stand at the stop means.Near there is a couple: a blonde girl and a guy.And you can see that the guy is nervous, apparently very somewhere in a hurry.And there is a tram, such an old model, all dirty.By behavior, it can be seen that their tram.And here 50 meters after a new, clean tram of the same route.There is dialogue:
D: Listen, let’s go here (showing a new one).
“Lena, we’re in a hurry, or do you think once he’s new, there’s more horses in him and he’ll beat everybody in the meeting?

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №15857
A dumb thought came to my head.

The Pindos would not have been able to remove the 3rd from the baseball.

It would not have been stupid to meet the sailors and Uncle Fedor.

They also have sandwiches and hamburgers with bread on two sides closed.

And the cat would not be able to whip under the pretext "wrong sandwich eat"

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №15856
NorD: Fuck, I’m stupid like a cover!
XXX: as an interruption
NORD is BLIA! I don’t even know that!! = = (

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №15855
The most terrifying thing is the invisible shit.
You can enter even if you look under your feet.
There is not the most apparent invisible shit among people, you can make friends with him or you can marry him.

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №15854
"We selected only the best quotes from the entire runnet..."
I saved them from you!! (= the

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №15853
One more rude word and on Easter you will have nothing to paint.
by O_O

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №15852
I read a book about the training system of the GRU Special Forces:

If there is a need to quietly lower the gases, you should push the fingers of the buttocks and then, in order not to give yourself a smell, quickly dissipate the air with the folds of the palms, without producing shock.

Harsh, milling, guys...

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №15851
Oh no, I’m crazyly happy that we moved to Peter...the apartment is so damaged, the stream is with the telecombs, tnt I can’t catch...
Away from the city

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №15850
To the story of the meteorostand on the island of Reunion (in the form of a rope hanging stone).
In the U.S. state of Wyoming there is an original wind indicator. Usually, the wind indicator is a striped mattress jacket - the more it is stretched horizontally, the stronger the wind. In Wyoming, instead of fabric, a heavy iron chain was used, one end of which was welded to a pillar thrown into the ground. And below the column is given a plaque with explanations: which angle of the deviation of the chain from the vertical corresponds to what strength of the wind.

Here is this table.
0 degrees: the indicator is broken, notify the meteorological service
30 degrees: light breeze
45 degrees: soft zephir
60 degrees: Hurricane
75 degrees: beware of low-flying trains
90 degrees: Welcome to the wonderful Wyoming!

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №15849
She: I love you! Let us reconcile...
He says: for nothing!
I will break your leg.
He: Okay...

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №15848
YYY O.O in the meaning?! to
What does xxx mean? Really for the first time. Such a healthy foolish idiot with ears.
Are you talking about the Caucasian Shepherd? Fuoh, I have already imagined this post-apocalyptic painting... With ears-chips...

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №15847
It was noted that for the first time "she" appeared in the cartoon "Vacancies Boniface"?

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №15846
ru_auto (community of cars)

People urgently need the Red Eight

The fucking pattern does not disappear.

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №15845
Today the cat from the morning turned the cup of coffee, it would be nothing, there was almost no coffee, but the cup fell on the carpet, which left a delicious spot...
XHH: Naturally, I didn’t have time to remove it and I was offended.
But, I, an evil-minded man, before the arrival of the ancestors scattered the cat’s canned beans next to the bowl.
HH: Oh, she was offended very well.

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №15844
After the universe came home, there was nothing to do, looking in the mirror sparked the creativity, I think it is necessary to do something on the head I decided not to get frozen put his hair turned out like horns,after all this pleased went to work.
Switching up the music moved on foot around the city to work.I go happy, stopped the music in the player to swipe, I raise my eyes standing father and baptize me!!!!I began to scream and scream, with the heart caught.The reaction of the daddy was phenomenal with the screams: URA I have defeated the forces of evil!!!Escaped...

Now I know how tough the church is.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna