— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №15883
From the Fire:
I washed my car for the first time in six months.
Then she came to the parking lot and searched for her for a long time.

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №15882
Mother's favorite issued: "Drink water from the well... In it the rabies were treated, maybe it will help you")

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №15881
Yesterday (18:33)
Hi to
Nirvana (18:33) :
Yesterday (18:33)
Are you a virgin?
Nirvana (18:34) :
You are fucking fucking!! I don’t know how to change my nick!!!! to

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №15880
Twain’s mother...woke up at 6 a.m. to go out to squeeze, accidentally hit the table, the mouse shattered, the computer woke up...Going up, returned...6 messages in aska with the text “Do you not sleep?”and "
Is this what I should answer? >_<

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №15879
M11k15: A shake if we, like in Israel, girls were taken to the army!
m11k15: You go into the park, and there girls drunk in blue berets bottles on their heads and whistle: "VDV, forward!" You go further, and there a couple more in the fountain swimming! And here one goes out and uneven walk, with the grace of a cat under a valerian, catches the guy going by and let him fuck! And you stand, you look and you mourn: "Oh, how cute she is... My Alenochka!" :)

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №15878
<Slyder> Nilly: There will be no you, there will be no shale. So let’s decide with the time and go.
<[horned]Devil> hm... and what was the chashmallow planned for?

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №15877
Under what conditions would you agree to have sex with a man?
He: A bullet in my head and I'll fuck it all.

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №15876
Nothing wipes the dust out of the computer like the hell’s sun lights the whole room.

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №15875
I go to the store, passing by the #brandname# carrier of the meat packaging with the truck of fresh dishes. A shopkeeper approaches and asks: "Consult the sausages more delicious". The carrier crossed and said, “I’m advising you to eat potatoes, you’ll be healthier.”

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №15874
Actually, from a previous life.
Dear man, do you love me?! to
And how?! to
How strange it is!!! to

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №15873
The expression of LOH most likely originated from the abbreviation L.O.H. (A person robbed by hooligans), which was used in the preparation of police protocols in the 70s. GOP (hopnik) probable etymology - in the distant USSR there was such a place State dormitory "Proletariate", the citizens who lived in it were dressed in barholes, the growing generation often wore things of the elderly (spread and not in size), hence the appearance - a huge size jacket (often stuffed in pants with a headset), very worn shoes, on the head - a hat (in winter and summer)or any worn hat. Well, of course – behavior ("Words, small (seeds, chicken) is there")
Maybe somebody will be interested.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №15872
“The sufferings of one’s soul are not the sufferings of other sufferers.”
(The Yellow Shirt)

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №15871
A screw from life

One of my comrades, a doctor of science and a professor, by the way, came across once.
His youngest daughter (one year old at the time)
Two butterflies fused in ecstasy at the fridge door.
“Look, Dad, what a strange crumbling mol,” she said thoughtfully.
The daughter.
“This is not a crumbling mol, but two separate ones,” the father corrected.
So what do they do here? The child asked.
“They’re having sex,” replied the father, who always thought
Honesty and openness are the main things in the relationship between parents and children.
But the next question of an intriguing child even a father-professor for a long time
He went into a stupor.
Why is it so quiet?
As the comrade said, he did not know whether to roast or cry.
Be proud of yourself :)


[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №15870
One girlfriend is going on a date, two others are going to her.
They help.
50 grams for courage.
The second with doubt:
Or maybe 100 for stupidity?

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №15869
and Eugene:
We have in the city advertising of stretched ceilings on the radio - "Natyanya your dream", throw off!

The Kitchen:
What a slogan the classmates wiped in their ears.

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №15868
I’ve never loved Panda, though.
While pirates captured citizens of other countries, with pirates negotiated, people sat in captivity, about Ukrainians, who spent half a year sitting, I generally remain silent, but as soon as they captured an American, one, without a ship, the American fleet went for revenue, about the ransom did not even want to hear, pirates simply destroyed, theirs taken.
Because it is nefigured.
I will not respect them after that, but I can no longer despise them.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №15867
Return the comments! It is better to have one joke quote and 9,000 joke comments on it than just 9,000 joke quotes.

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №15866
In the subway, the girl descends on the escalator, and methodically looks for something in the bag with the image of Kenny. A guy runs past her, he hits the girl, and, of course, the bag falls.
At the same time, a joyful scream from the neighboring escalator is heard: "They Killed Kenny, Svolocchi!!!!and "

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №15865
XXX: Horizon TV is still better

Yyy: Definitely of course!Thanks to the new, ergonomic handles, which meet the latest world standards, carrying TVs "horizon" is much more convenient than Rolsen TVs!

[ + 49 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №15864
14:45 – Come to visit.
14:47 Angelko: What will we do? and ;)
14:47 Kot: Let's sit down, drink a tea, I fucking you and watch a new movie.
14:48 Anjelko: Scotch! You only need one of me! You have gone!! to
15:31 Anjelko: What time to come?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna