— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №12240
New newspapers at work.
Apparently adapted for Russia))
After the table "Official holidays in Russia" comes the table "Time of breakdown of alcohol in the blood"....

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №12239
added 2008-10-29 21:41
We are ready for the Third World War! I have all the necessary supplies!! The main thing is that it does not last more than 2 days!

Don’t worry, it will not last more than 2 hours.

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №12238
I work as an admin in Kazan. Early morning application from the accounting office with a clear Tatar accent: "Allelu u na Herok stood up"
I’m trying to understand and I’m asking "what’s up with you?"
The answer killed: "Heroe stood up - the saddle ended". After I got out of the table - killed 30 minutes on explaining what is not: "Herox a Xerox and not sage a toner".

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №12237
In the movie "white noise"... such a frightening moment... music... the noise of the radio... and the voice
Go to...
Where is?? to
Go to...
Where is?? to

From the hall:
Go to the village!! to
The whole room was lying down...after that no one could watch the movie seriously...XD

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №12236
The province. We were seven, went from the birthday group and decided in the dark park on the benches to sit down, drink beer and breathe the air. The darkness is complete. One went to talk on the phone, his wife called so he asked us to be silent and not to smoke. and silence. All of us have LED headlamps with us because it is unrealistic to walk without light in our cloak. Almost all men under the age of 30, size and body weight are not deleted.

Two hopes go, notice a guy with a glowing cell phone. Go to him. We are sitting. He just finished speaking.
Give me a call and you’re bluffing.
Yes guys, I’m here with my friends, you’ll ask them.
Who are your friends?? to
The miners are fucking fucking!
There are six lamps on the forehead and six healthy cheeks appear in the sight of the hopes.

No one has ever seen such fast runners. The record went...

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №12235
My friend is on the subway, and she has a fever and headache, but still goes to work. Here a place is released next to her, she begins to sit down, but she shuddered. She fails and sits on a man’s knees. He slips off his knees and wants to say, “Sorry me, please,” and instead says, “Sorry me, please!”

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №12234
When I make my first million, I will spend it on you.
Yes, I’m going to get you, shit, into the clinic for anonymous or not very anonymous, obviously?! to

[ + 65 - ] Comment quote №12233
Opened the station of some site, accidentally clicked on the free site of the station and the inscription appeared in this place:
"Do you press here?" o_O

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №12232
I watched that broadcast!! In general, a zygote is squeezed there, then it is turned over so that it flows, and then such a pale bear is born!

Student of the 4th course of the Linguistic University tells how to artificially fertilize panda

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №12231
I remembered, we in Odessa had an incident - a guy with a gasoline canister came to the tax inspector with a very evil, poured himself, the inspector and set fire... since then there is a guard at the entrance...
So here we and the boss went to this very tax affairs... and he is a man with such a positive face that every rubbish inhibits him to check documents...
I understood that our march will not end with anything good when he is still at the entrance, next to the guard said to them: "Blaad, you will go to you without a gasoline canister" - the effect, I am in the rainfall, the guard in the wharf, we go on - the shit...
c) was

[ + 50 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №12230
A quote from Bach from the future:

Petya was fucked yesterday.
How we roasted - it should have been seen! They just fell out! The whole office was lying with the boss, the courier, the cleaner and the head of the department! What an office! The whole business center was lying - absolutely all! Some were lying on each other because there was not enough space on the floor. A wave of rust has spread to neighboring buildings, whipping even dogs on the street and rats in the sewage! The menta laughed, the microbes and shop windows broke out. They even scratched the boots in the aska and the usherpics! The whistle was louder than the simultaneous whistle of a million blondes! All the pairs in all the institutions were destroyed, the employees of the GIBDD did not take more than one fine! No one could work in the city that day.
This is how ridiculously Petya grabbed you.

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №12229
Deputy U.S. Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy James Glassman told reporters about the State Department’s special information program “Digital External Contacts Team”. The purpose of its creation is to counter “anti-American disinformation” on the Internet abroad.
As part of this program, its participants go to the Internet, chats, popular internet sites and in some cases blogs and talk about U.S. politics, correct mistakes that occur, and also send people to the right documents, the official explained. Until now, this work was carried out in Arabic, Persian and Urdu. And now Glasman said that he is considering the inclusion of several Russian-speaking specialists in the team. They will have to lead a ‘war of ideas’ against extremism on the fields of Runet.

Get up, the Russian people! c) Saxon

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №12228
XX: I knew that could not last forever.
The clothes are clean (

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №12227
Love comes and goes, but children remain.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №12226
Have you heard Shallapin sing? No is? I didn’t hear either, but...

This happened in the city of Würzburg, during the Radio Biological Congress.

The year is 95 or 96.

At the end of the official opening of the Congress, all the participants gathered.

500-600 people under a huge tent to eat German

Cakes and beer to drink. A small improvised stage.

orchestra, something popular, and despite amplifiers and columns, barely

The noise of the scientists. The noise is not small.

Apart from our delegation, we find ourselves drinking and discussing urgent issues.

Radio biology is loved by delegations from other countries. Language barriers are calculated

Just as quickly as the “free” German beer disappears. I sit for

at the table with his boss and because of his youth and stupid humility

I drink little, but look at the public more or conduct purely scientific conversations.

At the next table I notice an interesting couple, he is obviously ours, she is...

It looks like an American, no longer young – 40-45. Sitting somehow

They talk to each other, but the conversation continues.

very slowly, because he barely speaks English, and she almost

He does not speak Russian.

My boss, who knows almost all of our delegation, says that this

A guy from Novosibirsk, often travels to conferences to meet

It was with this girl... Suddenly I noticed that he stood up from behind the table and

He resolutely goes to the stage. He asked the organizer and

He goes up with him to the pitch. People who don’t stop making noise.

They are aware of these changes and are interested. Orchestra

silent, the organizer takes the microphone, and, trying to scream the noise,

“A Russian friend wants to sing something for an American friend.”

Everyone looks at the scene, continuing their work. The organizer,

When he finished speaking, he passed the microphone to “Russian” and smiled.

It descends. Siberian approaches the edge of the scene, looking with his eyes

her “American friend” and begins to sing – only for her.

Well, we also hear everything – because we cannot hear. Closed

the noise of a huge pavilion, with a well-set voice he sings about

The wall and the hole. Without the microphone, everything is silent. All Simply

I was stunned by the strength and depth of his voice. He only looks at her and

Singing only for her. Neither before nor after – I have nothing like that.

I heard. The applause was such that probably Shalapin would be jealous.

And he quietly nodded to the musicians, gave away the unnecessary microphone and

returned to her. As she looked at him, her eyes shone with tears or

Happiness... how you want to believe that they all succeeded...

And the banquet, after a while again silenced... the Finns tried to sing a choir, right?

It did not work well...



[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №12225
There are two categories of people in Russia.

Those who do not know, and those who do not know.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №12224
I work in the odminskaya on the 3rd floor. On the first floor, in the kitchen, the outlet breaks and all the splendor of seductive and stinking smells invades me. I swallowed saliva for half an hour and ventilated the room. Work is up. Find out the cost of food. and sad.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №12223
I am all yours:
What can a man do to prove to a man that I love him?
by NeGriTozz:
by NeGriTozz:
The Deep
by NeGriTozz:
If you can
I am all yours:
Write simple I don’t understand.

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №12222
Fregat (16:08:44 3/11/2008)
You are so good :-*
Regent (16:09:29 3/11/2008)
I'm afraid to imagine who you wrote this and accidentally mistaken through the window :)

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №12221
rELH_Foxbat (03:55:25 2/11/2008)
My kung fu is better than your kung fu.

Organizm (03:55:52 2/11/2008)
My broom is better than your kung fu.

rELH_Foxbat (03:56:43 2/11/2008)

Organizm (03:58:46 2/11/2008)
The great master, who has the technique of Razyashchev Loma and the founder of the school of the Stepping Excavator, does not have to be polite.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna