— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №2114
Announcement in the forum.

I sell gasoline!! to

Year of Release: 20.10.98
Range: 75000 km original
Color: rotted bacon
Body: full metal truck, the longest, the highest
Engine: zmz 406, DOHC 16v, gasoline, 130 horse-huli you want
Mass: 2t own, 3.5t full

Compilation of: El Tagged as, el. mirrors, seat heating, abs, safety pillows, two-zone climate control, cruise control and other labs no and there was no Smile
But there is a roof luggage and R16 discs!

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №2113
I read a review of a concept car with a new four-layer self-cleaning front glass on nanotechnologies. The stones:
by Oleg:
The cost of replacing glass.
by picwik:
I can imagine the cost of a vase with this glass.
by merdoc:
I just can’t imagine a vase with such a glass.)
by Alex Dee:
I represent the cost of glass + vase as a gift

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №2112
Biin: I wonder what will happen if you throw a burner in the electoral urn.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №2111
1st of them :-[
1 hm Throw out.
2: I am sorry.
2: Copy it out.

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №2110
Thessalonian (11:23)
My mom handed it out yesterday.
by boniq (11:23)
What??? to
by Fokca (11:24)
He looks like me and says:
Are you sitting on the forum?
Fokca (11:25)
I : Yes!
Are you modernizing?
I: Yes...
She: I will upgrade you to the moderator of our apartment. You can start cleaning the flood and off-top in your room. If you manage this task, I may not entrust you with other sections.
by boniq (11:27)
I am a mommy!! O_0

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №2109
Once upon a time, a bus with naked grandmothers will turn over on our street.
<handusnena> also me, the limit of dreams
<jakshi> where was the word about the limit? Our dreams have no limits.
<handusnena> two buses??? % -
<jakshi> handusnena: why two?
<handusnena> because it is more than one
<jakshi> handusnena: more than one is not enough. It takes so much to turn quantity into quality.
<handusnena> is how
For example, on our street, a billion quadrillions of buses with naked babies revolve, under the action of such a mass the object begins to compress, and collapses into a black hole, then you approach, and you lift the black hole from the floor. And you put it in your pocket, now you have your own personal black hole in your pocket of a trillion quadrillions of naked girls.

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №2108
I was in hockey. Dynamo fans burned the American flag on the tribune and mounted them, burning, shouting “Serbia!!!” and Serbia!!" Klich was picked up by Spartak fans from the opposite tribune.
The mentions were silent and smiling.
When the momentum of unity with the brotherly people of Serbia and with the fans of the hated opponent passed, and the flag burned to the bottom, the fans of both teams forgottenly filled each other’s mouths.
The men could do nothing.

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №2107
I sit smoking the website of the Ministry of Defense...I see the section "Etapes of military service", well, I think I will go to honor maybe what interesting I will learn...I go)))) Well, how much more informative and concrete from our military I did not expect:

The stages of military service under the contract include: entry of citizens to military service, passing military service, dismissal from military service.

[ + 16 - ] Comment quote №2106
Friends are expected to share our interests.

[ + -11 - ] Comment quote №2105
Military history, I don’t know how true it is.

During the European campaign of the Russian army after the defeat of Napoleon, the

One of the clashes with the French on French territory happened like this.

the case.

The Hussars had to force the river. After the river, the French

The Position. Naturally in wet pants to fight is not convenient - very embarrassing

The movement. Well, Hussars, the people are not of the shameful - and that before the enemies

to be ashamed - removed the entire bottom of the clothes to the position of "what the mother

I gave birth.” So we went to attack. As I found out later, it was psychological. Therefore

that even the Hussars, with their gently speaking not holy way of life, could not

even come to mind what the corrupt French will think when they see

They are naked but armed to the teeth.

of men.

In short, no one wanted to become a girl. The French turned and

have run.

Our ones have won. Ura to! and :)

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №2104
The most annoying thing about her was that after she had taken a few

During the days of my mother's return, my husband, despite the fact that he worked a lot,

He looked refreshed and rested.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №2103
The development / lack of intelligence of the representatives of our nature and fauna has been known for a long time... but I just woke up when I saw on the lively intersection how the crown so diligently and gently moved up to the green light.

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №2102
Diamond: 7 Signs That Disney Cartoon Winnie the Pooh is Promoting Drugs
The diamond: 1. Ya-ya - he has everything on the drum, he has slow reactions and a pronounced lack of motivation - hemp
The diamond: 2 Fifth - is afraid of everything and suffers from the persecution mania - mushrooms
The diamond: 3 Rabbit - everywhere is his big nose, everything he needs - cocaine
The diamond: 4 Tiger - can not stand still, constantly jumping and screaming never tired - ecstasy
The Diamond: 5 Christopher Robben - can talk to animals - uses hallucinogens
The diamond: 6 Winnie Pooh - loves sweets, has truly unlimited fantasy - LSD
And finally 7. Sova - always comes to help if someone has "problems" - drag dealer

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №2101
TechNik (12:20:18 26/02/2006) I believe that a hammer is a fair fee for drunkenness. As they say, here is the product, here is the price. It’s not good – don’t buy. I am not buying.

Shevnin (12:21:58 26/02/2006)
I support. lung cancer - the price for smoking, obesity - for a high-calorie diet, caries for sweet, as in an anatomical supermarket...

TechNik (12:23:18 26/02/2006)
No... not exactly. Then we need to talk about cirrhosis - for drunkenness. Not about the Mushroom.

Shevnin (12:24:24 26/02/2006)
A hamster is a fee for a single act of taking alcohol inside, and cirrhosis is a fee for an annual subscription.

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №2100
Once again I was convinced that the Astra store should be bypassed.
A friend of mine bought a computer. When reading from the drive sometimes hangs the computer. She brought them for exchange, and she was refused, citing the fact that the drive was written and intended for recording discs. And if to read, then you need to buy a second drive not writing.
This is "a great" shop.

Mr. Hardy

[ + 41 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №2099
The mentions came to me.
Marrakesh: behind loud music
Marrak: I wasn’t at home.

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №2098
Are you ready for the concert?
The fucking concert is over!
XXX: So what this time?! to
yyy: Vova was sitting rehearsing, thumbing means, here to him in the room goes an ankle, in the hand of a scissor. Then the music suddenly breaks, 5 seconds of silence, and the exhausting cry of Vovan: "You are a mudablad animal!!! This cable is more expensive than a guitar!!" Further hit something hard about something soft, in panic runs out Anka, after her folded guitar runs out, runs out Vovan with the amplifier and orets "Return shit, I have not finished yet!"
yyy: As a result, two guitars were killed, a cable for 15 pieces, a reinforcement, and I almost died of laughter :)))))

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №2097
XXX is
I asked for a marriage proposal, but she refused :)
What did you bring? Wine, candles, ristoran... Or an ace?
XXX is
Asus and Tokio
XXX is
Samdurag.. esle "Vino, candles, ristaran.." - that is mozhid and saglasiczo!

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №2096
XXX is
Soon the iron will rise, and then we will write.

Imagine waking up from a knock, and this system driver is being tortured by a pipe from under the table and a bunch of moving wires around it.

XXX is
Soon there will be a riot in the car and... O HORROR!!! ...he will produce a triple volume of Lada Priora.

And she, hating mankind for her misery, will kill people with special cruelty.

XXX is

XXX is
Hm, and the MB on AutoVAZ has long no workers, and it has been autonomously producing machines for several years to destroy humanity?

[ + 67 - ] Comment quote №2095
Gram Winter: What about your cat robber?
Paul Stripe: Through compulsory hunger strikes he realized how much he loves me and no longer hurts.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna