— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №11118
Interview with admin (a) and girl (d) at work:

<d> Sasha, hello to you. Please send me all the files that are not available.
<a> and greetings What to do?
<d> and folders. At least I don't have a file about CASCO 2008
<a> and why should it be in the exchange?
<d> It’s all about Ruslan.
<a> in the Exchange?
<d> somewhere there
<a> that means you have somewhere there.
<d> and I have no
<a> you first find out where this folder is.
<d> at my side of the exchange
<a> on the next chair?
<d> and
<a> Valeria, let’s formulate the task correctly, right?
<a> what is the name of the folder, where it is and why do you need it?
<d> is called "Police Casco 2007", on disk Z
<d> I need to take a picture there
<a> another case
<a> a to "Doctor, I am itching between my fingers"
<a> – between which?
<a> – between the big ones!
<d> what is it like?
<a> yes You have big fingers, what?
<d> nothing

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №11117
Jun is
I can’t love you, baby, but not at 6 a.m. on Saturday. At 6 a.m. on Saturdays I don’t even like cake with cream.

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №11116
Yeltsin (10:23:27 10/10/2008)
I eat in the treemzik, I decided to try to put a paper under the simka. To make money. There was no card in my hand, I put the ticket. Closed the TLF. I cleaned in the bag. Here is control. Ask to present. And throw, aunt, as always, evil, stands, waiting for a ticket. I’m so in a bag. She stands, her eyes shut. I get my phone quietly... She begins to get upset and sneeze. I open the back cover. She is already figured! I remove the battery. People in the vicinity, CTR. She has already managed to turn, begins to roast. I get a paper. I shrink, th. She is already rolled. I am proud to show her! The people around lie :) She, insulted to the depths of her controller soul, psychotically and removed )))

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №11115
Henley ‎ (19:32):

Allan Severin ‎ (19:32):
o_ch - smiley "Kutuzov"?

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №11114
Recently, in one of the works on English, silence and tranquility.
Here breaks up, a boy covered with steam, pulls out a paper with tasks from the teaching table and sits in his seat, on the gallery looks stupidly at him....20 minutes from there hears a quiet mat and a replica: Suki, what is not all in Russian here...

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №11113
Looked for information on the server cabinets and stumbled on an advertisement:
I sell an EcoLine server cabinet.
...after all its parameters and at the end:
Everything is in perfect condition (the cabin was not beaten, did not ride on it, did not live in it).

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №11112
I went to the bathroom yesterday, as usual. I mean lying. I smoke, balde and here I feel in the intimate zones like a sho-touch. I see the fish float, it turns out that the mom bought a live fish in the store and threw it into the bathroom and then split, roasted and eaten. As usual, I wore water and poured foam. I had not been so scared for a long time, it was probably fun to watch me run around the room with a wild whisper in the same towel and scream: fuck, fuck!

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №11111
I live near the computer store.I come back in the evening from work.I look dumb and dressed. I walk through a strange yard. From the nearest bench is removed a typical goop from the corresponding company. He approaches and asks: "The boy is a cigarette?" I answer "No type, I do not smoke" He is such with shiny eyes "And the planks are operative?". I’m standing with a shaken face and saying no. It’s so "Well, it’s a pity. Or I have almost a computer in 2 months assembled... Something operative nobody buys at all"... O_o

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №11110
qnxoid (19:18:47 8/10/2008)
I bought a thermos, very convenient. All night before the compound tea is always at hand.
There is a pot and Katsan to buy.

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №11109
If a girl likes a guy, he will give her 100%.

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №11108
Hallelujah ‎ (19:20)
I was bitten by a hamster today...I think I got infected with rabies...
Hymera ‎ (19:21):
Are you busy if it’s not a secret what you’re busy with?
Hallelujah ‎ (19:22):
Trying to remove the poison from the wound.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №11107
YYY: Do not even parse

Yyy: That all the dudes take wherever they want

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №11106
You are an antisocial type.
He: Well why, I just sit a lot behind the compass.
Do you have a plant?
He has a domestic animal.
She: is it true? Which?
It is USB Winchester. When it is warm and trembling.

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №11105
Opened office in 2007.
I start out. Gives a spreadsheet - "Wait, Microsoft Outlook is preparing a presentation". I feel like he will bring horses, jonglers, clowns, and Gypsies with bears.

It’s up to you 😉 😉 😉


He came to us, Yuzer Lamer Daraga


[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №11104
Yesterday at Pushkinskaya decided to go to the toilet "McDonald", there were no alternatives.
Two citizens barbered, one changed clothes, one of the cabins had a grandfather sleeping, the most outstanding individual at the height of 190 crawled under a hair dryer in a desperate attempt to dry wet hair, while grieving and coughing.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №11103
Call the client.
Please accept the fax account.
And we cannot...
Why is?
There is no light, but what does it mean?
by Uninterruptible

c) DimiDrol

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №11102
A brother like himself? You are not sleeping?
ууу: I sit with my rabbit and rabbit :) really I got puzzles and it seems to deprive me of access to the body for 8 years )))))
Q: What did you do already?
ууу: today the small fever slept, she was finally sent to sleep in her room... well, and the essens began to eat the fruit, which was deprived of almost a week )))
WOW: Well, in the most responsible moment when the cries shouted, I’m over! I picked it up and slapped it – just not in me!!!! ))))
WOW: Zuko orgasm through the rust is fun, but then all the ribs are removed :)))))

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №11101
I just can’t meet anyone.
I’m also looking for a special.
Oh Oh and Naah?
And what about Trajano?
There is a vibrator
Even two things.
He does not grieve, he does not grieve.
But he passes and does not require pellets.

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №11100
Yesterday a little girl came to me on the street and said:
There is a dog! let’s bite the dog!
I thought a lot, I shaved.

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №11099
I am all in a very informative conversation while my fellow group (o) takes my phone, on the screenshot of which is my qualitatively photographed photo.
What is a model?
With a sense of self-worth, that’s me!! to
I am about the phone.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna