— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №11138
Wait, I wear glasses.
o _ o -> (O)_O

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №11137
The electronic dashboard in the center of New York was not designed to meet the current size of the U.S. government debt. The numbers no longer interfere with the screen.

According to the latest data, the United States owed more than 10 trillion 200 billion dollars, reports NTV. In this regard, the dollar sign is no longer placed on the table, designed only for 14 digits. The authorities are planning to fix the situation only next year. For this, it is planned to order a new board, where there will be room for two more digits. Such modernization will increase the public debt to a quadrillion dollars.

The normal solution to the problem in America

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №11136
The best combination of professions is a conductor-pocket!

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №11135
From the book "Eradith.Physics"
Note on the fields in the "nuclear reactors" paragraph:
How to build a nuclear reactor? take a large aluminum pot with a volume of liters of etch by 25. Put there 15 kg of enriched to 95% uranium of fine grind. Gradually pouring distilled water, carefully mix the contents of the pot with an aluminum spoon. When the level of the solution reaches the edges of the pot, the homogeneous nuclear reactor is ready! Upon removing the spoon from the pot, the reactor will start. Be Healthy!

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №11134
People!! to
When you ride the subway on the escalator, stand right!! to
Standing on the left, you risk getting serious injuries! How fuck you!! to

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №11133
My name is Alexander. But for my friends, family, and my future clan, it can be just a shurik or an Ai. I am 18 years old, I am studying at the institute, but don’t think, no, I don’t go there at all! I can spend all my time playing with my pat. I consider my merits to be communicative (I can fly for hours on the roof, raise the enemy's bish on the roof, throw the roof on the roof), the absence of bad habits (I do not smoke, eat little and don't like to sleep). Epic at 5 in the morning? It is easy! Not writing 4 hours non-stop? With pleasure! Clogging the windows? As a nexus! Take me to the clan.

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №11132
Now in the community: took a piece of bread, went to lubricate it with oil. While I went, I ate...

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №11131
A friend now at a conference in America, sent by Ace:

A local temp girl (a French woman) runs to me, and sweetly asks in French: "You can get the printer to print if the paper is over, or you really need it."
and I. You can, you just have to fuck him. The key word is in Russian.
The girl is frightened, delighted... runs around the exhibition, and finds out what the term FUCK means! I found it)))))))))))))))))))

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №11130
Morning (22:34 8/10/2008)
by Andrei! My screen turned! How to put it in place?
go go! (22:34 8/10/2008)
Wait until you let go :)
Morning (22:34 8/10/2008)
I am serious!
go go! (22:35 8/10/2008)
Did you turn it on and it turned?
Morning (22:35 8/10/2008)
No, I lay on the keyboard and the image turned! and :(
go go! (22:36 8/10/2008)
Why did you lie down on the key?? to
Morning (22:37 8/10/2008)
To reboot the modem...
go go! (22:38 8/10/2008)
and a thousand!! Sleeping on the key?? to
Morning (22:39 8/10/2008)
Because I have a computer :(
go go! (22:39 8/10/2008)
No, you better wait until you let go.

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №11129
The acquaintance to work carried... We stood up on the light, we communicated... We hastily touched the green, behind the signals. Knowledge - "I hate the nervous, as a fuck would mount".

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №11128
Wanderer: How nice it would be if the helmets brought children!)
Xenta: How easy it would be if they took them away![ by

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №11127
Putin recently presented a film about judo. It was that he personally demonstrated 6 crown techniques of judo in it :-)
2: I imagine it. The first approach is "Monetization benefits". On the blue screen, Putin throws into a kimono through the hip of a pensioner.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №11126
A coat you refuse to sample because of the high price,

to evil, sits well (Erzhan Orimbetov)

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №11125
The Iron Logic.

There is an open class in the senior kindergarten group.

They read stories, discuss...

The teacher asks the children a question (not quite correct, from the point of view)

Why are stories Russian folk stories?

And immediately receives from the children, in my opinion, an absolutely accurate answer.

So we, the Russian people, cannot read our stories in foreign.

We invent, not the Chinese invent.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №11124
The possibilities of medicine are limitless. A limited number of patients.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №11123
Tarasik: Shashas sister must come!
Andrey is cute? and ;-)
Tarasik is native! - O O

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №11122
A "square" - synonymous with "square"?

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №11121
by citation
XXX is
Have you ever had the desire to hit a man at the top of a long ladder so that everyone would fall down? As for dominoes?

I am afraid to get down in the subway.

Unfortunately, I was drunk in the middle of the escalator and turned down, only twenty steps were hit!

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №11120
The question tormented...
If I still hit the bas, am I a celebrity or a dude?

[ + 41 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №11119
I still watched porn where it all ended in a wedding :D

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna