— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №10538
On the topic of Slayer:
X: Under the lamb of death, I can’t scratch and erupt clots of uncontrollable energy at all.
Y: Will it be washed off later?

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №10537
Mother came disappointed - showed the newspaper TV-radio with a crossword.
Disappointment caused by the answers printed instead of questions :)) The editors decided not to be especially stressed.

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №10536
I realized that I was older when on the offer to play dance from Dendi I was asked "What is it?"

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №10535
In the topic of the quote where the man on the bell was the Voice of Monolith from the stalker.

Yes, I have a call too. I am sitting at work in the furthest corner of the shop, Arbayta. All colleagues squeeze in the opposite corner at the entrance. Here the director enters and begins to distribute the advance. Everyone has given me, I cannot be seen behind the column. His sacramental question is spread "Yes, I gave it to everyone? Where is Nikita?" And of course here my phone rings... "Go to me... Your goal is here..."

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №10534
XXX is
Houston, Houston is out!

Do you have trouble?

XXX is
The main management is out of order, we hold on to the generator!

You have been sitting there for 2 hours!!! to

XXX is
I think it is so quiet...

[ + 66 - ] Comment quote №10533
ithachi (16:22:33 29/09/2008)
I got out of the pair. :D

:D (16:23:24 29/09/2008)
Which UI?

ithachi (16:24:25 29/09/2008)
Yes, Prep read the lecture and at this time walked around the audience, bypassing all the rows... when he once again passed by me, I said “57 seconds, the best round.”

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №10532
The office was LOL. The manager is a 68-year-old woman. He responds to phone calls, prints every piece of paper. The secretary was running in tears. She (girl) cannot work with the flash, the lady gave her "you are like an old marasmatica, fucking, the last time I show you where to get in, then I will get in you";

[ + 68 - ] Comment quote №10531
I have a deffka who is familiar with...mmmmmm... an imbalanced psyche. And her boyfriend works at the cemetery, making monuments. We call them Hysterisk and Obelisk))) Galli)))))

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №10530

therapist > it is sufficient to wrap the shelf to the corners with one screw - at the wall. The second is absolutely nothing.

graphiny > if you make two holes - you need to both!! to

Therapist > well, I will remind you of it later today...

[ + 66 - ] Comment quote №10529
< ÁthaAZK Átha> I was raised
< BJK> )
< ÁthaAZK Átha> I'm in a hurry to share the joy
< BJJJ> :)
<XOBOT> share with us
<XOBOT> keep the joy to yourself

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №10528
Ogryzko accused Russia of trying to destabilize Crimea
In fact, Russia is now accused even of bustling.

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №10527
Brider> Where do children come from?
Lu> from the barracks.With an indispensable comment "the union is ready!"

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №10526
I was once a student, and there was a teacher at our first grade - leading linear algebra and differential equations. Such a big grandfather. His name was Boris Ilyich Friedlander.
And here is a lecture at the whole stream, a large high audience. He says he is writing something on the board. And from the upper ranks especially gifted let aircraft...
And one plane crashes into the board right next to his head. Everyone has a thought – yo-yo...
Boris Ilyich turns around, puts off the blade, removes the glasses and gives:
Everyone has read the book of Mowgli. Well, maybe no one has read, but at least the cartoon has seen... And there was a panter named Bagira. Just then drought came into the jungle, and a large river turned into a small stream. And all the animals, the herbivores and the predators, came on the water, and no one touched anyone. And Pattenter once came on a water drink, and in front of her in the stream, a lamb jumped and plunged, and stirred the water. She did nothing to him, did not eat. She just looked at him and remembered... So I’m about what – a session soon...

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №10525
Playa... I’m in shock!! to
WOW : what?
I’m sitting in the innet lazia... well, in the home behind the comp (dumb in the pants) and here! In the room looks the mouth of the cock knows who (for the first time I see) blue in the stool...I almost wavered from the roof, thrown this Mardo my possessions and me and in the corridor the door covered.
Tagged with: rofl
I’ll go to the hallway and grumble, who’s the fucker?
The neighbor grit from below.
HH: How did you get here? grit mol hz - awakened, went to squeeze, stumbled on the door and there you... and I myself, a neighbor from below, knows how I got here...
I am so happy 😉 😉
Oh yeah: well, I wrote him a sign... so the main thing fell loudly... and the sound of the blow so normal... well, I was in my pockets - I didn't give up anything... and I pulled him into the corridor... let him run there.
(within 5 minutes)
He was a good friend, a neighbor from below, and he brought him home to was necessary to bring him shoes, umbrella and jacket.

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №10524
First you listen to a lecture on nutritional hygiene, and then you go to the dining room and see how the cook lickes the puppy, which interferes with compot!

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №10523
Arisen: I am delighted by the grandmothers in the crowded buses...I drive calmly, holding one hand to the upper charge, the driver brakes sharply at the stop and the grandmother rushes from all the way my forehead into my elbow. I apologize, I’m rushing to the exit. And here she looks like a spark on the whole bus: "What a youth went! First fucking and then quietly falling down!and "

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №10522
A new book is coming out.
The Moscow authorities banned its advertising because the layouts (which were rejected) read: "Advertising for this book is prohibited by censorship." That is insulting for the authorities, because we do not have censorship.
Pellegrini is hot

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №10521
XXX: What is the difference between a cushion and a cushion?
YYY: The housewife will easily lick her eggs.
ZZZ: cotta unexpectedly...

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №10520
XXX is
Here is the generation of the bearded odins, who say: Here is the generation of the chatty odins, who say: Here is the generation of the odins-lamers, who say: Here is the generation of the professional odins, who say: Here is the generation of the wild odins, who say: Here is the generation of the little drunkards, who say: Oh!
by Fuck! It burned!

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №10519
My dad is an interesting person. Every day I will be at 8 a.m. with the question: have I slept?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna