— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 73 - ] Comment quote №7523
And another bag:
1.We selected the line [ +ḳa − ] [:ḳaḳa:] [discuss]
Delaying the shift
Double click on the plush
And if you have the screw we press the WinKey button on the key and holding it, we press the English E button for 3 seconds.

We are loving.

You are falling ((

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №7522
The game is over, the rules are invented.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №7521

The lobby rebellion or the stroke on the face will not be allowed!

Historic blockbuster filmed in Belarus

There were popular unrests, later dubbed the Lobkovo uprising.

The scene of "the girl in the steam" was filmed, without shameful notes. The girls, po

the scenario, luxuriously flushed, and then thrown out of the bathroom in the cold

Water of pond. Technical problems did not hide the scene, all

the lights to the girls themselves, liked, but found one

Unhappy: to the general trouble, it was the director.

The trouble came from where we did not expect it. The girls were young, looking after themselves. in

All the places. The director, threatening his finger, stated: “The hair must be!“”

The director's word, of course, the law, but the grimmers can also be understood -

There were no intermittent pearls in the stock. in itself

This is not exotic porn.

Film, as you know, is made by professionals who are obliged to disrupt any

the trouble. Grimmers began to stick to the girls the usual beards that were in the

of abundance. The girls hiccalled as the beards ticked, but, in general, the shooting

The scenes went smoothly. True, when the nymphs fell into a pond, part of the beard

It came out, but it’s, agree, nonsense: who’s there in the cinema?

I’ll look at it – maybe it’s algae or something else.

is more natural.

The entire filming brigade, of course, jumped in the fists and ticked. besides

Reconstruction of Bush. Bush, so badly smiling, told the crowd: “You

What are you laughing? You will play shooters tomorrow, you will have these beards.

to cuddle...”

Laughter is fast. He cried out: “From the back and on the face? A mouthwashing

Will it be?!! We will not give!“”

Tomorrow’s filming day was on the brink of collapse. Red from anger.

The gunmen sent a delegation of grimers with vows to assure that the

They have these beards are not a single bag and that they are men themselves and everyone understands that

A mouthpiece, not in life. At the cost of nervous efforts and promises.

The bullshit rebellion was extinguished, but the shooters

If they were fooled, they were fooled in the evening. So is easier.

The next day, everyone sitting in the chair to the grimer terribly clarified:

“Isn’t the beard from the pond?” Grimmer demonstrated his beard, lovingly eroded it,

He said, “The new It smells like it – smell it!”

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №7520
The Jews were employed in foreign trade. They are not very complaining and

They decide to get rid of an impossible task. They sell to England.

of Zaporozhye. In a month, he signs a contract for the supply of a large batch.

of Zaporozhye.

sent to Japan. The task is to sell Soviet calculators. through

Six months: a large contract for the supply of calculators to Japan.

Everyone scratches the rabbit and thinks of sending it to Africa, to the equator, to the wild.

to sell the fur. For more than a year, neither hearing nor spirit. Everyone breathed up.

With relief he died. But he comes. Burned and with a contract

Supply of a large batch of meats.

Everyone is in shock and start to experience how he was able to check it all?

In England it is simple. Just arrived, I walk on the street, meet the typical

The Jewish face. We greeted, met and talked. Pick up the necessary

People who came out on their lobbyists in Parliament, conducted a bill...

It was hard to find a Jew in Japan. But when he found, he met.

They brought out the right people, came out on the people in the government, carried out the law.

And in Africa, the problem was not so much to find a Jew, but

Creating a Parliament and a Government. And then it is simply...

[ + 84 - ] Comment quote №7519
And another bag:
1.We selected the line [ +ḳa − ] [:ḳaḳa:] [discuss]
Delaying the shift
Double click on the plush
And if you have the screw we press the WinKey button on the key and holding it, we press the English E button for 3 seconds.

We are loving.

Fuck, tell me the secret that you smoke. How did you discover this??? Are you a half-century expert?

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №7518
And another bag:
1.We selected the line [ +ḳa − ] [:ḳaḳa:] [discuss]
Delaying the shift
Double click on the plush
And if you have the screw we press the WinKey button on the key and holding it, we press the English E button for 3 seconds.

We are loving.

> in the roots!! by David Blaine!!! Oh yeah!!! to

[ + 73 - ] Comment quote №7517

04.07 11:30 British intelligence services called Russia one of the main security threats
04.07 12:18 The head of the British intelligence committee was hospitalized

The hour has passed :)

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №7516
And another bag:
1.We selected the line [ +ḳa − ] [:ḳaḳa:] [discuss]
Delaying the shift
Double click on the plush
And if you have the screw we press the WinKey button on the key and holding it, we press the English E button for 3 seconds.

We are loving.

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №7515
From the ASK:
and karma:
If so, I call you to a duel.

Okay, remember, I am Pushkin, I am destined to win! and :)

and karma:
Pushkin was murdered.

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №7514
XXX was in the village. A grandfather says to his grandmother:
There are such prices, my feet in my mouth, fuck me in my liver!

XXX: I’m in the air!
YYY: Does he also read right? O_O

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №7513
Today, a letter came to the mail about the following content:"Plmt Iroav orlvvvvao aloipjv" from some Abdullah. Have I been cursed?

[ + 73 - ] Comment quote №7512
I am afraid to watch the news >_<
xxx: In Irkutsk cyclists from the early morning of the column circled the posts of the DPS
xxx: to congratulate the ments on the professional holiday.
xxx: the bearded uncles in kitsubs with joyful lilies give the cuddled menta cards and cakes.
The world is changing and I miss something in it >_<

[ + 82 - ] Comment quote №7511
(Discovering flights with the girl, decided to run away...although a lot of books but still.)

"What are the benefits of life with you?

I live alone:
I eat peelmen and pizza, I eat semi-fabricates.
I do everything myself at home.
I go to bed late, but I still get enough sleep, sometimes.
4 is boring.
5 - Well, and sex is not dormant, on the hands hair does not grow like well, long ago to tell you that in the porn network 400 terabytes. It should be enough for the rest of my life.

I live with you:
1 - The food is also semi-fabricated, well, sometimes there are exceptions (rare, and then I cooked).
I do everything at home, almost everything myself. (That is simply! The washing machine is like a washing machine.
We go to bed as late as long as we eat, swim and so on.
It is fun, but the fun ends with the destruction of nerve cells.
5 - Well naturally secas, regular.

The above advantages do not cover the costs of purchasing killed nerve cells, since the body itself can not produce them.

Naked that hope!and "

If there are good people, get to the top...Let them read! And do not go on to the grabbits...which themselves have the kindness of the soul.)

by Sat.

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №7510
Prehistory: was on a tour in Peter and found a cool way of spending time. In short, a competition in which four boys participate is arranged. of two pairs. Each couple should get acquainted with persons of the weaker sex and take a photo with them while kissing. Whoever scored the most in a day won.
So, my friend and I chose Petro-Pavlovsk fortress as the venue of the competition. Well, then it went and went, after a couple of photos began to rush very fast, imho felt that we are behind the planned Napoleon plans, I met another girl, kissed, shouted and went in a hurry further.. after half an hour I realized that I fell in love (I understand what sounds stupidly) with this girl, I searched all but didn't find her(( and didn't even know how her name is. All I know is that she is from Voronezh, she is 15-17 years old, she had a girlfriend Dasha and they left Peter on July 2, and at the first three days they were in the Petro Pavlovsky fortress. If you know somebody who fits this description - be a human being, tap me in ASU 287793980 or on soap
I also used to scare those who write such a mess, but now I myself got into this idiotic position, and I apologize to everyone. Please bring it to the top.

[ + 62 - ] Comment quote №7509
Pussy caught
Top captured

Your quote is too short!

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №7508
Is it worth building a relationship with a person who doesn’t know what the “Big Hadron Collider” is, and who doesn’t even have the assembly to chew headscarves?
© Schierke

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №7507
Tasks in Physics:
"Carbon dioxide slowly flows out of the helium balloon..."

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №7506
We sent their girls to the south with a companion, a touching farewell at the bus and all that. Someone approaches us from the wild and asks where the bus is going. He goes to Adler anyway. The man is so in shock: "Woot is crazy," he goes into the bus, and sits behind the wheel. We had nothing to say to the boys ;)

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №7505
June (11:56:55 30/06/2008)
for the sake of interest set up a "women's calendar", where you can cheat all the shit, celebrate the cheat, menstrual cycles to cheat, even all the shit. So this sickle has already signaled to me 3 times that I have a period in 29 days)) I have not yet broken these, it has already followed me))

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №7504
Xz: I slowly pull off your luxurious coat...
XZ: I pull out the green sweater
XZ: I take off my shirt
XZ: I break my teeth
XZ: I am taking the second lift.
Xz: the emana!! to
XZ: Another sweater
XZ: How did you do it?
Xz: Fac my brain!

You just bite her!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna