— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №8327
1: I'm bitten by a donkey - my shoulder is itching, it hurts and it seems to fall off soon (
Write to this place - it really helps!
1: I can't get *JOKINGLY* but the swollen trident ((
2: Go to the doctor
Do you think he would agree to write me? :D

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №8326
XXX: The provider got...
Call to Sapphire.
XXX: If it would help. The last time no fell, I called the sapport, the phone was not taken for 5 minutes, then raised and laid down. And they have there first the auto respondent suggests pressing 0 for the sapport and 1 one for the sales department. I pressed 1 and asked to connect to the TP. They told me to press 0 and I replied that if I didn’t get a TP, I would ask the manager to invite me. They connected and in 10 minutes didn’t work.
I need to call the sales department =)
XXX does not help.
xxx: because after I posted this story on the failure forum, the sales department also stopped taking the tube 8)))

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №8325
From an Explanatory Note
"Working on shift, July 16, on my birthday..."

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №8324
I watched a video from Bash. He started laughing at Anchorage.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №8323
Call to Support:
There is no connection with such a branch in such a city.
- Yes, there is a problem with the satellite time removal can be called.
But what are you doing about this.
- Of course the shuttle in the courtyard stands, the salad was only taken.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №8322
7974 (saved 2008-07-30 at 04:05)
Stathas saw the guy rise out of the hunt and began to hit the trolleybus standing on the lighthouse with an umbrella, because it was painted Timati in a shirt advertisement.

at 4:05 am in the morning? O_O

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №8321
Start with details:

Hundreds of anti-Semitic opponents of democracy marched in Moscow. During the march they sold books and brochures.

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №8320
Replayed Final Fantasy IX... Who doesn’t know, there in the beginning the hero in a dark room lights up the light, and from another room he is asked "Who is here?" The mood was disgusting, and called his hero "Pizdec"...

This is me, Pizzac!
Pizzard, you are late today!

In fact, the princess will be stolen by a pirate.

The pirate! It was horrible!

“Mom... Pizzade... I can’t rely on them anymore.

The pirate! What a delicious flower!

Pizzas, wait for you!

What a comedy! Pizzas, isn’t it funny?

“Pizdec, promise me one thing...Please come back!

My mood has improved :)

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №8319
Some of the boys lived in a rare bank of pomegranates. She was 7 years old or so. During this time, it changed colours and textures. They were afraid to open it, so that what lived there did not capture the world, but did not throw it out, because suddenly the war, and this is a noble bacteriological weapon :)

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №8318
Biology is a powerful science! With a rich imagination. from the report - the red book of the Krasnodar region: long-nosed beetles: Slonik sharp-winged, Bosporomias puchistenky, Ploskokril ušasty, Pahyper thick, Skrytohobotnik-pahar, Fat-blacked. I am delighted!

You should smoke less...

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №8317
Are the phones flying?
Yesterday I crashed on the X-Vox 360, went to sleep, turned off the TV. Here I hear a noise, I watch the joystick shower and crawl to me, like ‘take me, let’s kill them all!’ It turned out that the dam started.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №8316
Shame on your Rabsan and Jumshut! You have not yet seen how the Gypsies in Vietnam sliced hot asphalt with plastic wardrobes and then laid it with their hands! :D

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №8315
Shut: Hi
Shut to: Hi! Why are you silent?
Hello, I am sick today
What did you drink yesterday? :)
Beze: I have a female disease, you understand?
Shut: shizo in the early stages?)))

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №8314
How did the day of admin go?
The circus showed...
WOW: He ate a double, sat up for 20 minutes, then turned on the computer, launched the assu and began to speak out to the dean.
Q: Is it serious?? to
HHH: *ROFL* The shoes are examples of heaven?
The grey situation saved. I raised the left ass, all the currencies with her sent out, said it was I - Valjuha, my ass was stolen - it is my new number.
Q: How much is the currency scattered?
and the box)

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №8313
<xxx> Did I get the grills that I bought a Tanjuhe machine?
<yyy> washing machine :)
<xxx> no, Ford Contour GL :)
<yyy> you are so cute :)
<yyy> and can I buy it? and :)
<xxx> is not in question. But you’ll have to replace her as a wife :)
<yyy> fucking I knew it was going to be a podvo.... :)

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №8312
I wanted to eat a banana and asked, “Who wants a banana?” The current in the women's camp could answer to ask "where?")))

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №8311
I go to work, there is a traffic jams in front of me. I go, I slow.
and... falling on the wheel from the heck: in front of the car number
and 666.
Oh, and not lucky the man with the number!

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №8310
People, please, when you write quotes about the job, add your address and your FIO.
It will be easier for us to curl you, you lenient wretches.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №8309
Often the cause of bars is slave psychology.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №8308
The preface.

My daughter, like all children, sometimes doesn’t eat any food.

But the word “must” acts on her inexorably. When she is not at all

Not to convince, I let go of the last argument: “EAT! It is useful!”

So here.

One morning she went to wash and saw that in the bathroom (Oh horror!)

There is a huge black spider. In panic he calls for help:

and Mom! Kill the frog!

This is not a spider, it is a spider.

Kill the spider! I am afraid of him!

Do not kill him, let him live, he is useful.

Rounded eyes and scream of horror:

I will not eat it!!!! to

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna