— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №8307
“Wolod, I didn’t understand how you broke down Yukos...

Smoke, I show you again!

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №8306
“In short, Max, smoked, came to McDonald’s. And there, you know, you can buy a micro-pack of ketchup for a potato for 5 rubles.
nastka-apple: So, he gives a buzz for a sturdy paper of 500 rubles and demands a hundred portions of ketchup! Mist in the unconscious, Max begins to push the right - like I am your client, my desire is the law, and maybe I lack ketchup in the body, call the manager, etc. A scandal with the administration.
How did it end? 😉
nastka-apple: something, he bought 100 servings of ketchup :)
tersan: "You are here or with yourself?")))) fucking, I am so curious what he did with them next )))
Nastka-apple: I honestly don’t know.
Teresan: Please find out. It is important to me :)

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №8305
Ruth (14:37:16 14/07/2008)
I am looking for what it means "caligatic osteopolyation" on a liter of beer argued, and no search engine knows
Rothschild (14:40:13 14/07/2008)
For a long time I thought that the phrase was invented, even in the book there is, showed the boy, the page is sworn in besides that phrase...
Edvin (14:46:13 14/07/2008)
Think of Latin, look for pieces.
Gothic (14:46:59 14/07/2008)
ah, osteopoly - or bone ends, or spontaneous bone ejaculation)))))
Edvin (14:47:20 14/07/2008)
Then there will be "Osteo-"
Rothschild (14:58:19 14/07/2008)
I don’t think there is medicine at all.
Edvin (15:00:34 14/07/2008)
and what?
Wicked (15:01:10 14/07/2008)
And he knows... I’ll give up... we’ll drink beer together anyway.
Wicked (15:41:58 14/07/2008)
In short, I give up, the type I don't know, I come to him, he shows me a book "Internet for teasers" and there is almost literally written "the search engine is looking for only what was written before, while it is desirable to correctly write the words of the request, t.k. search for the phrase "caligatic osteopolycy" most likely will not give anything"... stucco... so competent on beer no one has raised me yet...

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №8304
About a month ago, xxx stitched the nail, now it's all black.

xxx: looking at my finger, I had the idea to open a manicure salon "GOT". The only tool is passengers.
YYY : :D
XXX: No No
Tag: normal idea
xxx: "GOT+EMO"
Tagged: Gotham
xxx: the first go to nail "paint", the second to cry
YYY : :D
The instrument is one...
YYY: no more costs
xxx: we here on the floor room was released recently, I will go find out how much the rental costs

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №8303
(XXX) * Contact has deleted itself *
(YYY) So think about it
(YYY) and make conclusions
(XXX) The contact removed you
(XXX)*Contact removed by ICQ*
(YYY)*Contact has taken you to the spybox of ignored*
(XXX)*Contact removed from Windows Vista*
(XXX)*Contact puts Linux*
(YYY)Contact takes a tail and goes to you*
(XXX)*Contact grows beard and moustache*
(XXX)* Contact is wearing pants*
(XXX) * Contact dresses
(YYY) *Contact itches your ass*
(XXX)*Contact corrects the hue in the pants*
(YYY)*Contact fixed with a tail*
(XXX)*Contact is removed from Contact*
(YYY)*Contact with the tail
(XXX)*The helmet breaks out of Contact*
(YYY)*The towel flaps from the contact towel*
(XXX)*Contact helmet switches from Contact Helmet*
(YYY)*Contact "Tupper" in anger*
(XXX)*Contact thinks: "take to smoke this shit!"*
(YYY)* Contact calms the tail*
(XXX)*Contact grit: "Where will we meet Padlyuko?"*
(YYY)*Contact takes a tail and goes to contact access*
(XXX)"Contact is armed with two tails, includes the Wrath of the Tail and waits"

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №8302
We have one guy just fired, now from his office the song of Leningrad speaks out - and I'm all fucked, I'm made of meat, the worst thing that can happen... I'm going to be a pidaras, one of the fellow servants was sent to ask to make it quieter, he approaches, knocks on the door, the fired head lifts and says:
Oh, Volodya, come in, you won’t throw words out of the song.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №8301
A mother-in-law comes to me, all in the soap, and tells me that her neighbors on the fence are surviving from the house (according to my information, this has been happening for 25 years). I ask: How? "Yes, you understand, I found a plastic bottle of a strange appearance in my box with sludge in the partition, with muddy water on the bottom, the cut part of the bottle with a sweater on top, the throat burned. Now I understand why my legs swell and my head hurts. I used to call all my friends and acquaintances:"What do I do?". On the advice of friends, she burned it all at the crossroads at the full moon, went to the church and put candles to all the saints, sanctified the apartment... After a while, this bottle appeared again... She sits all in tears, in slugs, describes all this situation. I’m beginning to understand that it’s about the "bubble", but how do I tell her about it? to burn?

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №8300
Talk to an old man:

1: - we had a joke, the director drunk slept on the couch in the hallway, the chef passed by and began to wake him up, the director thought it was someone of us. And without opening his eyes in all his voice: "A day, fuck...yo!!!!!" The boss after this incident for 3 days did not enter our building...

He was afraid that he would keep his promise. I cut off the account.

Probably... by the way.
It had to be seen, the boss still so gently stands behind his cheek pulling him...

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №8299
The hole was not successfully produced.
The reason is lack of time.

The hot dog was late somewhere.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №8298
He is
There are a few distortions.
He is
I cannot offer such things.
Try it, I have a chance to refuse.
I warn you - to suck on each other is an apophysis of idiotism.
as well as inserting a member into the anus of a living person)

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №8297
Serg: By chance you did not learn Japanese.
Vika: Neither accidentally nor specifically I studied Japanese. What purpose are you interested in?
Suddenly you know...
Serg: the boiler can be translated as Renato
vika: in what context? What is the talk?
Vika: Japanese so multifaceted
SERG: in the title
Serg: Written by Katakana
Maybe there’s something sad there. Type: "Murena-to escaped..."
The saddest Japanese fairy tale
Vika: or, on the contrary, very angry and expressive: "not a fool is not understandable!!and "

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №8296
The Cat
Is it possible to add a person to a contact sheet of aska?
Much and what?
The Cat
Interesting is. For example, has she jumped?
100 with a goat.
The Cat
The Truth?
Yes Yes
Thirty without a whore.

600 is

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №8295
In the year when the houses in Volgograd and Moscow exploded, if you remember, the situation was quite nervous. Literally a few days after the next explosion, I eat in the trolleybus No. 10, as placed filled under the bandage.
On the back floor, where I am standing, the question is whose bag? I look around and see a black bag of pretty evil appearance. As the trolleybus approached the stop, it became apparent that the owner was not there. The crowd fell out of the door, almost everyone went out. I didn’t go out, I had one stop. A man stood next to him, and there were eight people on the front floor, apparently there they thought they were safe.At the stop, the crowd of those who came out explained to the crowd who wanted to enter that there was a bomb in the bag. At this time, the man who stood with me takes the bag and puts it out at a stop. The trolley bus immediately closes the doors and leaves. And I see through the window that the people are starting to run out from the stop.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №8294
pizza the world grows up and I don’t ( (formerly the girls smashed that my mom won’t let go and now that my husband is at home)

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №8293
Hole, am I still not asleep?

Beowulf 13th
You are gay (:


Not for that exactly.

More precisely it is not true!! to

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №8292
No, is it okay? Not only that my cat has been running on cats for six months, but this animal has become a habit for the last month before going out to jump on the stool and wrap 30 seconds in the mirror. Does it spell?

Remember what cats are, so don’t confuse them.

Or maybe he’d hint to you that it’t be bad to do that too.

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №8291
ESI: Due to an accident at the substation and a power outage, there was no technical break this morning, the administrator was sitting with a candle and singing the international.

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №8290
I saw a girl in an ultra-short dress today.
The girl's legs were very even nothing, and in shoes on heels she clearly knows how to walk.
She had a tampon rope, which turned out to be much longer than the shirt.

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №8289
I sit with a friend drinking. Nobody is nitrogenated. I noticed that a couple of times a man of 25-30 years had run by. Wow, I did not pay attention. After a few minutes, the body comes to us. Standing up next door. Then he says:
You are drinking, right? Are you drinking your country?! to
We are sitting in Ahuya (chucks dribbled some... we are already cooking fists. The shit knows it, will start the puzzles pitch.)
He went into his pockets. I got 2 cups of candy!) He gave me a friend and then took a beer. He gave us, gave us and gave us down.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №8288
("(O_O)/"): You don’t miss my quotes on the tower, then I’ll go and open my tower, with Black Jack and the prostitutes...

In search of Yandex.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna