— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №8127
I think we are on the way with you!

I don’t think... I’m not going.


[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №8126
Are you going to grind?
She is: thank you.
he: "thank you, yes" or "thank you, no"?
Thank you, I don’t know.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №8125
Did you go to the sea with us?
Why does it sound like "I want to see your breasts"?
He is :)

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №8124
Let’s go see what’s going on in the movie to know what to shoot.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №8123
Is it really because the eyesight is broken?
WOW: Of course, it will be spoiled if the member is such a size that it needs to be looked at in the lump.

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №8122
The told story:

One uncle came to the market on a motorcycle with a wheelchair and put it near the road. And the road under the hill... Well, I left, and the iron beast broke off the bond and so carefully went down. The man broke the case and struck after him.
Picture with oil: A motorcycle runs on the road without a driver, and the owner runs behind him, shrinking and suffocating.
And here, before this procession on the road side-by-side comes out beha and of course catches a motorcycle. From it, the driver is drawn and begins to cover the newly coated owner with a good matte. But he is sure: "Man, where are you going? He was on the road!"

The empty scene

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №8121
can someone explain what language in the word "Russian (Moldova)" - for writing construction documentation anything?

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №8120
Just just.
My daughter (7 years old) read something, then comes and asks:
Mom, but the Indians called "Big Eye", "Courageous Heart"... and why did Chingachuk have the nickname "Big Snake"?
I couldn’t find anything to answer her...

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №8119
by yadChaoS:
Ana Hathaway in Kazakhstan
And with the Nazarbayev secrecy

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №8118
Recently, a new elevator was installed in the house and a day ago a announcement was hanged:
Dear residents and guests of our car!
Get a new elevator.
He is good and not guilty at all"

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №8117
I called a taxi for the city. We explain to the operator how to get there:
Go to N, there to the right. Look at the policeman.
Is it a monument?
0 - O

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №8116
Does my dad smoke?
Nubby: No
TuchkA: and my yes, yesterday came, smoked, I opened the window, I can’t breathe, and at night it froze very much. we have cold here, the weather is bad, the summer has ended, and all because in Plesetsk launched a satellite
NubbY: female logic in action? O_O
What does this have to do with logic?
Nubby: It’s true, and there’s a logic...

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №8115

This is not a dog, it is a complete business.
After long training to go to the toilet,
She walked her foreheads into the bowl and wrote on the floor. I don’t know, should I punish her?

Shadow: It seemed like she was in the pot...half.

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №8114
Nastya (14:50:30 23/07/2008)
very funny morning, I came out of the car on a raft, I look at my legs and understand the demand that the left foot on the right foot and the right foot on the left...))) And something so funny to me, I go laugh at myself, I lick, I stumble myself, the feeling as if the shoes are about to fly, and to the subway to go another 200 meters - through the crossing, then the escalator... cables in different directions, all as if only and look at what on my legs))))), I go laugh, I get to the bench in the subway, I sit down and understand.... that everything is in its place, and I rye even more, this is what means self-suffering)))))))))))) and immediately go comfortable and excellent shoes

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №8113
YYY: Listen, I urgently need a portion of pizza...y, I can’t force myself to work.
XXXX: Listen, I am preparing the documents for the bank, adjustments, if I do not do them, we will crack the credit line of 700,000,000 rubles, and then I will have so many pizzas that I will be able to share with all of Moscow, the Region and you - a car and a small cart will get...

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №8112
Alex, you don’t like me.
Come here, I love you.

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №8111
She: Tell me honestly, am I smart for a blonde?
For the blonde, yes.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №8110
The video is full of shit. Jeremiah is fucking. Par-Par-Pam and Par-Pam
Bring to the top of the plywood, if you agree that it needs to be removed nahuy and not shame the bor.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №8109
From Men’s Health:
Of course, any lady will confirm that a man with pumped biceps, a relief press and an impressive member is cool and helps well from coughing.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №8108
I saw an anecdote yesterday. Close to October. On the "zebra" came out a aunt on the focus, and behind her is a hatchback, everything as it should be - red sprayers, caps, stickers, and drove 18 years in a cap. In general, since the aunt was decent, she decided to surrender back and not interfere with pedestrians. The sixth does not notice. In general, I stumbled into the front buffer, while the threshold and thunderstorm was much more than it should be. I am standing in front of you watching all this. A boy jumps out of the sheet, runs back, and then I understand where the thunder came from - he picked up the rear bumper and put it in the salon, and only then ran out to scream on the aunt from the focus.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna